Chuck Shute Podcast

Dr. Peter McCullough (cardiologist, author)

Dr. Peter McCullough Season 5 Episode 423

Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist and author. He has broadly published on a range of topics in medicine with more than 1,000 publications and over 685 citations in the National Library of Medicine.  We discuss the Covid-19 pandemic, treating long-covid and vaccine injuries, heart health, Avian bird flu and more.


00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Avian Bird Flu
01:35 - Measles
03:20 - Covid Vaccines Slight Risk
05:40 - Turbo Cancers
07:30 - Covid Viral Mutations
08:36 - Long Covid Symptoms
09:40 - McCullough Protocol
13:46 - Silent Hypoxemia
14:20 - Reactivation of Epstein-Barr & Lyme Disease
14:55- Polymyalgia Rheumatica & Covid Vaccines
16:00 - Doctors Being Unbiased
16:38 - Blood Clots & Embalmers
17:45 - Testing for Spike Protein
18:45 - Intermittent Fasting &  Diet
24:10 - Magnesium & Vitamin D Supplements
25:00 - Ozempic, Ivermectin & Drugs
28:15 - Drug Protocol for Treating Covid
30:05 - Politicians & Vaccine Response
35:45 - Natural Health & Pandemic Preparation 
38:15 - FDA & Pharmaceutical Companies
39:40 - Vaccine Safety
40:55 - Drug Companies, FDA Corruption & False Claims
44:20 - Covid Vaccines & Pregnant Women
45:40 - Testing for Spike Protein
47:25 - Patients with Covid Vaccine Injuries
48:00 - General Heart Health
51:30 - Follow Dr. McCullough
53:00 - Outro

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Chuck Shute:

Hey welcome to the show. Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate it. I've been trying to have you on for a while a lot of stuff has changed in the last couple of years, few months last day or so, what is your take on this latest story now they're saying the Avian Bird flu, I've given the opinion on this, this they're saying that's gonna be 100 times worse than COVID-19.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

I think that's an overstatement there. There is some periodic kind of fear mongering around the bird flu or Avian Bird flu. And in Texas, it was mentioned that someone tested positive, didn't say sick, tested positive. So anytime you hear the word tested positive, then you know, I think you should probably put in quotation, you know, parentheses not sick. So is typically a zone analysis. That is, you know, birds to farm animals rarely could infect a human, it should be self limiting and not a problem. So I expect you'll see a die down in bird flu craze here in the next few weeks.

Chuck Shute:

Okay, yeah, it seems like there's always something even after COVID-19 There was the monkey pox thing. That was a big craze for a little while, and then that died down. And so, yeah, I'm always trying to pay attention to the news. So you're thinking that's a little bit overhyped?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Yeah, that'll be overhyped. You know, I'll tell you something else hyped is an old disease and that's measles. So there was a story that Florida Surgeon General Joe Oladapo has said listen, you know, measles is not a big deal if the parents want to skip vaccines. We haven't had a measles deaths in the United States and in years and years and years, and if there is typically a secondary staphylococcal infection in the lungs, you know, again, which would be appropriate treated with antibiotics. And I was last night I was at a big public seminar in Southfield, Michigan, and Dr. David Bronstein who spoke ahead of me, he showed a clip from The Brady Bunch, where the Brady Bunch all got measles, and they were so happy they'd got a few days off of school and they're all fine and and just again, showing in the early 70s. You know what a mild disease measles was. So once we had modern hygiene and the ability to handle a rare complication, getting measles is not a big deal at all. We get the natural infection, we have lifelong immunity, we take the vaccine, we don't have immunity, unfortunately, so much most of the outbreaks that occur and people getting measles is those fully vaccinated. Really, I personally was given the measles vaccine and then later on had titers checked and they were negligible. I had to get revaccinated when I was entering the medical field. So the measles vaccine doesn't work. And it's, again been the disease has been overhyped the vaccine is, is is minimally effective.

Chuck Shute:

That's interesting. I haven't gone down that rabbit hole yet. I'll have to look into that one. But so the other thing, the news story that came out, I think that's why I reached out to you again, because the COVID vaccine they said there was a big article said there's a slight increase in heart, brain and blood disorders. Do you feel a little bit vindicated now that some of the stuff that you've been saying for years is finally being revealed?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

I wouldn't use the adjective slight. I mean, what we're seeing in terms of cardiovascular, neurologic thrombotic, and immunologic complications is an avalanche. It's not slight. I mean, there's a massive number of people suffering these events, we now have all cause mortality rising everywhere in the world, among those who took the vaccine, so I wouldn't use the word slide. Yeah, we I was right from the very beginning to question the safety of the vaccines. I was the only public figure who published in August of 2020, I published an op ed called the Great gamble of the COVID-19 vaccine program. You're talking to him? There wasn't a single chief of medicine wasn't a single public health official, no media person. No one questioned the vaccines except for me. Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

And now so that our article comes out and again, they say, I think maybe this is just the Is this the tip of the iceberg when they say slight? Is it going to be worse as time goes on is more going to be revealed and be admitted to? Right

Dr. Peter McCullough:

slight means? tip of the iceberg? They're trying to understate a gigantic problem. When we start to see sporadic safety events, remember, none of these studies have complete reporting. So there are a ton of people suffering that haven't come forward yet to their doctors or to hospitals. And you're right is the tip of the iceberg. Again, The four major areas cardiovascular, neurologic, immunologic thrombotic, and there's a fifth emerging area of cancer. We're particularly worried about cancer. Now. I testified the US House of Representatives, January 12 2024. I told the committee, listen, we've got five to 15 years of worry now, because these are genetic transfer technology platforms talking Pfizer, Maderna, Janssen and AstraZeneca. These are genetic shots. They last in the body a very long time. Maybe forever. So we now have a tremendous, long standing set of health concerns in those who took the vaccines. Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

And that scares me and I seen this I'm seeing this buzzword, Turbo cancers. What is a turbo cancer? Is there any truth to this? Is there any evidence? Is there any statistical significance to the cancer rates for people with COVID vaccine versus unvaccinated? I mean, is there anybody tracking this?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

The, in the United States, the US, CDC should immediately merge the vaccine administration data with the cancer registry data and they refuse to do it, they refuse to do it. Wikipedia has a entry out there on turbo cancer saying that the vaccines don't cause terrible cancer. And why would they say that? Why would they even bother with turbo cancer? Well, it turns out now multiple peer reviewed manuscripts describing cancer and people who took the vaccines, there's plausible mechanisms of action on why the vaccines would cause cancer because they are genetic transfer technology platforms. And they're long lasting, they may be dose dependent, maybe one shot not much of a risk, but three, four or five, six people in the government narrative would now beyond their ninth shot. That's plenty of shots enough over time to cause cancer, because the messenger RNA impairs DNA repair. Pfizer Maderna have process related impurities in them DNA fragments of a cancer promoting gene called SP 40. And then finally, the spike protein is producing the vaccine impairs tumor suppressor systems. This is all summarized in a paper by Angus and Bustos. As we sit here today, the COVID-19 vaccines likely cause cancer, and anybody who's taken a vaccine should be vigilant for the emergence of a malignancy.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah. So what goes on with the COVID vaccine and COVID? Is they both? It's a spike protein, right? And you're saying that, because I think initially you didn't you say that people couldn't get COVID twice. So if they had symptoms was that still from the initial time they were infected, and it was like reemerging?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

From the start of the pandemic through the beginning of December 2021. By and large, people didn't get get COVID twice. But when the virus mutated into the Omicron variant, then people did get it twice, and the vaccinated obviously got it multiple times. So it really had to do with the viral mutation. Now COVID itself clearly causes long COVID syndrome. It causes blood clots in some of the neurologic problems. COVID itself does not cause serious heart damage, or myocarditis. COVID itself does not cause cancer has not been implicated in cancer. Now, sadly, the vaccines don't work. So most people took the vaccines got COVID Anyway, so now they have both exposures, but it's largely the vaccine that's causing trouble for the for the vaccinated.

Chuck Shute:

So then what's going on with the long COVID? Because there's I saw an article too, that said, long COVID is a myth. It's not real. But I mean, I've got all these people on a Facebook group that are suffering. And I mean, they're looking for answers.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

You're right. Remember, you asked about, you know, a subtle rise or what have you just just use your common sense are people around you telling you that there's lots of problems? Yes, long COVID is a real problem. About 50% of hospitalized patients get it overall, it's about 15% of the COVID population gets it a paper by the Exner and colleagues show, but 70% along COVID is driven by taking the vaccines before after COVID So the vaccines make long COVID markedly worse, people get headaches, can't taste or smell, numbness, tingling, various forms of tremors, chest pain, effort and tolerance, blood pressure going up or down. It's really a miserable syndrome. It's most effectively handled with a new protocol we've published and copyrighted this called McCullough protocol, bass spike protein detoxification. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

I think that I think I have all the ingredients here that you've, you've talked about the it's the natto Kona, well, I didn't say that Nana Kona knees. Yeah, now. The Brahma Lin and the Tumeric curcumin. It's like a liquid one that liposomal I think you call it

Dr. Peter McCullough:

perfect. So there you go. So one can get this combination, Amazon or any online retailer natural health stores is very affordable. We have two peer reviewed publications on this proposal natto kinase at least 2000 units twice a day that dose can go up bromo and 500 milligrams a day again that can go up. And then curcumin 500 milligrams twice a day. But again, don't be afraid to increase doses we need at least three to 12 months of this. In order to resolve long COVID syndrome many times we add additional drugs or supplements to it but this is McMullen protocol based by protein detoxification. It's the only such protocol that's met peer review. And it is now essentially becoming the worldwide platform. So recall for the treatment of COVID-19 McCullough protocol, acute treatment protocol became a worldwide standard and now the same is occurring for the vaccine injured and those who long COVID Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

and how did you come up with that regimen.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

My practice partner myself, Brian Proctor, we tried all different methods in the clinic, nothing was working various drugs. Until we settled on this combination, we had to have enough patience observe for long enough, then we started to see them resolve their syndromes and it became clear, it became abundantly clear we tried it and family members. And we said listen, natto kinase and Bronwyn, dissolve the spike protein, the spike protein is in large quantities in the human body after the vaccine, smaller quantities after the infection, we have to help the body get rid of it. That's what they do. Curcumin blocks the inflammation from the spike protein, so they're a perfect combination trio.

Chuck Shute:

And these are relatively safe over the counter supplements.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

They're relatively safe now. Brahman and natto kinase are forms of mild blood thinners. So we have to watch for any signs of bleeding. If there's a serious soy allergy trace amounts of soybean oil could trigger an allergy. But again, we can manage that easily. But you're right people have used these for decades. Japanese use natto kinase is a cardiovascular heart supplement for decades. So you know, even if you didn't have long COVID People use these supplements for the health benefits. So these

Chuck Shute:

would help both long COVID And people who had a vaccine injury COVID injuries. That's correct.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

And that the main point here is people need to be patient, it takes a long time. Ringing in the ears is a real common one. That one won't start to change until about a month four or so. Numbness and tingling again, probably six to nine months heart pounding palpitations, it just takes a long time. But we start to see a fall off in the antibodies against the spike protein. People get better and when they finally resolve it, they're so happy because so many people have been miserable now for a couple years.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, I mean, I'm just getting all these people asked about this ask about this. I mean, I've heard things everything from like a weakened speaking voice to hurt joints. I mean, some of the things you mentioned, rashes exercise intolerance of but one thing that I had is that and this was originally from COVID Was I lost my sense of smell, it came back but it didn't come back 100% So with this regimen you think that would help bring it back to 100% or closer die.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

So I commonly recommend the McCullough protocol base by protein detoxification for people whose sense of smell hasn't come back all the way. And then what you want to use is you want to use Xylitol break based nasal spray, at least twice a day. The one I liked the best is called Clear x l e AR, use the clear recovery spay to puffs twice a day and over the next few weeks or months. It'll come back.

Chuck Shute:

Okay, I'll try that. What about what is silent? Hope hypoxaemia. Have you heard of this?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Well, yeah, it may be referring to just you know, low oxygen levels. hypoxemia can occur to do due to what's called micro aggregation of red blood cells. And that's because the spike protein hooks up red blood cells, they don't exchange oxygen properly in the lungs. And again, that's where the natto kinase and Bronwyn will pay play a key role and it's gonna take a while, but patients do improve.

Chuck Shute:

And then somebody wanted to had a question about the reactivation of like Epstein Barr Virus and Lyme disease. Is there a connection there?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

For sure. It's been well described reactivation of Epstein Barr which 90% of us have had that cytomegalovirus as well as Lyme disease can reactivate us because COVID is a bad illness. The vaccines are very toxic exposure. So many times we have to additionally treat those reactivation syndromes.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, and then what about this? I don't know how I'm gonna mispronounce this as well. Polly myalgia rheumatica. Is there a link with that encode vaccines? Are you familiar with that? Polly

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Malzieu ematic A is a relatively rare Internal Medicine disorder of severe muscle stiffness and pain, it can be associated with what's called temporal Arteritis. And in monocular blindness, it's it would not be surprising to me if long COVID in the inflammation can trigger it, but it takes a particular response is one of the few syndromes where we need to give very prolonged corticosteroids like talk about three months of prednisone, but it can be resolved.

Chuck Shute:

So some of these issues need more than just your protocol. They may need some some drugs and prescription drugs, right.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

So most of the autoimmune syndromes will need additional drugs. For sure. People with blood clots proven by ultrasound or CT need additional blood thinners, people with high blood pressure, heart rate abnormalities will need additional drugs. So they need to see a qualified doctor who's treating, you know, long COVID and COVID injury patients preferably an unvaccinated doctor, so the doctor can be objective about it. Most doctors that have taken the vaccines, they just can't think straight about this problem because they're terrified themselves of what's in their body. Right.

Chuck Shute:

There's a like you said in your book, I think he talked about that. So they're kind of like test subjects themselves, so they can't be impartial.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Right? You can imagine what you know what if you had a doctor with a brain cancer? Like he's not going to be objective about the next patient with brain cancer? They just can't. So you really want to ask the doctor if they're unvaccinated or not. And can they give an unbiased assessment? Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

now you talk about the blood clots. Can you explain this to me because I just don't understand this. I'm seeing all these videos of embalmers and they're pulling out these long white strands. I mean, it looks like something from the movie Alien or something. And some people are saying, Oh, no, that's a conspiracy. That's totally normal. And then but the embalmers are saying we've never seen this before, until COVID or COVID vaccines hit. So what is a doctor? Is that something that's normal to have these long white strands being pulled out of people?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Well, there has been a survey of embalmers done by Thomas Haviland, it is clearly shown that this is a secular change. Now, what has not been done is to stratify patients, the deceased by whether or not they took the vaccine. And so we simply don't know we just know that people are more prone to blood clotting. Now, after you know, after they die, normally, the blood liquefies is drains out of the body. Normally, I think it's probably diffuse spike protein exposure. But until we see better data on stratifying, according to vaccinated versus not, it's hard to draw conclusions,

Chuck Shute:

then you so you can can you test for the spike protein? Is there a blood test for that to see if it's in your body? If you still have it?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

We test indirectly with what's called the extended range antibody test right now, when we use in our office by LabCorp. Soon we'll have the direct spike protein measurement, several companies haven't now. But yeah, everybody should be seeking an answer of do they have the spike protein in their body? And how much? Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

but with this protocol, you feel like it could be eliminated. Right?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Where we are following this over time, we do see antibody levels come down, I bet Well, we'll find antigen levels coming down as well. The body has to be detoxified of this. It's very important. It's like the body can't get rid of Spike protein on its own very well at all. And as proposed intermittent fasting, you know, sweating going in saunas can play a role, hyperbaric oxygen, but I think we need enzymatic assistance in clearing spike protein, and that's what natto kinase and Bronwyn do. So

Chuck Shute:

there is some evidence of, of intermittent intermittent fasting and being able to reduce it costs while

Dr. Peter McCullough:

there's at least this suggestion, and that's because intermittent fasting helps autophagy that is the program cell death where cells who are going to normally turn over and if they had spiked protein, if that if that cell undergoes senescence, it's got a pretty good chance of clearing it out.

Chuck Shute:

Is that a pretty common thing just in general for health, the intermittent fasting it can it can help with a lot of issues like that, because I had a doctor on here. I don't know if you're familiar with Dr. Thomas Seyfried, but I mean, he talks about intermittent fasting and a ketogenic diet to help kill cancer cells.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Well, those are two separate things, but intermittent fasting has been part of major religions throughout the history of the world. It's pretty interesting. And there are positive data for intermittent fasting, ketogenic diets, something very different where one would eat essentially no carbohydrates at all and eat high amounts of protein and fat to try to induce a metabolic state where the body actually has circulating ketones in the in the human body, and those are in a sense form of acids and And the breath changes and and things change dramatically. There are case reports where it's been tried in cancer. People have figured Listen, why not? And recently on my show, I had Dr. Annette Bosworth, she's known as Dr. Abbas. Have you ever want to have a great guest, you know, give you the story of the vignette of her mother on a ketogenic diet and what the benefits are, you know, you may want to consider to bring bring her on. I think I'm more of a dietary moderate, where I try to avoid starches I try to avoid the three S's, sugars, starches and saturated fat, but I don't try to put myself in Decatur Genesis and what the doctor boss told me is that someone's on a ketogenic diet and they use a urinary dipstick test to prove that they have keto anemia, and kita Nuria. She told me that eating one apple will take somebody out of ketogenesis one apple and I gotta tell you, I personally have never found somebody who became obese eating an apple. I tend to doubt that eating an apple is harmful for cancer patients. So moderation is probably somewhere there. But there's more and more data that the three S's are the problem sugars, starches and saturated fat. And cancer patients are eating lots of sugary and starchy foods. diabetics are doing this those with COVID are doing this they're just getting worse and worse and worse. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

last week, a doctor was saying because I asked him well, what is what is the diet that they recommend to cancer patients and he's like, eat as much as you can and sugar and beat you know, they don't want people to lose weight. And he said that's feeding the cancer cells and it's terrible. Well,

Dr. Peter McCullough:

it's true. I'm not an expert in cancer, but I can tell you in COVID there is paper after paper after paper showing eating sugary and starchy foods makes the infection worse. The infection the virus inflammation, probably cancer cells, they feed on sugar as the last thing you want to do if you have cancer.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, I think you mentioned that about COVID before too. Yeah, I think I read that. So that's, that is I mean, you think some of this stuff is common sense but eating junk food I mean, I remember they used to have the food pyramid right and they would talk tell us to eat a bunch of bread and and starch. But I don't think that's probably good anymore.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

No, I mean, the whole dietary Clinical Nutrition world has a pretty dark history they said the base that we should be eating lots of white bread and flour, morning noon and night that was completely wrong. I mean, that was a recipe for getting fat and in fact, Americans got fat and we've learned over time that mean what I've learned in this is the body needs high quality sources of protein. And and the quality of the protein is really defined on the package in which the the poly peptides are contained. So highest quality sources of protein are fish, beans, nuts, egg whites, nonfat dairy, occasional lean meats and chicken occasional not chicken every day. And then fresh fruits and vegetables unlimited with the body does not need our sugars, starches, that means anything made out of flour, rice and potatoes, and the body doesn't need saturated fat. That means you know, lots of gooey cheeses, regular ice cream, greasy meats that the human body doesn't need that what

Chuck Shute:

are your thoughts on like beet juice, or celery juice? Or is there any sort of like fruits and vegetable kind of juice or anything that you recommend that is good for your heart? Or

Dr. Peter McCullough:

just vegetable juice is simply a way of eating more vegetables and to that extent, it's pretty good beet juice is attractive because beet juice contains vaso dilatory very favorable substances for the heart so that looks pretty good. We want to avoid fruit juices so fruit juices simply are concentrating the sugar from a lot of fruit so you know instead of drinking orange juice, which is the sugar from 10 Oranges, you're better off eating one orange and getting the the taste of an orange and the fiber. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

and what about like magnesium supplements? Do you reckon because I hear a lot of Americans are also vitamin D and magnesium deficient but the magnesium can help synthesize vitamin D.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Yeah, I recommend both. The reason why people are magnesium deficient is a drink bottled water filtered water. So it's filtering out the magnesium so we commonly recommend magnesium for people palpitations, extra heartbeats muscle cramps at night, and we recommend vitamin D most of us get insufficient sunlight to convert vitamin D so we need vitamin D supplementation, but these are common things that now over time have borne out and if there's any deficiency in the literature, it's typically not testing high enough doses. Hmm,

Chuck Shute:

that's interesting. What are your thoughts on you know trendy drug right now? I was like ozempic Are those kinds of similar? Do you have any thoughts on that or theories of is this is that there's going to be side effects to these drugs that come out later. I mean, some are already having side effects. Now.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

These drugs are called GLP. One agonists and they are effective in curbing hunger and losing weight. But predictably, patients regain all the weight when they stop them their injections and have to be given once a week. So you know, in a diabetic with an OB who's obese and struggling, I'll prescribe ozempic Or one Jarrell, but it really ought to be done. I think with a goal of trying to help a diabetic it shouldn't be done for cosmetic weight loss.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, I mean, it's just so interesting, like reading your book and learning about the FDA and all these drugs and how it's just confusing because I remember going back to the COVID stuff, it's the ivermectin and it was so demonized. And there was all these jokes about and all this and wondering, can you kind of dig deeper and you talked about this in your book, how that, you know, they were pushing a different antiviral medication, because they can make more money because ivermectin is a generic so there's not a lot of money to be made with that. Is that correct?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

It's true. ivermectin very affordable, safer than Tylenol, over 100 studies, very effective and COVID, both inpatient outpatient, hydroxychloroquine equally as affordable, more favorable data over 300 studies, mainly without patients. Aspirin, very affordable vitamin D, the nasal sprays, available culture seen. All of them were demonized. All of them were impeded by the federal government, even high tech expensive products like monoclonal antibodies, which are safe and effective. They were taken off the market, one after another by the federal government. So federal governments all over the world worked to suppress any hope of treatment. And as a result, Americans and people across the world they suffered. They were hospitalized, and they they died. Yeah. And this was a method I think, to force people into vaccination. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

because so with ivermectin explain how that works. Because I don't know a lot about I know it's an anti parasite drug. It's so they're the evidence. Some of the evidence was in India, but they were saying oh, the only reason it helped with COVID in India is because India's there was more people with parasites. So how did it help people like Americans? How did it work for them? ivermectin has

Dr. Peter McCullough:

been shown to block the effects of the spike protein on the virus that's the injurious part of the virus, it inhibits the virus from penetrating the human nucleus and then influences the expression of certain inflammatory factors. So these are well proven and preclinical studies in in the United States of prospective comparative study, the Icahn study was published out of Florida, by Dr. Shawn shock roster, published in chest, our best pulmonary journal, in ivermectin was associated with a 50% reduction in mortality. So it wasn't just India, and it had nothing to do with parasites. It directly saved lives of people sick with COVID-19, which is a viral illness. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

it was part of that protocol you had and you kind of had to you had to get on a quick right, they had to get it fast before the virus could replicate. That works to

Dr. Peter McCullough:

the antivirals. hydroxychloroquine. ivermectin and then the if packs love it, or Mona Pierre Vera is used or outside the United States. favipiravir just needs to be used quickly. With ivermectin it just took time for us to learn the dose. The dose is 0.6 milligrams per kilogram. So these are compounding capsules nowadays. So someone your size would probably take about 48 milligrams, maybe 36. So then 12 milligram increments, smaller woman may take 24 milligrams of big man may take 60 milligrams, but these are the doses now we're using for ivermectin much higher than originally proposed. Are

Chuck Shute:

people still getting that regimen with COVID? I mean, is there still a risk of dying of COVID? Or I mean, just don't hear about as much as the virus kind of mutated so that it's a lot weaker now? Are people still struggling? The

Dr. Peter McCullough:

virus has mutated, it's far weak or people have had previous infection so they have natural immunity, so there's little risk of hospitalization or death with COVID. Now occasionally, we'll find some seniors recently had two patients in my office in their 90s with their first episode of COVID. And they needed for Makala protocol. They needed some IVs. In the office, they got through it fine. But people on their second or third infection, it's mild. We still use ivermectin because it can help them with symptoms of a man right now, who had severe COVID was hospitalized the first time he's got symptoms again. So I have him on ivermectin, he's gonna get through it just fine. Is that

Chuck Shute:

the same protocol that the Joe Rogan took? Because he got better like three days he said,

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Yeah, Joe Rogan air and Rogers, even former President Trump, they all got version semicolon protocol. So it was great to see him get better.

Chuck Shute:

So did you think Trump and some of these politicians, did they actually get the vaccine? Or because they say that they did. But I mean, I don't know. I'm skeptical. I don't know what to believe anymore.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

I think we should take it at face value. I think they took the vaccine. I think the bigger question is, why aren't they calling for the vaccine? It'd be pulled off the market. Why are they not alarmed? With record numbers of cardiac arrest strokes, blood clots, immunologic problems, you know, the CDC says 18,655 Americans have died with the taking the vaccine 1150 right after they take it in the vaccine center. Few hours later, 1200 the next day? What President would not be alarmed with a couple of 1000 Americans dying right after they took the the needle? It's probably underreported by 30. So the true number of people who died in the United States with a vaccine could be, you know, 500,050 550,000 Americans, more than half a million Americans died. They are that that should be the number one talking point on every platform of people running for office. And yet we have to we have two presidential candidates, our two main ones. They're responsible for bringing us the vaccine for mandating the vaccine. And now guess what they want? They both want to be in office again. And neither one is expressing any concerns over vaccine safety. Americans should be outraged.

Chuck Shute:

Well, yeah. And I find it interesting in your book. I mean, everyone wants to label you as a right wing Q anon conspiracy theorists, but in your book, you say you actually voted for Hillary Clinton and Obama? Yeah,

Dr. Peter McCullough:

yeah. So I, you know, I am a, an independent, I've voted Republican. I've voted Democratic. I've voted for the bushes in the past. So so you can see how these various pundits are so wrong in their labeling of things. Yeah, I'm a political independent, but I gotta tell you this race coming down. I talked to the average American, they don't want Trump and they don't want by. They want us to get some fresh ideas, particularly our senior citizens. They were burned with COVID. They saw the Trump administration grossly mismanaged the country that last year that of the Trump administration was a disaster, he walked us right in the pandemic locked us down, rolled out remdesivir hired Fauci mean, couldn't be worse, as a disaster, and the Biden administration was installed, and they've been even worse.

Chuck Shute:

So you're not riding with Biden this time?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

You know, it's I think it's a vote for either one right now is a vote for more vaccine misery. So I think well, then really tough. I think they have to now, Biden and Trump are vaccine brothers. They are the same on the vaccine. So if either one of them want to distinguish themselves, they should come out and tell us what they think about the vaccines. So then, as you differentiate this is this is the this is the political opportunity of a lifetime. I think whichever candidate comes out and says, You know what vaccines were a giant mistake. If I'm reelected, I'm going to make this right for America, there'll be a gushing sound of votes. If either candidate says that, I think they're gonna win the election. But if neither candidate is willing to talk about the vaccines, we're coming down to another nip and tuck election, no one knows what's going to happen. Both sides are going to claim election fraud if they lose, right, so remember what Hillary Clinton lost. She declared that there was, you know, election integrity issues Trump lost, he claimed this election integrity issues. So you know, this voter fraud, election integrity is kind of a sore losers. Campaign after that. I think America is sick of sore losers, we should just have people who run on issues, who are clear with the country can understand if we've got the country suffering from a miserable COVID 19 pandemic response in, in vaccine campaign, they should come out and level with the country, they can win the election.

Chuck Shute:

I agree. 100%. What are your thoughts on RFK Jr, then? Because I think you were mentioned in his book The real Anthony Fauci and you guys have a lot of similar beliefs on COVID-19 and vaccines. Well,

Dr. Peter McCullough:

unlike Biden, and Trump, who I don't know personally, I do know RFK personally and he does offer you know, clarity on the pandemic response and the vaccines which is good, the challenges he faces are going to, you know, be getting on the ballot and all the states and becoming much more residential. What I'd like to see out of him is, you know, standard comments about the economy, foreign affairs, domestic affairs, education, immigration, he's got to put it together and become more presidential. I think what I'm seeing right now is just too argumentative, almost like a litigator, wants to, you know, litigate the CIA and what have you, and now's not the time to do that, now's the time to really take on a presidential persona, and take a stance on how they're going to lead the country.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, you're bringing up a good point about, I don't know if there's a lot of difference. I mean, there's problems with both of those, and even the third guy RFK what I find interesting, too, is that I never heard, because I watched a lot of those press conferences during COVID, with Trump and Fauci. And they never talked about a lot of the common sense approaches with to treat COVID In terms of preparing your yourself for the for catching a virus like exercise, sunshine, drinking water, boosting your immune system with vitamin C, zinc, natural supplements, there was I didn't hear any of that.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Yet, both of them have done a terrible job preparing the country for a pandemic or to manage through a pandemic, and we're now being threatened with disease X, you mentioned bird flu, we're right back to same, the same fundamentals, our public health agencies have held no open forums, there's no q&a. There's no practical sets of regulations. In fact, just the opposite, you know, for the virus, Seidel, nasal sprays and gargles. Every company was tied up in court with the Federal Trade Commission, they didn't want anybody to use nasal sprays and cargoes, Eric NewBeauty, who is, you know, an innovator with vitamin D supplements he was he was viciously attacked in the courts by the Federal Trade Commission, it cost him a fortune to manage out of that. So both the Trump administration and the Biden administration have been terrible, it would have would have been better if they were just neutral. Do you know when the Spanish flu pandemic Woodrow Wilson was the president? He never mentioned the pandemic? Really? Yeah, it was a problem that doctors handled, it wasn't a presidential issue, we would have been better off if if the president stayed out of it, the government side of it and the doctors just handled it, we would have been fine. What

Chuck Shute:

was interesting in your book, this was probably one of the most shocking parts where you talk about most of the doctors were scared themselves of getting it. So they didn't want to treat they were worried about how do we protect ourselves with masks and and pieces of gear or whatever. And so that you were the one of the few that was like, Okay, how do we treat this disease, we help patients get better.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

That's so true that conference calls and remember, we're all about personal protective equipment, hand sanitizers, gloves, reverse ventilation, everyone was worried about themselves, they were playing defense, trying to protect themselves as opposed to help patients and, and as a doctor, my first priority is always the patient, we always put the patient above ourselves. We didn't see that at all, with the pandemic response.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, and it just, I mean, I just as doing my own research, and I know you're not supposed to do that, but they used to call it reading, right? That's Jimmy doors joke that was like, you know, doing your own research used to be called reading, but now it's terrible. But I mean, when the prescription drugs, just the process, do you understand the approval process with prescription drugs that I heard, I was reading this thing about sticking run 50 studies on a drug. And as long as two of them or positive, then it gets FDA approval,

Dr. Peter McCullough:

or something drug approval process is driven by the companies who want to apply to have a drug approved by the FDA. So the companies get to pick what studies they do and how they assemble their dossier. So it is driven by the companies, it just it is the process of what it is what the FDA should be as an unbiased regulator, looking at the full breadth of the data and ensuring safety that's more in the house, the FDA is not in a position to try to tell us, you know, risks and benefits and try to tell us how to practice medicine. They're not quite a set of qualified doctors or even licensed to do that. But they should be able to regulate on safety, and protect Americans from unsafe products where the FDA has failed, is they should have pulled the COVID-19 vaccines off the market very early in 2021. They're not safe for human use. Now we have multiple societies that are calling for the vaccines to be pulled off the market and the FDA is behind on this. This is not looking good. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

well, so what is your take on the I think it was the lancet study that said the COVID vaccine prevented whatever, a million deaths or whatever, like, what are you what are your thoughts on that? I mean, that seems like I don't know how they measured those statistics of how it could prevent and then we didn't have a control group of I mean, did we or I guess I don't really understand that study. Now,

Dr. Peter McCullough:

the prospective randomized trial As placebo controlled are the only ones we can use to try to discern if the vaccine saves lives. And in those trials, more people died with vaccines than with placebo. So the vaccines did not reduce death rates at all did not. Now we have a paper out of Montreal, Dennis Rancourt, an ecological analysis, his conclusion is the opposite, that the vaccines have actually caused about 17 million deaths. So I would follow the rant court data. The vaccines are causing death, we have 4000 Peer Reviewed papers describing fatal and non fatal Vaccine Injury syndromes. The vaccines didn't save lives. They've cost people their lives. Well,

Chuck Shute:

yeah, like I said, I know, for a fact there's tons of people that are having side effects from both COVID and from the vaccines. But I know that, you know, if you ask Siri, you know, this is a fun test is to ask Siri who paid the largest fine in US history. It's Pfizer, they paid a $2.2 billion, fine. But they made 8 billion that year. So they're still okay. They're still in business. I mean, there's, you know, Bayer that make aspirin and other things. They sold the drug that was infected with the AIDS virus, and then they just dumped it overseas, and they're still in business. So what is the FDA doing? Why are these companies still in business if they're if they're doing terrible things that are hurting people?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Sadly, the FDA is corrupted by big pharma they received most of their revenue from fees, they charge Big Pharma, nine out of the 10 last FDA commissioners they go work for big pharma when they're done at the FDA. So it's a corrupt system. So what we call the biopharmaceutical complex in our book, we can't trust the FDA at this point in time, they're not making decisions that are in the best interest of the health of Americans. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

something like those 11 A 1145 lobbyists. Well, this was in 2013, compared to 535 members of Congress. So that's like $400,000 per congressman, and the farmer can pay all these fees to speed up the approval rate. I mean, it seems highly corrupted.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

It's a very corrupt system, we've got to get the big pharma money out of the FDA, we need to clean house at the FDA, FDA should have a major focus on drug safety, constantly having safety reviews, the FDA is not reviewing the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines or drugs like remdesivir. It's in hospital use. So we have a situation where the FDA is off the rails. And they're not protecting us against what is a evolving debacle, a biopharmaceutical debacle that's causing more harm than good. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

it's scary, because I always used to just want to be able to trust our government and trust that the FDA has done their job. But I feel like it's not just the COVID vaccines, I feel like it's other drugs, and even things that are food that we're not being told about that have long term effects. And I also don't think that we know a lot of the effects when the the COVID vaccines came out, they said, these are safe and effective. And like, how can you know the long term effects of this vaccine, it's only been on the, it's only been around for what, like a year or whatever. So I don't really understand how they can say that it's 100% safe and won't cause any side effects, especially later down the line. These

Dr. Peter McCullough:

are fraudulent claims. Remember, in the clinical trials program, the primary series took a month to get these two shots, and they're just two months of observation. No one knew at month four or five or six, what would happen. So anybody claiming that they were safe and effective, was basically making a statement that was out of an article of faith. It wasn't based on data, they was wishful thinking, maybe they wish they would be safe and effective. But no one could know if they were safe and effective, because they were too new. Right.

Chuck Shute:

And like you said, I mean, we're seeing, I think, possibly could just be the tip of the iceberg with these issues that a lot of people I mean, because we won't see the long term effects of this for 50 or 100 years. I mean, like a kid got a COVID vaccine at six years old. We might not see the effects of that for a while, right.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

It's so true. You know, the recent Pfizer study has just come out on doing the vaccine given a vaccine in pregnant women. And this is a small study, they stopped early. It's grossly underpowered. But I gotta tell you, there was four times as many birth defects in babies from vaccinated mothers compared to unvaccinated. Me This is awful. This is absolutely awful. So parents that have children with birth defects. Now one of the first questions we're going to ask is Did you take a COVID vaccine?

Chuck Shute:

Oh, that's really scary. Is that something that this would happen? Like you're saying if they got the COVID vaccine while they were pregnant, or just even before that, well

Dr. Peter McCullough:

This was a study of giving the vaccine while they're pregnant, which is a disaster, and that's pregnancy category X, I published that for Americans in 2021. I told everyone a pregnant woman should not take a brand new genetic injection during pregnancy. That sounds bad, it is bad. Now the data are clear it causes birth defects. But you know, there's a great concern since these are long acting. People have taken the shots in the years before they conceive both the men and the women. We have no idea what's going to happen. People have to understand we can't play around with genetic technology and hope that it was going to be safe and gonna be okay. Chances are it's not.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, I mean, that always scared me. I did. I took the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. So I thought, well, at least that technology has been around longer, but I still feel like I have a weird like, I might have to do this McAuliffe protocol because I still feel like I have shooting pains in my hands and numbness in my hands that I'd never had that before.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

No, even the Johnson Johnson vector Eggsy installs a massive amount of Spike protein in the body and has long acting effects broken colleague's shell the spike protein is circulating in the bloodstream for at least six months, maybe longer. So patients like you I would get the extended range antibody test against the spike protein see how much we're dealing with? Do an assessment you're right McCullough protocol based by protein detoxification. If any of the auto immune markers are positive, we usually use hydroxychloroquine. So we are able to get people to resolve the syndrome. But it takes a it takes an adept practitioner I think an unvaccinated doctor to help discern what's going on get people on the right track.

Chuck Shute:

What was the test that you said

Dr. Peter McCullough:

do you use? It's called the LabCorp extended range antibody test against the spike protein. Okay.

Chuck Shute:

And so that's something that I can talk to a doctor about. That's someone that actually is going to do that, because I feel like a lot. You're right. I think a lot of doctors are just going to dismiss this as Oh, you just been reading too much on the internet. And, you know, but there's people that are suffering. One person I'm gonna have on my podcast, actually, I think you I don't know if you remember this, this nurse Lindsey. I don't know what her last name is, like, Lindsey Rn is her Twitter handle. But she had huge side effects. You remember her?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Yeah, poor Lindsey. I think that's Lindsay house. She's had a miserable time, hair falling on auto immune problems. She sought a myriad of treatments. I have patients, my office is loaded with patients like that.

Chuck Shute:

Wow. And so but hopefully a lot of them are seeing some positive effects from this protocol that you've created.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Yeah, it just takes a long time. So it could take three

Chuck Shute:

months minimum, could take a year could take longer than a year.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

It could not remember these are safe to use long term anyway, patients with heart disease are probably going to use nattokinase long term anyway. But yeah, people should plan on a long haul for this.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah. Is there any other things that you recommend for just general heart health or?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Well, General heart health, I advise the wellness company as the chief scientific officer and the one supplement I'm really high on is called Heart and muscle support from wellness company And has everything in it that I'd recommend for the patients with heart disease, including ACL carnitine, D ribose. B vitamins, selenium, it's a great product, one capsule twice a day.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, I mean, do you think statins are being over prescribed? Or it seems seems like there's a lot or are chronic health is getting worse? And the prescription drugs is going up? Is there a connection there? Or is that just because we're living longer? Or what's the story without having

Dr. Peter McCullough:

health getting worse is probably more related to diabetes and lack of physical exercise. It's easy to kind of blame the drugs, but come on, people are enormous. They can even run a mile or two. And the drugs are largely probably appropriately used. I mean, statins do reduce cholesterol, it results in lower rates of heart attack, stroke, bypass surgery, angioplasty. They have side effects by 15% of people have muscle aches, it's not a big deal. We stopped the statin it goes away. But statins clearly have a role. So this is out of mind if they can't tolerate statins, we use injectable drugs called PCs K nine inhibitors. So we have a lot to do you know, before we had statins, we had about a million bypass surgeries in the United States. And now we're down to about 150,000. So wow, clearly they've made a big positive impact. But

Chuck Shute:

so what you're saying too is if people ate better exercise took care of themselves. Maybe we could avoid having people go on all these prescription drugs as well. Well,

Dr. Peter McCullough:

certainly for diabetes. That's the case maybe avoiding in some people blood pressure lowering lipid lowering therapy. It is a lean horse for a long race, no doubt about it stain free of smoking. No alcohol if one can leave the lead the cleanest life possible. That's the best chance of not needing drugs. No

Chuck Shute:

alcohol at all because he my grandfather, he's lived to 91 He drank martinis every day.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Well there you go. But yeah you know I'm balance you know there are risks and benefits of drinking alcohol but in balance, the the benefit the risks outweigh the benefits so I think the big ones are disturbing sleep people drink alcohol, never sleep good. And then atrial fibrillation you know, getting on blood thinners, having ablations and having all related to alcohol it's not worth it. So

Chuck Shute:

was the research with that though, because they would say like drink a glass of red wine is because doesn't alcohol thin your blood? So then that would help a little bit with the heart stuff, right?

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Well, alcohol raises HDL cholesterol a little bit but again, the the downsides of alcohol not sleeping, right? Atrial fibrillation, gaining weight, you know, making people out of shape. It's very hard to be in shape and drink alcohol. It's just it's just not worth it. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

moderation is the key or just to cut it out entirely.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Yeah, I think if you want to sleep well, most people they find good to get to about 28 days no alcohol sleep comes back to normal. It's, it's so worth it to have good quality sleep. Great.

Chuck Shute:

Awesome. Well, good. Great stuff. Thank you so much for doing this. People can follow you on Twitter. And I'll put your website in the show notes. Anything else you have? Be

Dr. Peter McCullough:

sure to follow me on Twitter I got the top Dr. Cohn on Twitter over a million followers of Dr. Seuss. see patients McCullough report podcast every Saturday and Sunday 2pm. Eastern on America out loud, courageous discourse substack top medical substack 90% of contents free sign up for courageous discourse. And then, of course, my book courage to face COVID courage to face fivestar bestsellers the only book during the COVID genre that Amazon attempted to ban an enormous public pressure Amazon was forced to put it back on the market. There's nothing wrong with the book. It's actually it's a hot book, people want to know why it was banned. And it's obvious you read it. And you can attest that it's easy to read. It's a fun read

Chuck Shute:

great book, I got an audible and I just I'd go double speed and use you cite all the sources. I mean, in every interview, I've watched a ton of your interviews, you're always citing the things and then I'll try to watch the debunking videos for people that try to debunk you. They always just say the same thing. Well, the CDC said this and I'm like, okay, but have we not proven that the CDC and the FDA and all these organizations have made a lot of mistakes, and they I feel maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this is not true, but it seems like they are corrupted. And that's what you're saying too. And I think people trust you. That's why you're the number one most followed. Doctor.

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Thank you. Thank you so much. Great to be on the show. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

thank you so much for doing this. I'll get it out soon. Thanks so much.

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