Chuck Shute Podcast

Marq Torien (Bulletboys frontman)

Marq Torien Season 2 Episode 49

Episode #49- Singer/Guitarist Marq Torien from the Bulletboys phones in to discuss his whole career including playing in a band signed to MoTown Records, with Ozzy Osbourne, in Ratt, King Kobra, the Bulletboys and even auditioning for Motley Crue!  

0:00:00 - Intro
0:01:26 - Welcome Marq / Growing Up in Cali
0:03:22 - Motown Records
0:07:05 - Motley Crue
0:22:40 - Ozzy Osbourne 
0:27:30 - Ratt
0:33:40 - King Kobra & Bulletboys Formation
0:41:20- The Piss Room 
0:42:50 - Ted Templeman 
0:46:00 - Guns 'N Roses
0:53:10 - Tour w/ Cinderella & Winger
0:54:10 - Metallica 
0:55:03 - Alice In Chains & Kiss
1:01:35 - DJ Ashba & Jason Hook 
1:03:50 - Sebastian Bach 
1:07:35 - Jesse Hughes & Dave Grohl 
1:19:50 - Elefante and "Symphony" 
1:22:05 - Bus Trouble in Phoenix
1:27:22 - New Single & Upcoming Plans
1:31:00 - Politics & Unity in the World 
1:40:55 - We Rock For Autism 
1:42:05 - Wrap Up

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Chuck Shute :

Welcome to the Chuck Shute Podcast. My guest today is Marq Torien from the Bulletboys. So Marq's actually had a really long career in the music business. It actually started with him playing in a band signed to Motown Records. And then he was briefly Ozzy Osborne's guitarist, which I didn't know. Then he was also the guitarist for rat, which I also didn't know. And then he sang for a band called king cobra. You might remember them from the 80s they had a song on the Iron Eagle soundtrack before he was in the band. And then of course, Mark went on to start the bullet boys, and he's been in that band ever since 1987. The first record they had went gold, they had videos on MTV songs on the radio tours with poison and Ozzy all this stuff, and many of the original mumble members left the band in the 90s but Mark stayed with it. And the original lineup actually just recently reunited. But then of course COVID happened. So tours on hold, but Mark did mention that there are plans in the works for the band. And he just had a lot of great stories to tell. With everyone involving Motley Crue Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters. I mean, he's a great storyteller and a fun guy to talk to. So enjoy. Mark torian Hello. Hi. Is this mark? Yes, it is. Hi is Chuck shoe from the chuck shoe podcast? How's it going?

Marq Torien :

Hi, Chuck. How are you? My brother? How you doing?

Chuck Shute :

I am great. Great. See, I didn't realize Yeah, we had a guest Troy Patrick Burrell. on my show. I didn't realize he was actually in the bullet boy. So you must know him, right?

Marq Torien :

Yes, actually, he was paying for a little bit. Yeah, he was a pick up dinner that we picked up for the shows. Absolutely.

Chuck Shute :

That's very cool. Yeah. So we probably have some more connections that we'll figure out here in a minute because I want to Go through your whole career if you don't mind, because you've had an amazing career.

Marq Torien :

Oh, thank you so much.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah. So you actually let's start back in the beginning. Quite.

Marq Torien :

It's been quite a long one I started I started in this game when I was about seven years old. So

Chuck Shute :

yeah. Your your father, your father played in an orchestra and your mother sang and she would have you go go do shows at a very young age like schools and things like that, right? Yes, absolutely. And then you grew up you also you did a lot of surfing and escape or you grew up in California. So you had the California life I kind of like what I always dreamed of like nanotube and oh, and Saved by the Bell I kind of saw

Marq Torien :

Well, you know, we had the LA County, California life. I grew up in a in a small town called mon Bella in Los Angeles. Pretty much, pretty much closest female in the hood. And it you know, as I grew up, skating, In surfing and sports and everything else, California is always a very skater community and surfing community here. So when you're kind of boring here, you either get involved in that kind of thing or you get involved in some other things that are probably very good for you.

Chuck Shute :

Sure, yeah. So what? How old were you when you were assigned? So I didn't know this? Did my research. You were assigned to a band called Cagney and the dirty rats and it was on Motown Motown Records. You played guitar and sang for this band?

Marq Torien :

Yes, I did. Yes, I sang on Main tracks on that record. And I was signed by Motown and my very young age probably, I'm guessing right now about about 1920. Okay, around there. 21. It was one of the greatest experiences and so it is the greatest experience of mine of my career. We're very fortunate to be signed by Carrie Ashby Gordy Jr. and Benny Medina for few Motown Records, and by the chairman himself. So, yeah, it's it's funny that you mentioned that because I just recently reconnected with Terry Gordy. And we're going to be working with each other on some, on some endeavors and be working with each other in the future. I just love them to death and he's so much fun. And, you know, Motown was extremely, how would you say? It was extremely educational time musically for me? I learned so much there at Motown from the beginning on that I really didn't have any idea about so I was being part of the Motown family, to me is the most heartwarming experience that you possibly could imagine. As an artist, you know, and to be part of that family, you know, on tagging dirty rats. We also had, you know, the temptation sign on that record, Daniel Walker played horn. Smokey Robinson was a part of it. Rick James is a part of it as writers, and it was just this magical time, where Benny and Carrie wanted to get together this punk rock thing, you know, and they had the they had the, how would you say it the vision for it? And at the time I was doing, I was doing something I had a timetable is a little confusing to me right now. But I got a call from the lead singer who was even on piano and he said, Listen, I'm working on this thing. What kind of project is Motown? I mentioned during in there some songs in the album that really not in my wheelhouse, and I think it would be great in the songs. playing guitar and listening would would you be interested in it? And I was like, wow, this sounds really strict. It's strange, but it sounded like a challenge. It's really challenging to me musically. And I said, Amen. You know, so I met the dollars and we work diligently and I'm just talking to Carrie about that. I said, you know, y'all taught me how to how to really hurt us. I know.

Chuck Shute :

So did you idolizing those people like Smokey Robinson and Rick James or were you? Or both or all that stuff?

Marq Torien :

I grew up idolizing anybody that was on the lookout, okay. Anybody that was named Stevie Wonder. Smokey Robinson, the great Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson, Jackson Five, Jr. Walker, the temptation.

Unknown Speaker :

I mean, I could go on and on and on.

Marq Torien :

Very well. My gosh, Gladys Knight and the pips. Gladys Knight is still one of my D favorites. Welcome. The Waltons.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah. So when you first came moved from Montebello to Hollywood, I heard you tell this story of the one of the first bands that you met was Motley Crue. It was at the Rainbow. And you got to tell the story because it didn't start out so well. Because at the time people have to remember back in the early 80s, you said that there was not a lot of Hispanic people in Hollywood at the time. So when you showed up at the Rainbow Motley Crue was not happy to see you there or

Marq Torien :

no, not very happy to see me there. Or a couple of my Chicano brothers that were coming up in Montebello at the time.

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

Yeah, it was a very strange time back then, you know, I would like to say now before I say what I'm going to say, some people find it very difficult to understand the story, and I'm here to tell you the story that what happened after that I became very Very close with this band, and they kind of took me underneath their wings. And you know realized that I was this this musician that they had heard about, but you know, they they were hard and they're Hollywood band and the band was Motley Crue on I remember it was like it was yesterday back in the day. We would all get together at the Rainbow. I was very young. I probably wasn't dressed to the hils as a lot of Hollywood bands were at that time, you know, coming from inner cities and we are home for my band called "Terrain" was the the Troubadour, we would play a lot of shows out of my high school down at the troubadour. So we would, it was never like new, you know, a Hollywood strip and we would come and sit on the on the side walks right next to (unintelligible), pass out our fliers, you know and one day when I was really excited because I really I was wanting to meet this band called Motley Crue because they were, you know, we're from the Pasadena Monterey Park Montebello area and, you know, it trickles down into this band Motley Crue, you gotta go see this band. These guys are, you know, these guys are amazing. That's amazing band. So we walk in, you know, to the Rainbow parking lot one day and I see this guy with light blonde hair, big giant stiletto boots on and he's leaning up against the brick wall that was there was no tables or anything outside, which is like a brick wall kind of like with it and stuff. And, you know, and here's, here's me, you know, I'm, I'm just completely wet behind the ears. You know, I'm trying to figure out the three of us in this band playing and we were playing backyard parties, you know, to like 1000 people capacity. You know, we were really drawing a lot of people in the in the San Gabriel Valley, backyard party thing. So people that kind of knew about us and were doing your shows and can walk enough and I remember Sammy my my bass player San Marino, shout out to Sammy, he was retired Los Angeles police detective.

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

Guy's an incredible guy. But I'm gonna mentioned Sammy's name because Sammy was very influential, showing me different artists and musicians, he would sit and listen to vinyl at home all day. And he constanly, you know, you're gonna listen to this, and listen to this, you know, and me and him with big David Bowie fan. So we're like, oh, my God, we both love Bowie!

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

You know, we're all about that and, you know, artists that, that maybe some of the highest people that we knew really weren't into, we had a very strong punk, very punk rock roots. I mean, we used to go see Fear and together. And Circle Jerks. Wow, no backyard party now we always call it that. So, so, hands back going back to the scenario. So, thinking this is a hard story for me to tell because... I didn't think of myself the way... Hollywood thought of people with skin color.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah. Did you have blonde hair at the time? Or did you have the dark hair?

Marq Torien :

No, No, I had my natural which I have now natural dark hair, you know, very, very skinny but skinny as a toothpick, wearing the tightest pants I possibly could with my high top tennis shoes. And...

Chuck Shute :

yeah, it was the 80s!

Marq Torien :

Yeah, you know, he's trying to write Yeah, to come up and up and we're there and kind of turns around and goes, I think that's the lead singer from Motley Crue, and kind of talk in and comes really close to him.. And he goes, Hey, hey, what's going on? He goes, "Beaner go home. We don't need beaners in Hollywood. Go home. Get the fuck out of here. " And we'll just like did he actually fucking just say what I thought he said? Nothing. You're talking to three tough guys in the inner cities. We didn't play no games either.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah, right.

Marq Torien :

We're not the Hollywood people, but we took quite offense to that.

Chuck Shute :

Uh.. Yeah,

Marq Torien :

We're just like, well, what the fuck did you just say? Get ready to get started and you know, even when I said then out of nowhere, guy comes walking around, kinda looking insane, dark hair, dark bangs, and you know, then he comes up he goes you heard what he fucking said. Because we don't need beaners in Hollywood, you need to go home and wetback Get the fuck out in here beaner. So I was like, whoa, whoa, so all of a sudden then it got tense. And then my my Sammy, he is so punk rock. He was just like, Who the fuck are you because you're gonna get the fuck knocked out right now. And Jay Salcino, my drummer, who was part of a little gang is on the South side of town. He wouldn't playing that.

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

So there was no attention there. And then out of nowhere, this big tall angel comes running out. And it was Tommy Lee. Hey, man. Hey, dude, this guy cool man. I you know, I know god man. Great bad musician to play the Troubadour and stuff and, and Nikki's like, Oh yeah. Oh fuck this guy and I don't like the way you look, or the way you dress. And Tommy was like, dude, be cool, man. Hey, man, what's up, name? That's like, my name is Marq Torien, my name's Tommy Lee, dude, because I heard about you, you're a great guitar player, singer, blah, blah, blah. You come on with me? Oh, can you fucking guys, the So I'm just like, you know, Nikki's just sitting there and Vince is sitting there and they're kind of like, what? So finally we talked a little long kind of explained to me what their scene was. Like. Frank's thing was - Nikki Sixx aka Frank Ferrano,..

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

You know, Vincent or Tom? Well turns out he tells me after we have a couple drinks that Vince is Chicano. I know dude, don't listen to that shit bro, people are weird here in Hollywood. Love you bro, we're brothers now, it's cool. Ever since then, after that, we were all friends.

Chuck Shute :

Wow. That is quite the story.

Marq Torien :

But that's not I mean I got that a lot of times we will be walking up and down bizzarri passing out flyers and they will tell us "Beaner go home." all the time... We don't want wetbacks in Hollywood, you need to go back to where you fucking came from." We were just like, we just like we were like cool because guess who hung out with us? All the hot girls.

Chuck Shute :

So you had the last laugh...

Unknown Speaker :

Oh Boy. Boy, do we ever because Sammy's a good looking man? Yeah, myself. I got by him by grammar did. So people already knew it. So we're bringing people from the inner cities and in a city from where we grew up in Hollywood so we kind of had you know, populism and stuff. So we were very it was a struggle to be able to play clubs and come from the inner cities and you know, the only bands of color at the time were my close friends, a band called Sound Barrier. And Sound Barrier were the only black metal band.

Chuck Shute :

Oh, yeah? I haven't heard of them.

Marq Torien :

All beautiful black folks. Right.

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

sweetest guys, amazing musicians. I'm still friend with Bernie and Tracy and I still see you guys all the time to Bernie every once in a while. amazing singer. And we became real close with those guys, because they were doing something that no one else is doing.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah. So did you get rattled filled out like all these people calling you the names and stuff? Did you ever did that rattle you at all? Or did you get it? riled up like getting fights or anything or

Marq Torien :

of course we did

Chuck Shute :

Did you win the fights that's the important question.

Marq Torien :

Of course we did. Wow, you're talking you're talking to the guys coming in from Montebello.... East LA with chips on both of their shoulders... Yeah, it's not what you're willing to pay. We're not gonna we're not gonna fuck with these guys. These guys are go even alone, you know? So that's how we came up the ranks.

Chuck Shute :

That's very cool. So you were friends with Motley Crue and then also I heard that Gene Simmons

Marq Torien :

say that Oh, sorry. Not only close friends, but we like gigantic respect for Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil, Nick Mars. And the great Tommy Lee. Those guys I have mad respect for because they taught me and they brought me into They're into their thing. Yeah. Because we were all just a bunch of, you know, misfits, an Island of Misfit Toys. You know, so they brought me into their thing. And you know, we became really close man.

Chuck Shute :

No, it was

Marq Torien :

a weird thing in the beginning and I never, you know, like, tell the story. I told a story. I'm sure you've heard it. And yeah, people get very tripped up a little gets real quiet. And I'm just like, you guys, wait a minute, this is long time ago, and they go was it really like and no one's gonna talk about it, but you're talking to a kid that you know, is, you know, a brown skinned man but, you know, Spanish, Chilean, English. That came from inner city. Never didn't speak a lot of Spanish, you know, but we worked very, very, very hard and diligent, and it was a lot difficult I feel for people of color, to make it in At that time,

Chuck Shute :

for sure for sure. And then is it true that that you later would audition to sing for Motley Crue? Is that a true story?

Marq Torien :

It is.

Chuck Shute :

Can you tell me about the Do you remember that at all like

Marq Torien :

oh yeah, it's pretty much like and close to the height of the Bulletboys.... of course I'm very close with working with Motley and I love them to death still, you know, we don't get to see each other very often but I love them with all my heart. I still text Tommy, you know, all the time talking back and forth every once in a while. But yeah, there was a time where they were having trouble with Vince. And you know, I have mad respect for Vince, Vince is a friend of mine and I love them dearly. And I would call them they could call in to talk about singing in the band work together a little bit of work a couple pieces, like a couple of kind of gallery type of things and You know, it was just hard I couldn't. I really wanted to help my friends but I didn't want to leave my band. And we were, you know, coming up to the apex of our popularity and Nikki and Mick are just like You know Marq, I don't think this is going to work. We've known each other for so long and I'm sticking with it. We're going to find somebody but can you do me a favor? Can you hook me up with with the singer for The Scream? The guy that you had opening up for you on the Freakshow Tour. Oh yeah, Oh, Johnny. Yeah,

Chuck Shute :

John Corabi

Marq Torien :

Love that guy. Great. Yeah. Great singer. great singer. So I think I had a little bit of getting Johnny involved with Motley.

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

Because we we had had them and I just got to honest with you, part time the same story I discovered John Corbai have to do sorry when he's playing in a band called Roxanne and I stumbled out of a limo limousine completely drunk and high and walked in and heard this guy and I was guessing I couldn't. I couldn't bloody believe that he was just amazing. So I knew some of my friends of mine from the Scream were looking with a Bruce Bouilet and, and Johnny were looking for Juan Adlderete were looking for a singer. So I found this guy, we became friends. You know, I was just like, you know, hey, listen, I think I have a band for you to play in but I think you're gonna have to leave your band... you know, whatever it is. I love Johnny to death. So I was able to talk to them get John and Johnny on the phone, and they hit it off and he joined the Scream

Chuck Shute :

And then later on with Motley Crue.

Marq Torien :

Yep. Which Nikki loved the Scream record and loved Johnny's voice and his writing. And that eventually put him in to Motley.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah....It was great. I liked that album. with him, I think it's a I love all the Crue albums but...

Marq Torien :

Yeah, that record is incredible with them. I know it's, it's, it's a, it's like, you know, it's a different path for Motley. But they work so hard on it. I got to hear some of the I was privleged to hear , some of the roughs in the beginning, John was playing it for me and it was just incredible. We just sit in the car and then imagine a we were grabbing each other's legs, you know? Can you fucking believe it? Oh, my God, dude this is incredible, you know, when something's magical.... As a musician, as a writer, you get to that point where you just... the excitement's like, you know, something that you know, so we're, I'm still like that. So, at that time, I was just so proud of them. You know, because, wow, that guy went from here to here and quickly to put this thing together and but I could never join motley because there's only One singer from Motley Crue in my opinion, that is Vince Neil. Vince Neil is the voice of Motley Crue

Chuck Shute :

for sure..

Marq Torien :

He's a legend, star. You know, and and my brother, so it wasn't something that I thought that I could really go and go, man, you know, I don't think this is gonna work. You know, maybe we thought it was already headed. Nikki's kind ahead of the game he's like no, no....We tried it. I love you, but... kick ass in your band... that. Yeah, yeah, thank you for giving us this thing, whatever. But yeah, that's pretty much it as far as my recollection of the whole situation was,

Chuck Shute :

That's crazy. So and then I heard another story... I did not know this. about you. I've always been a Bulletboys fan since the 90s. You audition for Ozzy Osborne, and we're I'm sorry, you actually got the gig. And you were named the new guitarist not singer, it was guitar for this. It was right after Brad Gillis left for Night Ranger. Now I've heard three different stories of or three different versions of the story. So one was that which I think this one is totally false. The audition was cut short because you were talking to your raving too much about Tony Mills and saying he was the original Ozzy. And that's the singer TNT I looked into they said that this was in Rudy Sarzo's book. So I look, I grabbed his book, and I looked at it, and I saw nothing of this. He said that.

Marq Torien :

That's a lie.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah, that's like I never said that. Yeah, that sounded like a lie... So then I looked

Marq Torien :

That's really Whoo.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah, that's out there right? So I looked at a book and it said that in Rudy's version, he says that he and the drummer Tommy, he didn't think you guys were playing the right you were playing the right key or the wrong chords or something. And then he went to Ozzy, and Ozzy wanted to bring you along on the road and, you know, you'd be able to break you in but they insisted that it wasn't going to work out so then he called you and told you that you were out and you said it was because Ozzy told you that it was because you were too young.

Marq Torien :

Yeah. I don't I don't know a booty story, but I don't tell you one thing about Rudy... I love Rudy to death. Yeah, Rudy was there to help me. The whole time I was in the band. I mean, it's like, backup on Tommy Aldridge really didn't like me too much. And I still think Tommy was a little bit. Not really digging the fact that me being Latino.

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

That's just me personally, that's just me personally, but I could be completely wrong. Yeah. Ozzy and Sharon were the sweetest and nicest people and kind to me, and helpful and educational. They really helped me, Ozzy took me to Charvel, he picked out two or three guitars for me. He was very integral and very kind to me. Yeah. And I will never forget that I love coffee with all my heart and share and I didn't continue to dig and yes, I was told by Sharon, Sharon, had called my mother because I was supposed to be picked up on a certain day, and I had all my guitars ready while still living with my parents and We waited. And that day, nobody can pick me up. No one called me. And then we waited another day. And no one came to pick me up, and no one called me. Then we waited the third day, and no one called and no one came to pick me up. So I'm sitting there. devastated. My parents are like, What the hell's going on? So we got a call. I think it was on the fourth day, and my mom picked it up and it was Sharon. And she told my mother that to take time off to keep the guitars and everything and to given, Ozzy loves him but we just feel that he's too young. And we're just getting over the fact that Randy the whole band still has, you know, their hearts are are destroyed because Randy is you know, passed away. Yeah. And so, you know, they talked a little bit and then I got on the phone and Sharon was just like, you know, I'm so sorry Marq. I wanted to call you but we have to get out of here to England. We have shows and we we hired a guitar player that Ozzy likes by the name of Bernie Torme. And he's going to be doing the thing so he was very kind to me. Now, here's this young kid playing with a bunch of older dudes. Yeah. Okay. And it was, it was just, it was hard man. It wasn't. I thought I did. I thought I played when I lived ate and breathed those songs. I played the hell out of those songs as far as playing out of tune or anything else like that. I was never told anything like that. I don't remember being told anything like that. I just remember the phone call and the waiting for three days and I'm looking at the the Charevelle stuff Ozzy bought me, I still have it... Right here on my wall. Yeah, like so. Yeah, it was a great experience in the LA Times even like on the front page, little green saying, you know, I got the gig and Ozzy, hometownn, hometown hero makes good. Then all of a sudden, now all of a sudden it just It didn't work. And now I thank God for that. Because it might not have been the right situation for me. Yeah. And I didn't know because I was so young. And then, you know, you never know. But God has God had other plans for me.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah, so this is interesting. You I didn't know you were friends with the guys from Ratt. And they must have been going to think through a thing with their guitarist Warren Warren Demartini because he was in the band and he was out and so they brought you in, and then you were the guy. I didn't know this. Also, you're the guitarist for rat for a short little time, right?

Unknown Speaker :

Well, yeah. Almost a couple years.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, really? Well, yours. Yeah.

Marq Torien :

I wrote their first song with myself Steven and run across the a song called you think you're tough. The first hit song, and it's I like that song. So near Steven. What happened was after Augie, you know, I didn't get the gig. Yeah. I was hanging out a lot with Steven And who I love dearly definitely one of my mentors. And you know, here's the whole thing what happened and he thought it was really shitty what they did to me. So he goes listen them. I'm not feeling warm right now from a rock. We're kicking him out of the band. And I sit negative pink Robin, and then even we go and we want to be want to be a rat. That's exactly what I said I'm in because I love they were my favorite band and then they find out they were friends of mine. That favorite theme park me to play around. So we get a lot a bunch of shows all over Southern California everywhere. In fact, I was talking to Steven about like three or four days ago, or chatting about the things and we're cracking up and we're talking about that and and he said alone person. Like before we're getting ready to do the EP. Stephen had a long talk with marriage and this allows Gotta let you go. And I'm gonna tell you why. Your singing is incredible. You sing better than I do. Your guitar playing incredible. I think you need your own band need to go.

Unknown Speaker :

Wow, that's what

Marq Torien :

we're talking about. I love you guys with your person peeing or kicking in a bag. I felt like yeah, it was it was a bitter pill to swallow. It was very bitter for, for Stephen and for Robin, because we were friends. And I was like their little brother. Yeah. Stephen wasn't really at that time really wasn't bouncing much with with Warren. But he knew as a as a leader decisions I got to make, to be able to do what they need to do and, you know, once family, you know, pretty wealthy. You know, a lot of different things came into play with that. So you know, I got I got I got wasted as a witness it only made me do it more. Okay. Yeah it all it only did he wanted already done. You know Steven was still very clear we're still really close. He's always invited me to the shows and killed the swallow was watching them play in front of thousands of people sitting there and I'll never forget that we were I think they were playing the to the forum or the sports arena. And I thought you know what, you're gonna walk up to the front of this fucking stage and make sure that they see you there. Right because I was like fuck these guys you know they're gonna see any Tigers last time in the theater. And you know, I'm kidding. It's not they don't care the government Come on, let's go. look them up. guys walk up there. I make eye contact with King Walker and I walk right to the center of that stage right in the front. And King sees me want to try it out me comes over to the center stage and plays right to me the whole time. Hmm, good point. TV the thumbs up. Like I'm paying for my bro huh? And that to me everything. Yeah. Wow, Bob I love I love Robin Crosby. You have no idea. I love him so hard, is one of the greatest sweetest musicians I've ever known. And and I think everybody would tell you that. Of course, he was taken away from us with, with drugs and you know, things happen in life but he taught me so much he taught me about guitar tone he helped me develop my guitar tone and taught me you know simplify things and he's into amazing guitar player he just amazing and I would sit with him in his apartment and he called me up and go dude What are you doing? I go I'm you know I'm doing you go what what are you doing? I said I'm coming over to your house right now. Exactly bone get your house over here quick shit like that I come in and go once a pancake you could you could thank except for us. He's just he just a big kids you know? Yeah, but he taught me a lot and they taught me to listen. You listen to listen to me because he can put all those parts that are out song go back for more and remember playing back for more teenagers to gain is in accord phrases. No, no, no, no, that's not the right chord and we show you that he would show me the corner. like not even a chord. No, it's these different voicings that we're using. It's like, Oh, okay. So he really taught me a lot about about controls. Wow, definitely. Yeah. Cuz he was friends with, you know, all the guitar players. And, you know, Steven works so hard, bro. He, every day was that every single day, every single day he was doing something that had to do with that. And that's why he made it and I saw his diligence of how he, how he became huge and I try to use the same format for it with bullet points, a lot of stuff that I learned from all the guys are older than I was.

Chuck Shute :

So there was well, I guess there was one more band that you joined before we get to bullet boys, King Cobra, who if people don't know, they have a song on the iron Eagle soundtrack. It was before you were in a band, but then you joined the band. Yeah. And you were in that what for about a year or so year two and Then you tell

Marq Torien :

us more like a scapular that goes in there for like about six seven months. Okay, how long

Chuck Shute :

did you how did you know you form bullet boys with like MC and and Lonnie from King Cobra. So did you did you steal them away or did the king cobra break up? I'm not sure how that all came together.

Marq Torien :

No not Lonnie was my best life and that was my best friend and you know, we were all tying in together and we were riding even back then and Lonnie got that. He went to go audition for King Cobra. And he got the gig. So me and I weren't really hanging out too much because he's playing with King Cobra and local shows whatever. And then their their singer decided that he was going to quit the band. So Mark free, and they had a show to do and all the stuff booked and he just didn't want to play in the band anymore. So Lonnie until carline. My best friend Mark. Katrina, how are you? Oh, Yeah, he's played around a lot. Oh, you see the finger? Because Yeah, it's incredible. I didn't know guitar, but he's incredible. A lot of calls and goes Come on in addition for the band I talked to combine, come in. Okay, Expo. So I went in an audition saying, I got the gig. So, you know, that you know, it's really tricky because, you know, you got commented pieces like a superstar and you got these kinds of body on MTV videos out there. And so I'm walking in and saying, Oh, God, wow, you know, so it was it was a little different. I think the nicest guys actually, to me, were lying and Dave, Dave NT. Did temperament. So the drummer lead guitar, lead, just believe chocolate? Yeah. So and, you know, we're just doing it and do it and do it and then one day, we just got kind of tired of being told What to do and you know, we had other things that we wanted to do this was like a stepping stone for us for just for a little while, you know, like, be in it for a little while and we're going to get out of our own things, okay? Because he knew I didn't want to join a group, I wanted to start something fresh and new from the ground up. And I was very adamant about it. So we ended up you know, talking about a condominium article this time to leave you know, I've been talking to MC Shweta and he wants to come with us to form this event. I said Wow, really? Okay, so a cool mix great, you know, Peter, rad dude, and you always grind to fucking bat out for our sharp kid. You know, really attitude to get incredible guitar player and you know how to build an attitude of wanting to be successful. But they they did engineering with Kaku blowing up a phone call. Come on, you guys. You guys gonna kick me dude, I'm the guy on your guy. You know, I'm All over the ship, man. So we were just like, Nah, you know, we, we, you know, you're a great guitar player. But I don't know, there's something about Mickey's more like, we're in this clip, you can log in Nick, you know, talk all the time. Yeah. But we're gonna leave this thing that form this thing. And Nick, which is the guy who was very diligent, and, you know, with lunch like songs, and we had a bunch of songs written and it just worked out well. And then we had, we had one drummer. And he, you know, he's been with us for a while, but he was a little hard and was really down with working. He really wanted to work. Yeah, and he'd already done all the work and different bands. Play with Billy Idol

Unknown Speaker :


Marq Torien :

He turns out he's a big rock star, who was

Chuck Shute :

somebody I know are

Marq Torien :

probably not I his name will remain nameless for the time being All right. So we go on there. And then he left us. He left the band. And then we started holding open auditions. We auditioned everybody under the sun. And we had a guy in mind. And then the guy came to rehearsal and we were going to tell him, you know, I think you're the guy to do it. And he just basically told us, you know, thanks for the offer, but I'm, I'm starting my own thing. We're like, Well, why don't you come on the bag? Yeah, right. You know, it's like, well, I just wanted to grab your bar. You guys have you know, there's a lot of people talking about you guys. And

Unknown Speaker :

they're like, What? But deep down in my heart.

Marq Torien :

I knew a guy that I grew up with him and his brother. And we were close, very close, and he was a savant and a drama. And his name is Jenna. Deanna. We grew up in Montebello, so we I kind of basically Jimmy goddamnit Have a seat back. Can you please come in and audition? No bottom? Yeah. Oh, wow. To Kevin, and he actually audition if I'm not wrong. He audition at a house party at Lauren's mom thought we had a garage party. Hmm. And we were jamming and he came up and jam with us a lot. He was like, Hey, can I can chat with y'all. All right, cool. We got up, javelins, whatever. But I played, you know, Mitt Romney was just like, this guy's never good. I told you, you know, this guy's incredible. He's our guy. And I'm on the guy that's constantly going, forget these drummers. Continue in here. I'll get to know your NBA team and get ready to turn my team. No, no, no, you understand? This is a guy he's, he's up with all these Germans with carline you're going to this guy's better than Carmen. I said Lonnie. If you work with this kid, he's going to be 10 times a democrat on it. Or if you think for so long, we bought all this Oh, so I started working with Jimmy get in there for eight hours a day and that our patients are gonna call the pitcher in. And one day was just like, you know, do we got to do this and blah, blah, blah, and and what my recollection is, and I do kind of notice. I said, I'm not moving any, any way forward. Jimmy got the gig, as far as I'm concerned. Wow. Well, I'm a little bit but I didn't have that great service. You guys work with Jimmy, and he will become a savant of a drummer. And while I did, and while I listen, and listen to Nick, and work with Jimmy, Jimmy was incredible already. Let's not take anything away from that. Right. But he got to find his place of the sauce that we were finding. And, and he did. Yeah, and he was just like this just like wow, and, you know, never sit in your nice long drive. Sometimes. Fuck you, man. Like what? He's like just suck then fuck. And what? I hate when you're like yeah. Yeah.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah. You mentioned the the PIs room Tell me so this is some place where you guys used to rehearse and there was bumps in there and stuff and you kind of moved in your stuff and started rehearsing and the bums moved out and but some people came Yeah.

Marq Torien :

Pretty much. Yeah, it was. It was a rehearsal studio in Vernon which is right next to East LA like small parcels a little bit south of it like Minecraft, but I don't know exactly how we bought it. I don't remember but I think a friend of ours, Dan was rehearsing it. There's a room open. But there's been somebody living in this room. They should have been living there. Come on, let's do so we go. Oh, yeah, that's throwing them out of there. So You're allowed to come into this room and I kid you not. The urine smell in that room was I can't even tell you it was elegant. It was awful. And we're making money and we're going and why the hell no man well there's no fucking way. And but but this is wonderful. Look at this room. This is a huge room and this could be art. I just need some cleaning up. Sure enough we got mop buckets mop and clean that's it. we'll tackle the one place cleaned it now guess what? It's just not like this. Oh, that is funny. So then how we tried that diligently and that's why we called it the piston because we kind of we got it out. I think in our head we could feel small.

Chuck Shute :

Definitely. Yeah, yeah. So then you've got your producer to produce the bullet boys debuts It was originally going to be Gene Simmons. I heard from kiss but then you got Ted Templeton, the legendary Van Halen producer so and he would give you like books to read and movies to watch for lyrical inspiration. Do you remember what some of those were?

Marq Torien :

Ah, yes. I remember one of the movies was when it first came out with my gosh character with the very first one, yeah, yeah. But on a fortune maker. And he was always you know, tempted to do that Templeman was our friend Ollie, our fifth member, a guy that let us do whatever we wanted to do, but guided us in the right ways to. He was also Jackson for me. Okay. I think a couple of guys would definitely say that but he was booked three books to read, do ideas of things and movies and that was one of the most He's got he had when he first proposed because I want you to watch this movie. But I want you to listen to the dialogue dialogue because there's things in the dialogue that are very, very interesting. And I said, I'm not going to tell you, but this is one part of the movie a little thought. You got to listen to this. So it says something. And in that movie, though, that was like, Oh, wow. You know, it could have been just one word. And he got another movie. Yeah. Hey, that one word right here. And I'd be like, Oh, okay. And then that would be the line or word Hmm. In, in the lyrical content of one of my songs. Yeah. So it was all you know that. I remember for the third record. Me and Nick actually flew to New Orleans. To work with Grant Morrison was like, he was like a big movie producer friends with our managers, david kaplan. He is also a great literary And he had the thought with the things and we went to his house in Orlando. Just like we wanted, Ted wanted us to experience other things that we could draw from. So that's why we went there. And we came up with some amazing things. I mean, that process came out, and a lot of different thoughts on those on that record, because of that, because of the situation that we're in, and we stayed in Grant's house, which is right there in French Quarter, and it was just an amazing experience. And we were able to do that and come up with different things he'd always put us in different situations that would

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :


Marq Torien :

verbiage, new, new visions, you know, so yeah, he was incredible.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah, the album did well that that obviously "Smooth Up In Ya" was a great single that song and a couple other were on MTV. V and you're debut went gold in just five months which was was pretty quick and I found this interesting I heard you talking about how you were you were friends with Guns and Roses at the time and I love to be a fly on the wall during this conversation with Slash where he's worried about his album not selling very well "Appetite for Destruction" and you're having to kind of give them a pep talk like, oh, no Slash, it's gonna be okay. Your albums gonna do great. It's a great album because your album went gold before theirs did.

Marq Torien :

Yes. Yes, it did. In fact, ours went in there. thing was just hanging around. And I remember it was like, really a quick conversation because we were we were friends with them. Yeah. And they had a lot of respect for us as we did them, but they were out way before us. So I remember one day, I remember that day we're having a chat and I love Slash, and he says, "yeah man I think they're... you guys are doing really well... but we're gonna release just one song. We're doing a video for "Sweet Child O' Mine" we're gonna see how it works... because their album had already been out for a year. And it hadn't even hit gold yet. So we were just like, wow. And it's all over the radio, that we saw these guys. Already. Yeah, it's everywhere. And it's like now... as soon as they released that song, that was it! . It just went like wildfire. I thought was a song. And I remember Axl telling me a long time ago, that they put it on there, but they didn't really want to put it on there.

Chuck Shute :

Right. Yeah, I heard that too. And, you know, yeah, you really liked Axl because of his, his work ethic. Which was interesting to me. Because, you know, there's such a gap between the Use Your Illusions and Chinese Democracy like you think he was working that whole time or was he going through something or

Marq Torien :

you know, I think, you know, I as a fly on the wall, I would like to think that maybe he just took a little break from exhuastion.. know, I have a vision of something that I want to do, but I haven't been able to do. But now that I that I'm here, I'm going to be able to do it. So even if people don't like it, I'm still going to do it anyway, because this is what I want to do right now. So that's rock and roll.

Chuck Shute :

That's awesome, you

Marq Torien :

You know, and he came up with something that many people at the time, I was like, wow, this is really weird. If you go back and listen to it, now, you go like, well, he does something different and innovative. And he, you know, maybe that wasn't the right thing for the sound, but it was the right thing for him at the time. Yeah, you know, and that's what you have to you have to roll with the punches. You got to know when to hold them know when to fold them. Right. And, and you didn't know he was in about the fold. He's got, you know, he's got me, you know, he's got two feet up. Two chips on one shoulder and five on the other. And you're like, I don't care what anybody is gonna tell me. I'm gonna make this happen. for 10 years he played without it, anybody else stuck your head in the band? everybody the same whatever. But I always, you know, to me, I go back to the early days when we used to have conversations and and he was just so kind and so endearing and, you know, you tell me stories about when him and Saul used to come and see me play in Ratt Yeah, me and Saul were right there.... They've been following me for a long time bro. Like, Oh, man. So there was this Kindred friendship thing. And, you know, back Back in the day, you know, one of my closest friends still attend me down. That's my brother. And I left them with all my heart. And he had a club called the Cathouse... And we would all go congregate down. Oh, and I know God. We played there. But you know, I remember we were I thought I was talking to Terry about this last year at a party at my house and he goes, Oh, yeah, I remember that. I remember this little boy. Oh, yeah, I remember that. But we went to the we're at this club and you know, Axl's looking sharp and got a fur coat on. badass. Like, fucking German hat on looking suave.... an I used to wear this big black cowboy hat like came down real spurs. I was you know, pissed off carried a flask off a period you know, a nice small gun, little piece, with me, all the time. Wow show cuz. Yeah, we were thinking I'm actually laughing at myself because I was out of control Yeah, sure. So It's like, you know, so I'm walking donw the street with Axl and he goes hey, do you carry a piece on you? . Is that true? Get the fuck out of here, you really do? Yes. Can I see it? I show it to him he goes, God Damn Marq, you are badass.

Chuck Shute :

so it wasn't like it wasn't like an open carry, it was like a concealed weapon then?.

Marq Torien :

Oh yeah

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

yeah you know Hollywood was kind of dicey back then.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah sure for sure. So then you did a tour...

Marq Torien :

sorry we'll go we would go to the to the places you know we'll get rid of walk in the club and put it away and Jamie gives the hard way guys pretty fuckers do allow he came in to have a drink and yada yada, andt in he says Marq carries a piece... and things like that, you know, I don't know. I really do. Yeah, do me a favor. Yeah. You leave your piece at the coat desk. you know, check in with the girls. I wrap it in a bandana. I hand it to the girl and Taime's right there and gives us a thumbs up like, thanks, dude, you know, and sure enough when I walk back out and coat check girl gives it right back to me... but it was like,

Chuck Shute :

there's no metal detectors or anything like that at the time?

Marq Torien :

Oh, absolutely not.

Chuck Shute :

Okay. Wow.

Marq Torien :

So, I mean point I had to stop doing it because it was just like, it's like, come on, you know, cuz we were Bulletboys now. East LA Montebello. Yeah all my friend carry gats. What's the difference? You know, I grew up in a rough area.. a lot of my friends. Yeah. So that story always is very profound to people doesn't go live Do you really like? Yeah, did you ever use it? No, just for protection. Yeah.

Chuck Shute :

That's good that you never had to use it.

Marq Torien :

Oh, hell no.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah, that's good. But so anyways, going back to the so the 80s your guys's one of your first tours, the first one you did was with Ian Hunter. But then the other one you did that was Yeah, it was Cinderella and winger. Do you remember that to her memories or stories that stand out about that one?

Marq Torien :

Oh, you know, just great, great time to both guys. You know, Tom and Freddy pulled us off down the road out of management, you know, where we're out there. And one of the greatest tours we were on it was an incredible, incredible barn. You know, we threw it down really great time was really great to us. And we were fully out of control on that tour. So thank God, we made it through that. It was awesome. Like we were, we were like the Marx Brothers on steroids. You know, everything was just out of control for us. We're all trying to do something funny and you know constantly doing fun stuff and you know we laugh a lot now we had a really did not

Chuck Shute :

die that would be fun. Is it true that James Hetfield would come to see you guys in the bowl boys shows in the early days like you'd come in and and cheer you all kind of talk shit to you too

Marq Torien :

Yes sir

Chuck Shute :

absolutely wow that's interesting

Unknown Speaker :

because I thought he liked me love that yeah

Marq Torien :

now yeah now they love does he come to shows and and talks He loves us to call to give a shit to wow like I better not to shoot a show tonight man. Like okay no no

Unknown Speaker :


Marq Torien :

man what's up you know you kind of walk in with good guy Yeah, fuck we're doing we're going to see a good show tonight. like five days going on. So love you died down. But he was so supportive dude. All of them curd large

Chuck Shute :

That's very cool. And you also talked about you knew Andrew wood for Mother Love Bone and Allison chains, you know? Yeah, those 90s bands that you take credit for kind of discovering Allison chains, right you one of the first bands to have them open for you.

Marq Torien :

You know what? Yeah, I would, I wouldn't say I get credit for the band or we take credit for the band, but I would say definitely we take credit for for bringing them into the fold. Yeah, we were really close with them. Jerry and Layne and Mikey. Those are our guys. We live with each other. When they were doing their first record. We were doing a free show and we all live in the Oakwood apartments here in Hollywood together across the hospitals from those guys. So we were really close and we discovered them and in a bar in Seattle, and I think they were doing smooth up and languishing and we couldn't believe that it sounded really really good. Wow. So we talked to an actor and they were like, starting there. Back on Aleksey change what I do you know when you guys get together, go and open up for us when we come roll through here again. So we ended up you know, hanging out and it will take them everywhere with us all over the place. In fact me and we took Jerry and Layne when we closed the show for Kanye sees his anniversary party. And it was supposed to close the show, but we decided that we would go on, we would go on after audit, and everybody was giving us all about it. Like you're gonna go on after awesome. You guys are a bunch of fools. Why would you do that? Like she's a little everybody's chagrin. Long Beach was our hometown. So the 25,000 people that were there were our friends. Mm hmm. So we knew when we stepped up on stage that they was going to there was going to be a war like crazy. We just knew it. Yeah, we were number one on every radio station at the time. And of course, no disrespect to Ozzie he was going to be out there crush. Sure. And I'll never forget Gene Simmons impulse down come up.

Unknown Speaker :


Marq Torien :

you know, we did a poll so we know gene.

Unknown Speaker :


Marq Torien :

So and we were like Futebol i thought was going on and it goes, who did you want to go on after logging? Like we do we go up because I don't know if it's a very like you know you're going after your legend and one of those he was right. Okay. I was like you can't get off. I can't wait to see what and then he turns around Jerry Oh, what's your name? Well, Jerry rentable no close friends over because we're in a very, very good well yeah we're getting our round Start menu then your ads called Alison changes Alison Wonderland Wonderland he goes, I think there's always there's a movie Alice in Wonderland and puzzles. I don't think you said Alison Wonderland. In a jury, he's a badass. So I didn't say that dude. Awesome. Haha they already had the bullet points attitude. Anybody comes on. So shade on that at all and he was like very, very sweet. Okay? Nobody he was just like, you know, like a dude. I just love him with all my heart ease. He's always been such an awesome rock, especially the little boys he was wanting to see it succeed. When I play with the kids for a little while, he wanted to see me succeed, non-politicians and many, many years. And they were, you know, Paul and Jim. Were there first guy to come and see me play at the troubadour, my high school band.

Chuck Shute :

Right. When did you play kiss? I didn't know that.

Marq Torien :

Yeah, for Well, you know, I don't think that's what I was give Greg Jeffries, who was my main mentor at the time when I first came in Hollywood, he used the keyboard. keyboard is for Angel. Uh huh. And, you know, Greg and everybody and Greg just took me under his wing man, and he was the one that got me the Aussie gigging from it you know, got Jean and Paul come and see me play at the troubadour and, and sit there to the whole show and, and everything like that. That's how I met David rock and Alex Daniel became the CD player. So I mean, it was like, I was surrounded by all these amazing musicians and feel blessed because a great geoffrion my talent Yeah, of course, a little talent that I was promoting at the time. You know, but Greg brought all these people in To the into the fray so they could see me play and getting tracking constantly kind of helped me all the time with stuff and bringing into the studio and Angel recorded. And, you know, he I got the kid by Greg invited and Ozzy and Sharon up to Greg's house. And Greg called me one morning because I have off here and wants to talk to you get your off topic. So, you know, I got to give credit where credit's due, yeah, it wasn't me to swing in the right place at the right time was the village that I had around me and my friends and that that loved man had respect for me and taught me a lot of stuff, what to do, what not to do, how to lead us and dignity, how all to carry a career for years and years and years, and not just be just what you know, one get in fear later. To try to, you know, minimize the drugs and the drinking to realize that that's just something that's going to be there. But to not to be into this too. To be a writer, Greg was always pulling me into writing session when they had writing sessions. So I got to see the ins and outs of what the, the perseverance and the struggle that they had as writers to, to put something together. And, you know, at the time for me it was in the band Barry black in the band, you know, punky meadows, and that they were like kids who are throwing up the MonteCarlo. So I'm standing around going, Oh, my gosh, I'm with Angel. This is crazy. You know, I was very start starstruck at the plant. So yeah, I was very, really, really lucky and black people around me now.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah. And you also I think it's cool that you kind of paid it back because a couple people that you've had, in the bullet boys you had you were a kind of first band to have DJ ashba in your, in your band, right. I mean, that was that was my first band and first big band that I've heard of that.

Marq Torien :

Yes, DJ was discovered by Ronnie Vincent and myself and And we brought him in to play guitar and the billboards for a little while. He was, you know, he just he's been living in LA for a very short time. He had a girlfriend, tiny little apartment and she was, you know, just incredible guitar player and he also was a writer. So he was more into writing and, and, and recording. He's more like a recording guitar player. And a lot of listening to some of the stuff he was doing. It's like, Wow, this is so good. And pokey, which is a sweetheart and he was always there for us. And, you know, he, like, took him under his wing. And, you know, you know, he led with love, but he also you know, he does he, he was very tough love to them. And he just said, You know, I was trying for a while and DJ said, you know, guys, I love you guys. I want to go do my own thing I have. I have this idea for this record, and I'm almost done. And I gotta go to shoot this, huh? So he had a he had a vision but he said Just, you know, being with us and playing and touring with us and everything else, but it just came to that point where he had to fly, you know?

Chuck Shute :

Yeah. Is that when he went to go to 6am? Or was that a different thing that he did?

Marq Torien :

Oh, no, that's when he first he wasn't even doing Guns and Roses. He was just he had his own thing that he was going to be doing. Okay, solo,

Chuck Shute :

solo. Okay, gotcha. And then you had Jason hook, who ended up going on to five finger death punch and you've got all these great people in the band.

Marq Torien :

I love the looks.

Chuck Shute :

Okay, you got a nickname for him.

Marq Torien :

Yeah, that must be gave him the same. We gave Him as our fan Jason hook. And I did. It's nothing to Jason Princeton. But his name is his rock and roll name is Jason cook. And mnemonic gave him his last name, Jason.

Chuck Shute :

Super cool. Yeah, that same album. You also had Sebastian Bach. Plan that Sophie record. Are you pretty good for it? Give me a good Sebastian Bach store. He's so entertaining to me. I love it. He's one of my favorite Singers of All Time.

Marq Torien :

You know, I, I, you know, I love the closest bathroom. I was back in the day but I'm not actually as we speak but I do have a lot of respect for Sebastian and his musical talents he came in and sang a song called a neighborhood yeah and he asked me to come in and sing on it and he loved your song and it cannon was so awesome dude came into the studio and we had great time smoke some weed and you know can sign the parts and you know, I'm just gonna answer to you and I'm gonna do this and mentorship fell apart with the record company and the producer and now you know how things go and you know, song got put kind of side and no one got paid. You know, and then one day we're just in the studio one time I was with a friend of mine and he told us the song goes now next thing can we can we lease mixes record and never came out? again. Okay. So we ended up mixing it in the song. neighborhood came out and people were like, Wow, the bathroom scene with Mark, this is so cool. And, you know, for all intents and purposes I wish all of us were singing together and doing those type of things together now, but I think Mark genre music for some reason or another, it's just, it's, it's hard to do. I would just say doing elaboration elaboration. Yeah. Yeah. And I'd love to do way more collaboration to singers and everything, but I know the ego of management or if it's just like, I don't really want to do that. But I think would make our genres so much. How would you feel to getting back to the to our fans, family and friends? I'd like to i'd love more than anything to do a duet with Sebastian, or do a duet with with actual do something. You know that no one was obstructing. I personally, have left my ego at the door, a big giant door like way far, far, far away somewhere for many years now. I like to tell people that I'm more more Mark from Montebello than I am. Mark from the Hollywood scene see up in rock star. I really never really liked it. But the terminology rock star Sure, I was like the terminology is a rock musician, musician or writer. But yeah, or hair metal. I really never quite take into those things.

Unknown Speaker :

Where you did have a now

Marq Torien :

go on. So now I'm a lot different than I was. back then. I would say now, hopefully I have grown. I still have a very youthful mentality with vision and musicality, but I do a lot more listening than I Do a lot, a lot more talking these days when when it comes down to the Get down. Because I have so much respect for people's opinions and what they really feel from their heart. And it's it's very important that you listen to people, especially when they're taking GIMP, which is their time. Time is very important things to human beings and a human being takes time for me, whatever that time is. even forget musically, just on on a normal, everyday thing. It's something that you should all set up because no one has to give you your time. Their time. That's true.

Chuck Shute :

But I do think you're talking about collaborations and people in your genre, but you actually kind of stepped outside your genre a little bit because you had Jesse Hughes from the Eagles of Death Metal play on the from out of skies album, and this whole album. And this album is also recorded at him. Dave Grohl studio and so you got to meet Dave Grohl and he was a big fan of which I also think was very cool.

Marq Torien :

We are long start touring About to get into this, because I emotionally really get really stumped when I talk about David or Jesse. And I just loved them. Yeah, he he was definitely when nobody else and its advantages tried and taught me a lot about love loving people unconditionally.

Chuck Shute :

I think that's really cool because it's a two kind of different style. I like you Eagles of Death Metal too, but they are your different styles. And I say that's cool. Do you guys can be friends?

Marq Torien :

Well, Jesse grew up with my dad's brother, Josh. Okay. And Jesse told me that he had big posters. And we were one of his favorite bands, you know, and me. I was David dude. Wow. So well, we met we actually met to my drummer at the time that was doing the record with me and he was hanging out with Erica epi, my brother, my brother, also, who is Jesse's right hand now, touring everything. That is fun. And you should listen on it on that. You're on that your favorite thought man in the world sauce right now go. You've got to be kidding me. I guess I'm again. Should I go? Dude, I you know, I don't know. I'm just in loves you dude. I just got finished talking with them. Whatever. I go, can you please play him the song evil and ask them if they'll come in and sing with me on it? You know? Sure. So, the next day he called up and he goes, dude, Jesse's gonna come to the studio. Like always, you gotta be kidding me. So I go, can you give me his number? Yeah, like, we spent like two hours on the phone together and I can't wait to do it. I'm in tears right now. I love you. I can't wait to see you. And so Yeah, we just wow, it was just like, you know, we're like two days apart about a day apart in September, on our birthday. So there's a lot of like, there's a lot of synergy there that we didn't really know about. So he's gonna want to meet me and I didn't want to meet him because he likes to come. It was like a movie dude. Because walking up the street, right? To a producer saw no calls, no, nothing walking up like a cowboy. That went, Oh, my God, this guy's my hero. You know, wow, walking up, it comes up. He just wants to hug me. And we started crying. Because you know, everything that they've been through in Paris, at the Malecon young, they got attacked by terrorists and it's that is one of our closest friends. We're looking for him at the time that they're found that which is very close with my girl Drew. And so that was just you know, family thing. So I should You have no idea I've always I've always wanted me to choose. And Joshua, good fans of yours, we'd love you. Let's go to the studio. So I love the part I'm gonna talk. Yeah. So it came in to the reluctance of the producer at the time that didn't. We were, we were in the process of final mixing. So I bought him in at $13. And he wasn't very happy about

Unknown Speaker :

that. I love him to death. You know, he's amazing.

Marq Torien :

And Luke charity, that who did the record, I love them to death. And it was very difficult to be working on working on a budget and everything else. So we found a documentary and Jesse comes in. That's a hell of a job, right? Mm hmm. So then after we finished the session, there's like a little garden area, beautiful garden that we're covering the backyard and we're kind of sitting up there and and Jesse starts telling us the story of the attack. And by the end of an hour and a half, we're sitting in tears. Jesse, just emotionally spent, and I'm hugging them. It's just I just want Thank you. I have not been able to tell anybody. It's share something that I felt so comfortable around you. Because it felt like family. I was able to get this out. Thank you for letting you Are you kidding me? You have a friend for life bro i whenever you need me, I'll be there for you at any time musically whatever. So he pulled me in dude and he had me saying on Super troopers to that big ego stuff metal did the soundtrack and for Okay, I sang with Jesse. I sang with him on his public record. I actually played guitar on on a song blinded by the light with the good for Super troopers to Okay, and that's the kind of definitely playing guitar on there. And, you know, they just come in Jessica chambers. Oh my god. Yeah, yeah. So he brought me into his tribe of how they work. And it was so magical to me. People were so loving. They were so kind To Me video captions I love them with all my heart because he's just a superstar and beautiful man and showered me with love Jenny D incredible bass player, incredible musician. They just invited me in a drama, a drama Did anybody invited me into this to their personal space and their tribe and it was a big thing for me.

Chuck Shute :

Do they have like PTSD from that show in Paris or

Marq Torien :

you know

Chuck Shute :

can I be scared to go back on stage or something like that? I don't know.

Marq Torien :

No, you don't get to choose is a magic book. Epic guesses uses Elian Mata shoot. Jesse uses a strong, strong man, one of the strongest men I know. And he is so full of music and love. And kindness is always doing something to somebody before he does anything from shop and then I can switch to Mr. Grill. grill it was like a profile for like my parents together. I don't care what anybody tells me hit after hit after hit yeah loving family always treat people with dignity and kindness. They don't have that lock star mentality is not there at all. And I was very close with with Lou, their sound engineer at 606 very close friends. And we were looking for a studio to go into to cut from out of the skies. And there's a lot of different studios around but I kept on putting out to the universe I wanted to be in sixth. I wanted to record their sessions about it. And Lisa give me a demo on a player per day. If David likes it, you're in. So they did the video. first before I even went in there. I was able to play on a row. Record. That was a one time record. That was for rock against Ms. And my publicist at the time now she fell, who was doing this for Ms. intermesh. She invited me into cut at 606 because they were doing a record all the top punk rock bands of the San Fernando Valley. And she says what you're going to have to do this more, you're going to have to write a song The night before and the next day, you're going to have to come in and cut it. Wow, a brand new song that I already working on something I said, I got it. You're good. Got to get it together. When I cut it, at 606 David wasn't there. Now and I knew a couple guys from the band to shippi and, and, and of course Taylor who I loved him a lot and we were friends and we knew each other and but I've never, never personally met David before. So we go in there We cut things to cut the song sounds great. And then other bands came in to cut their songs. And then David was going to pick the running order with the album. So he hears the song and then he heard our song When I hold on to that one. So he heard it, it made the running water. And he shows us our sponsors. So we were the first one on the record. So I was like, Oh my god, you love the song. So, we want to make you guys. So long story short demo to do and then I get a call like, a week later. And I thought I was gonna get to know you. No, no. Yeah, but no, okay. I gotta tell you that as well. I'm not doing too good today. I usually did the bad news. The good news is the guy with the beard that you love. He said, Come on in. Oh my god, are you kidding me? No. He said he loved the album that you were taking on the screen. And he loved it. He loved every song about it just was completely blown away. So I was like, Oh my gosh, you know, get in there. And the first day where, you know, we're getting drum sounds and everything else. In my conscious mind, I'd love to see David if you didn't know he wants to come in here to find get in here and talk with you. We got a bunch of students coming. Okay, cool. So we're in their second day. I haven't seen them. And I'm saying there is no one there. I'm closing everything up. And I'm there with the producers and Lou and, and then all of a sudden, but don't come swinging up from the parking lot, literally. Oh, throw some swimming up. I'm standing right there. And he walked in a platitude. We go I fucking know you Got that look. It goes, it goes. I go and I know you do but I kind of don't know you comes over to me literally kind of post over here is also because till now you do that. And he was, yeah, you just we hug each other and we're laughing. We don't mock. I don't like to meet up for long. You know we've got six degrees of separation and career in our career to get out of here. Dude. I have a story. I gotta tell you some stories, right. He was given from the apartment complex right next to me in our quality when we first started to food. He knew that drove a light truck. It I don't want to get into the story. But it was just so epic. Because you never know what you know. You don't know who people you know, I'm thinking on here. Then a little MacBook a bulletin board in there. Who cares, you know? And then like, he just has so many stories and he just lifted me up man that's so it was just like you know I had tears in my eyes no different than it was this is on all of the most How would you say it's confident guys when you're trying to do everything by hand but you're looking for hard pulling through and you have something and then somebody gives you the validity for some of that you have so much love for Yeah, and they sit there and they take the time for you when they don't need to take the time for you. But he told me here's the danger Mark

Chuck Shute :

that's awesome

Marq Torien :

you're supposed to do they're not gonna tell me the whole story why they why they built the studio and you know we want to walk in the studio and then maybe show me different stuff and you know, he was just like, Kevin told us in the music video here this shit. That's fucking great. Yeah You gotta love what you do.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah, love all the new stuff that you guys have. You have the elefante album. I love that. I think the symphony song. I think that's, I think that's my boy song of all time. I think that is the best song you've ever read.

Marq Torien :

Oh, God bless you, thank you so much. You know, that song really has affected a lot of people. I'm so blessed that I was able to like that and to make people feel a lot of love.

Chuck Shute :

You know, really, it's in the sea arrangements, the salt, I mean, without a complicated song. It seems like it's not like just like a, you know, a couple of chords. I mean, there's like some complicated arrangements. I mean, I'm not a songwriter, I don't know, but I think it would be not easy to write that.

Marq Torien :

You know? It was and it wasn't okay. It was getting, it was getting to the lyrical content, like what people would understand. In its simplicity. We're, you know, like it's like it like you feel it. It pulls On your heartstrings. Uh huh. You know, and I think that was a difficult thing because it's really hard to be real honest sometimes and you got to look the honesty up. And I think for me, as a musician, as a writer, that's one of the hardest things to do, to be to let your heart pull up all over the place, and be honest. And, you know, even from the first line, you know, the song everyone has a tragedy, killing broken heart. You know, that's the truth. You know? Absolutely. In every people's life. On our side, people always ask me, I go, I touch your broken heart. I would put my heart together every morning with superglue. I've gone through a lot in my life. So I have a step apart. And it's something that people hard to, to listen to that it's hard to understand that if you haven't been Do that. Yeah. No. It was a rhetorical question that's

Chuck Shute :

gone. Sorry, the lyrical content. Now she's gonna say yeah, I just love that whole album. I love the song. But it was around this time that I saw you in Phoenix. You guys came into a club. I don't know if you remember the story, but it was a weird one of the weirdest concerts I've ever been to because you guys must had some bus trouble or something broke down. And you came in a little late and you actually I've never seen this before you guys walked in the front door. And I was like, I think that's the band and you guys walked into the front door. I've never seen that. And you know, you gotta be like, yeah, they wanted to cancel the show, because we had some trouble. He's like, you're like, we're not canceling it. We do this for you guys. And we're gonna do it anyway, sir. Do you remember that? Yep. Yeah, what happened? What

Marq Torien :

happened? Oh, yeah, we had a bus breakdown.

Unknown Speaker :


Marq Torien :

They want to cancel the show. But I think we were like an hour late, or something like that. Yeah. And we hadn't done a damn concert or nothing. We plug right in and start playing

Chuck Shute :

those. Yeah, I was so awesome. You will To the front door just got off the plane. I was like, sweet. Yeah, it was a great show.

Marq Torien :

We never cancel shows. I don't cancel shows. I don't care what's going on. We never do we have. I performed with ammonia and like I'm almost dying from time. I will not cancel shows. For my friends and my fans. I just won't do it.

Chuck Shute :

That's super cool.

Marq Torien :

And then I remember that dude.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah, it was crazy. I never seen a band walk in the front door. It was just crazy. But So now, let's bring it up to speed here. You reunion with the original bullet boys, which I think is super cool. You said that's not an easy thing to happen. There's a lot of conversation. And this is interesting. You said you kind of have to let go of the past to find the common ground and start with love and respect for each other. And then you have to this is good. You have to let the little things go. So you guys were all able to get because I know that didn't they? The other members of the bowl boys Didn't they start a band called lies, deceit and treachery or something like that. Was that like a shot at you or so? Like so you guys can all move through all this stuff and just kind of Well,

Marq Torien :

I don't think it was a shot at in particular, I think that they want to play the songs that they left the band, and they hadn't played in a long time. Okay. And, you know, I never left the band. So I, I'm the owner of the trademark and, you know, I never left I never left the band. So I did put the band on hold for a couple minutes. The family situation back in the day, but you know, I put out three records in the past what, five, six years? Yeah. So, you know, it's, it's something that is dear to my heart. It's something that I've never left in all of wanting to take the bath and make sure that the band was able to grow was able to be in into now. And it took us it was it was not easy. Writing and doing everything. Basically, on my own back that I were very, very fortunate that I had Nick Ross and Chad McDonald's with me for almost 10 years was very diligent, we traveled all around the world together, we traveled them buses playing, man car's broken down, bam, we did everything we possibly could to work our records and to make sure that we didn't miss show. And in this day and age, it's a very difficult thing to do. It's all listen to each other and to know when we're exhausted, you know, on the truck show that we're playing. And, you know, we're all exhausted in that, you know, and, and the guys come up to me and go, I don't know how you're singing so great. Right now, this is after a 12 show. And after the show, where the fuck out of here and we're going to go over to take two days off and we're just going to chill. We go to like a campground or, you know, like we experienced a lot of different things that a lot of hard work. very fortunate, a great village around me with my girl juice is all with my promises nasty mine with the record label and everybody's and it's always it's always a diligence struggle because it's really hard sometimes as a musician to make the other parties or the people that are in charge of the label whenever to let you be free with your creation, right. And we were very fortunate, very fortunate to be signed with Motown and Warner Brothers where they let us do that. But and then you get with other companies and it's kind of not as pliable or bendable to be able to. Yeah, to feel to go you know what I know the arts want to do so we're going to meet you halfway. But you know, some people just want you to be stuck in the 80s writing at Which is which has ever been me? Yeah, you know it never been bullet boys we we've always written you know from you know from our hearts and we will always rolling with trying to make the band not be stuck in a certain time zone,

Chuck Shute :

right? Oh yes. Are you guys that? Are you making a new album with the original members or an EP or something?

Marq Torien :

Well, I'll be honest with you we we are going to be releasing singles here very very soon.

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

We are trying to keep it under wraps. Right now. You know we have a lot of songs. But it's a hard thing to do right now. Because first of all, if you go in and start recording a record, and you finish your record, and you release your record, you can't tour on it.

Chuck Shute :


Marq Torien :

Not right now. Yeah, so it's the best option to put out a new record With a reunion, and all this great stuff behind us, we don't know yet. We're kind of, you know, playing it by ear. I do know that we're getting ready probably next month to shoot our first video together that a very long time. We've already had a performance on the Monsters of Rock cruise site, which is a virtual show. Okay, we were the first band to actually do it and have to be in the process of inventing this with our manager, Larry Moran.

Unknown Speaker :


Marq Torien :

Manager Ryan Moran ran with it, and came up with a concept and we were the guinea pig the first time that did it. And, you know, because the purposes you know, it did really well for us not ever doing anything like that or any band, particularly at months ago. Not doing it now. It's kind of the norm. Yeah, it wasn't right, you know, and we were First one of the first things to do. That's very cool. Oh, I'm so excited about that. And we're excited that I believe that we're going to be doing another virtual show. We'll probably be in September time, it's going to be more of a pay per view show. But we're also going to, we're going to try to make it like the song is the same. Okay, so it's gonna be like a movie yet. I can't really explain the whole thing in secret, okay, but we're going to try to do something that's visually. Visually, it's not been seen as of late. Will we be able to pull it off? For my lips to God's ears? Hopefully.

Chuck Shute :

I'm looking forward to that. You said, You said that the lockdown is kind of easier for you because you're kind of a recluse? Are you just doing a lot of songwriting and stuff? And yes, sir.

Unknown Speaker :


Marq Torien :

you're doing a lot of data. I'm doing a lot of soul searching. soul searching isn't a lot of I would say that I'm working on my beautiful life and trying to make sure that she she is taken care of and happy during these times. I'm trying to take care of my family and my friends and trying to keep myself up also. I ran into a little bit of depression about about three weeks ago. It's hard to deal with something when your career is taken away from you and my music is taken away from you and you kind of got to do a reset, and kind of go well, you know, I've done a lot of times I asked the Lord for help constantly. To give me give me vision, to be able to make sense of the whole horrible pandemic and horrible situations that people are dealing with right now and to be a songwriter and to to breed some type of uplifting Music that will maybe make people forget about things for the time being. And, you know, I think that's as artists, musicians, I think that's what we're what I'm trying to do every day I wake up with a positive attitude and, and not to live your life in fear. There's a lot of people, I think social media and I don't want most I'm not gonna get into politics and get political with you with anybody here. But I do want to say one thing. It starts with human beings. It starts with human beings, and humans being repetitive again, it starts with a human being and human being. Now I say that because we have to grow as humans. And the way we grow as humans is to love each other, no matter what. No matter what. Now, forgiveness is hard. Trusting it's very hard to forgive. But once we reach that place of forgiveness to anybody, and not to look at people for their religious beliefs, or their color of their skin, or for their nationality, what happens not to be repented, we looked at each other for the quality of what that human being is. And I think that we've lost that somewhere, somewhere. I'm not aware that it became this dividing political thing. Now, I'm not here to blame presidents, or people that are running for office, or people that are in political things. But politics aside, yeah. We need love coming from artists like myself, other artists, that is an accepting attitude, but also a loving attitude. Yeah, thanks. We can't accept, we can't accept things that are abominations and things that are against the rule of God or other other rules of normal decency. But we can love each other a lot more. It's hard to love people. It's hard to love people when you can't stand people sometimes when they do things that are messed up, right and you go, that's the guy Gotta love this dude. Like, okay, let's get rid of all that. He comes and goes, man, I love you, bro. Yeah, and then they go, You know what? I want you to focus on your neck. I need to hear that today well, or you tell your girlfriend or you know you have a good day today. If I let you know that, make these calls. And we I try to do that all. You know Karen Gordon just called me the day and Mark was talking to I love you now. Like, I love you more, you started to beat me up, you take a bite. You said, Michael used to tell me, I'd like you to tell me. I love you more. We all do together so that I could all get out of here. So, you know, it's just like, you gotta you gotta open up your heart, man sometimes. I've been crushed by my personal life. I don't want to get into it. Okay, but if I can make it up, if I can get over and going out on my own and finding a way to do it, dude, I still make so many mistakes. I say the wrong thing to people all the time. I'm I'm an idiot sometimes, but I make sure to say, you know what, I catch myself. I go, don't just say that. Dude, I'm so sorry. That's why they go broke. I know. You didn't mean that. Thank you for saying that. You know, it's like, what I try to teach people with A DVD. Yeah,

Chuck Shute :

well, even it's like, it's like you said at the beginning, you know, the whole thing with Motley Crue started off terrible, but then you guys ended up becoming friends. Do you think that? Maybe that's what the world needs right now like, because like you said, there's a lot of division with the politics and stuff. And I know you kind of got you you posted something on Twitter that you kind of had to explain your side of things. I mean, can Republicans and Democrats can we coexist in the world together? Or? I mean, does people not think aside like, because I'd like everyone to be friends and come together? Is that possible?

Marq Torien :

There needs to be unity be a different take. There needs to be long conversations. I mean, two, three weeks of the republicans and democrats getting together and agreeing to disagree, agreeing to agree, disagree, disagree. take it apart, put it back together, take it apart, put it back together, when you come to terms with that You can logically figure this up now, do we have a lot of? Do we have a long way to go? Yeah, there are a long way to go. Okay. But but you know what it keeps on repeating itself. So, we have a lot of different entities that are part of this country that are causing divisions from other countries that are coming in and infiltrating this country, and people are deleting them. Whenever you believe you've got to go and educate yourself. I'm very educated as far as within a political term. My father's very political. He has, you know, my my father stage one of the first teachers will walk out the LA City School District in the 70s. That was my dad, and I was a senior childhood. My dad walked with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Robert F. Kennedy. Excuse me. He was always Partner testing. So I love seeing these. The matches were different when I was growing up, they were peaceful. They were intelligent, intellectual. It wasn't a Ravel. It wasn't someone screaming something out of a megaphone, just so you can hear him because someone else bringing it down at some point, even if you disagree with somebody, you gotta listen. Yeah, listening is extreme. You've got to close your thoughts. And listen, even if you don't like what you're listening to, and you're still right. They're going to quiet your mind as you listen to somebody else's opinion.

Chuck Shute :

Well, that's Yeah, that might be an issue. People are listening to each other. They're always just trying to convince the other person that they're right and the other person's wrong instead of actually listening to the other round.

Marq Torien :

Innocent there's a lot of people out there that don't get me. I mean, they think this and that the other, okay, but there's a lot of people that are going to Gonna like me for whatever. There's one thing I'm not though I'm not needed. I am at that's not in my nature my nature is giving nature my nature all I call myself a flattened because I'm starving knowledge, right? I'm always absorbing it I want you to become a piece of wood and you can't absorb anything. You're, for me it's a loss. Yeah, because essentially musicians and artists you have to be more open than anybody and you have to see everybody's side and you know everything else but you know, and people always try to pull me into the politics now Do I have a Do I have political suffer? Yes, of course I do. Everybody does. But I believe more in human beings and I believe in politics. either find a way a way to find it and it all comes down to our OBE and anywhere you see it anywhere any faster to compute in the past. You gotta love each other. You gotta you gotta reason with each other. So violence, and everything else doesn't need to talk anything. Don't look at history, look at the past never solve anything. Yeah. Now I agree a lot of smart, knowledgeable, really, they're able to sell things and go against you a lot of people waking up with fact that that we all have to treat each other better. And not be so politically minded to outside people. And I'll kind of end on this note. Yeah, so we don't have any rock stars anymore. Photos of rock stars, or we don't have movie stars anymore, because we all know what's going on in that camp right now. So, but we have these political stars. When Has that ever happened in our country? Yeah. So here's a little look at me and Haha, yeah. So I saw people go up. We just got to be patient because at some point there's good things in apples and everything else at some point. So yeah, just make sure that you stay diligent know that at some point, don't believe this thing that's called a new normal, taking you out of it. We're going to get back to normal at some point.

Chuck Shute :

I think so too.

Marq Torien :

But that point is going to take diligence for not only the American people, but every person that walks the face of this earth. We're all going to have to come together absolutely going to be some type of Oh, you know, I'm hoping there's going to be some type of revival of love or revival of common sense. Sure, diligence, and acceptance and realizing that we're all one of us are going anywhere else on this model together.

Chuck Shute :

Absolutely. So what I like to end with a charity is there is there I think I told your managers or charity that you I know there's a few that you're involved with a rocking autism or rock again. Ms or bullying is are one of those you want to highlight here?

Marq Torien :

Hello. I'm sorry.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, I lost it. Oh, I'm sorry.

Marq Torien :

I'm sorry. Yes, I would definitely say that at the top of my list would be the Autism Society. Okay. And walk for autism. Yeah. That is something that I'm trying to be a champion of, and to bring more knowledge and awareness to I would say definitely. That ends at the top of my list as a braid is you know, it's just that and knowledge and knowledge and, and having children in whatever facet that it has to do with. But what happens is fading children.

Chuck Shute :

Oh, that's awesome. Well, you've accomplished so much in your musical career. I look forward to more things With the bullet boys and whatever else you do in the future, is there anything else you'd like to promote? Thank you.

Marq Torien :

Yeah, you know, just I just like to tell everybody that I love them with all of my heart and I love this so hard. Thank you for being so patient with the bullet boys. But we have some things that we're getting ready to do and and i think you're going to be hearing a little something from me probably soon we're going to be doing a little kind of a semi press release on some things and but we're pleased the patient that we're, you know, we're trying to do things under the industry identical. So that are different than and we hope to get in a room together the four of us sometime in October, okay, when things are lined up a little bit because we want to be together and come up with to finish up some of the things that we've been working on.

Chuck Shute :

So when will the next single br Is that something that's already in the can or is that something you're going to work on October

Marq Torien :

Yeah, no, we should be. I'm hoping from our meetings and stuff, what we're looking at, hopefully the second week of September shooting a video. Okay, and dropping, dropping, dropping something by the third week of September. My birthday is on the 22nd. So I would be ecstatic if you could drop something on it. You know, I will say it out. But I think people are going to be really excited, something different. And they're going to be very surprised when they hear this. All right. Well, I can't offer it, sir.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah. I can't wait to hear it. So that's what I was. That's all I'm saying.

Marq Torien :

Oh, thank you. Yeah. Anything else? Thank you for having me. Yeah.

Chuck Shute :

Thank you for coming on. And being so candid. That was great talking to you and listen to this. I hope you guys can do a show in Phoenix soon. I will definitely come out and see it.

Marq Torien :

No, absolutely. And just a little while I think it's a precursor poster here and anything that I spoke about in the In this interview, I hope it's not offensive to anybody. I'm not trying to offend anybody I'm trying to speak with, with love. And didn't know that the bullet boys are going to be bringing a lot of love to everybody. Obviously, we're doing this out of love for y'all. Love for us and love for the musical genre.

Chuck Shute :

That's great to hear!

Marq Torien :

And also to, you know, anybody out there that wants to say, Ah, you know, man, I just heard this interview and you know, I just want to tell you something, y'all need to know each other marching and being sometimes you may not like what I say, and I apologize for that, but truths are true. All right. Oh, sometimes you gotta, you gotta tell the truth and you know, the truth will set you free.

Chuck Shute :

Absolutely. Thank you so much, Mark. I appreciate you coming on the show.

Marq Torien :

Thank you so much for having me. This is a great interview and I really appreciate you delving into some of the Some of the harder questions.

Chuck Shute :

Yeah, yeah, no, it was really good to hear your opinions on things. I like it.

Marq Torien :

Well, listen, God bless you and your family, and stay blessed. Stay frosty. And God bless the United States of America. All right,

Chuck Shute :

thanks. Bye Bye. Take care. Bye. Bye. I hope that was educational for you guys. As was for me. Mark had so many connections to the rock music scene from Rick James and Smokey Robinson to a Motley Crue rat nause to Guns and Roses five finger death punch Foo Fighters, Eagles of Death Metal I mean, just seems like he has a story about everyone. So I look forward to new bullet boy songs and videos from Mark and hopefully a tour eventually. But make sure you follow the bullet boys on social media or check their website for updates. You can follow me on social media too if you want to. I get lonely sometimes I'd love to hear from you. Get your thoughts on the interview. If you really want to go all out, you can write me a review of the show. And make sure you subscribe so that you never miss an episode. Thank you so much for listening. And until next time, have a great day or a night if you're listening at night and just remember to shoot for the moon.

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