Chuck Shute Podcast

Jimmy Shubert (comedian, actor)

February 08, 2024 Jimmy Shubert Season 5 Episode 412

Jimmy Shubert is a comedian and actor from Philadelphia.  He has appeared in the films Go, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, The Italian Job as well as guest spots on shows like King of Queens, Entourage and Reno 911.  His latest stand up album "Zero Tolerance" is available now and show dates will be listed on his website.  In this episode we discuss health tips, government & politicians, comedians & laughter and more!

0:00:00 - Intro
0:00:13 - Find the Truth in This Crazy World
0:08:30 - Doing Your Own Research & Sports
0:12:50 - Taylor Swift as a Psy-Op
0:14:20 - Aliens, Intelligence & Questioning
0:19:30 - Health Advice
0:25:30 - Politicians Making Things Worse
0:29:45 - End of Roman Civilization Similarities
0:31:03 - Self-Improvement, Less Stuff & Happiness
0:37:20 - Other Comedians & Laughter
0:43:30 - Programming Your Brain & Social Media
0:47:15 - Smaller Circle & Being Present, Crafting Jokes
0:49:39 - Cancelling People, Hypocrisy & Climate Change
0:54:00 - Talking to People & Traveling & Sam Kinison
0:56:30 - Human Beings, God, Einstein, Spinoza & Happier
1:03:14 - Leaders, Health Tips & Lifestyle Changes
1:19:55 - Comedians, Weight & Darkness
1:24:45 - Outro

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Chuck Shute:

It's awesome. Yeah, I saw that clip that you posted. You have a 10 year Instagram. I think I've watched something like 100 times. It's so funny.

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, well, you know, that's the world we live in now, you know, unfortunately. Well, yeah. People are some people are waking up but mostly it's just I mean, you know, even fuck the whole thing. We live in a fucking matrix. It's a fucking ridiculous I just had this thought like, What if everybody just like you said election in Vegas 64% of people voted for none of the candidates on the ballot.

Chuck Shute:

All right. They had some sort of weird system there something Well, well, no,

Jimmy Shubert:

Nikki Haley was running against nobody. She was the only one on the ballot. And she lost to us the no one. Yeah. Yeah. So I said, you know, what, if everybody just stopped voting, stop paying taxes stopped doing stop supporting companies that like, when you saw what happened with Bud Light? What did people just started doing that collectively? There would be such power in that, that people just said, No, we're fuckin done. We're not playing your game anymore. We're not. I don't even if I can send them my money to Ukraine. I don't want you sending my money giving my money to illegal aliens on credit cards. But what if everybody just stopped and said, Fuck you. We're not doing it anymore. What if everybody just did that?

Chuck Shute:

I think that's the elites biggest fear. I think they want us to fight each other Republican Democrat. You guys have this

Jimmy Shubert:

discussion? I mean, like, seriously, in reality, if you think one side is better than the other, you're a fucking idiot. I mean, it's there are two birds of the same wing. They've been fucking over the middle class in this country for the last 3040 fucking years. You know, they don't represent you. They represent corporate interests. They've you know, and you got companies like BlackRock and Vanguard and these corporations that are so entrenched, Big Pharma is so entrenched in politics in America, they, they buy TV advertising, they buy politicians, they buy scientists, and all the scientific research in the last 30 years is all fucking bogus. All of its bullshit. They pay

Chuck Shute:

for it, right? They pay for the universities to do the research. Nobody

Jimmy Shubert:

anybody who pays for the research gets the results they want. Right? That's it all of it. They've gotten the you know, people that eat steak and butter and eggs and avocados and Whole Foods, you're considered a fucking you know, your alternative, like all the medicine is considered alternative is is actual real medicine. It's fucking you know, anytime you can, I mean, for any pill, you take none of those pills, Big Pharma makes cure anything. They got a ton of side effects. They're literally it's I mean, you know, look at the, you know, I people that are vaccinated telling people that aren't vaccinated to get vaccinated. That's like getting a postcard from the Titanic saying Wish you were here. I mean, if you're not watching any of the fucking if you're not like, I mean, I pay attention, but also like to fucking peace of mind. But I mean, even if you have a little sliver, a gray matter between your fucking ears, you can fucking tell that there's something going on, and it's all fucking shit. It's all just fucking shit. These people lost their fucking minds. They forget that they work for the American people, but they don't represent you anymore.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah. Have you ever had any bad experiences with pharmaceuticals or known had any close friends have bad experiences with farms?

Jimmy Shubert:

Yes, friend of mine just passed away, collapsed on stage and died. He had a bad ticker. But he was vaccinated. But I don't want to start the ship. But I mean, also look at all the world class athletes just dropped that look at football players. These are physical specimens. Have you met human beings? And, you know, just dropping dead all over the fucking world? Nobody's talking about it. But you know, I mean, just could you imagine, you know, knowing the information would be harmful to people and just making people fucking take it. I mean, they're all eugenics they all want. I know, I'm not bragging here. But I have the same medical degree as Bill Gates does. So well, and I

Chuck Shute:

think a lot of them they look at, it's a numbers game, right? They go, Well, if one or 5% of the people die, but 95% don't we can make this much money and then we have this much money left over for the lawsuits will still make profit. Yeah.

Jimmy Shubert:

It's called collateral damage. But you're talking about people's fathers. You're talking about people's mothers, you're talking about brothers and sisters of people. And they're not expendable. They're certainly that I mean, you think that they are because you're eugenics you think the world's overpopulated. So by hook or crook, they don't care how they kill you with a vaccine, with the plastics, in your food, with the chemicals in your food. I mean, everybody's counting calories. Nobody's counting chemicals. I mean, could you imagine the sickness, the level of sickness where people think you need to spray chemicals on food to do farming? I mean, like, I can't get the food without the poison on it. Sure that Don't be extra. I mean, that's the kind of that's the kind of world we're living in and you're poisoning your fucking children. You're putting in a breakfast cereal if you're feeding your kids breakfast cereals you need your fucking head examined. You have fucking red dye. Red, yellow, red dye yellow dye. Your kids got fucking out. Kids got ADHD because your pump are full of sugar and fucking dies every fucking morning. No wonder your kids can't fucking behave. It's fucking straight up poison. I mean look at all that look at all go to the grocery store. All that shit is over processed like employees. I wouldn't I wouldn't man I filter my water on seven different levels. I wouldn't fucking drink that shit if I didn't filter it but it's but it's I mean it's insane it's fucking insane. I mean, you know you know I mean look at the look at the the mental illness look how many people on antidepressants look at money people walk around undiagnosed look at all the fucking mental illness. I mean, it's it's, you know you know, it's a short little fucking ride on his blue marble man enjoy your life and to take care of yourself but but it's fucking it's insane. We live in we were living in crazy times.

Chuck Shute:

I mean, yeah, cuz there's so much information which is good and bad. Because you have access to stuff it can make your head spin finding out about all this shit too. But also

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, that's the thing. You have to balance it out with mental illness because people just go he's fucking crazy. I mean, people call you conspiracy theorists. But I my conspiracy theorist or I call it being a paying attention. Just

Chuck Shute:

you know, truth seeker. I mean, you seek the truth. That's what I just want to know the truth?

Jimmy Shubert:

Well, yeah, because then I can make my informed decisions if I know the truth, but they don't think I can handle the truth. And they don't tell you the truth. They lie. It's all propaganda. I mean, I talked to a friend of mine who was in China for many years. And he's it's funny that he thought it was funny that people United States watch the news. I said, Why? Because he goes, China, we figured out 15 years ago, it was all propaganda somebody watches the news. I mean, if you watch it, it's just it's just programming. I mean, why do you think they call it programming, because you sitting in front of them fucking stupid box and your difficulty in your house. And it brings all the bad information and every commercial, every commercial, you have these symptoms, take this pill. If you have side effects from that pill, take this pill. And if that does do side effects from those pills, take this third pill, and then a lawyer comes on and goes Have you taken any one of these three pills? You may be entitled to legal compensation. I mean, that's it's fucking stupid. I mean, the one thing about the animal kingdom that I love, love is they would never pick the dumbest to lead the pack. But here human beings do that. I mean, these people that fucking get elected are absolute shallow, vacuous fucking sellouts. They sell out your fog they sell out all of humanity, they sell out their country and humanity for money. Problem is I don't think you thought this all the way through. I don't think they thought it all the way through. I think people are just gonna get it. You're just you're a fucking you know, I don't support any of it. You know, I don't I don't I don't support Netflix. I don't any brand I don't you know, I don't I don't purchase it. I don't buy it. I vote with my feet. I vote with my wallet. I'm no longer subjecting myself to this fucking this shit. I'm moving where lines of my values. I'll support companies that line up with my values. And that's all people really need to do. And stop playing like, you know, we got this such fascination with the celebrity culture in this country most of the slug of people. I'm why? Who gives a fuck? I mean, I'm so proud of the fact I've never seen one episode of the Kardashians or any of that shit. Why would you why would you watch that shit you got to just fucking beautiful technology and there's literally 500 stations and nothing of any value to fucking watch.

Chuck Shute:

I don't know if you have the sports package though. There's there's some great football out there to even not

Jimmy Shubert:

even that. I mean, it's a script. That's all I don't fucking I think all that stuff. When the NFL partners with DraftKings which is an online betting company. When the NFL partners with DraftKings and some of these other online betting companies. And you're talking about billions of dollars like 10 years ago, maybe across the league? Maybe 15 years ago, there was 150,000 bets now. There's 150,000 bets per game. There's so much fucking money to be made. And that you know, we talked about you think that do you think there's any interest in curing cancer? I mean, chemotherapy is$194 billion a year fucking industry. You think people are just gonna go Yeah, we don't need that money. Let's cure it. It's fucking insane. And all the foods they feed you. All the fucking research is like sugar is the poison. Sugar is the poison. It's Not Butter. It's not red meat. It's not eggs. It's sugar.

Chuck Shute:

And different the different variations of sugar they trick you and they call it different names and corn syrup. And then it's like, yeah,

Jimmy Shubert:

yeah, high fructose corn. Corn syrup. There's like 100

Chuck Shute:

different names for sugars that it's basically all the same stuff.

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah so it's so you know, I look I'm not banging my head against the wall and convince anybody I believe what I believe and people can go do their own fucking research, but I'm not participating in anymore I'm not participate. It's not my circus, not my monkeys not my fucking rounds. I'm not participating in this world anymore.

Chuck Shute:

Have you seen Jimmy doors bit about doing your own research? How that's Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jimmy Shubert:

I I'm a big fan of Jimmy doors. I love Jimmy Dore. I'm a big fan of Joe Rogan's. I love Joe Rogan. I love his fucking podcast. I mean, you know, you know, that's what they say, you know, the further a society drifts from the truth, the more they hate those who speak it. I'm good friends with Jimmy. And yeah, I know Jimmy many years and I know Joe many years of these guys are fucking the real deal. Yeah, you know, these guys are out there trying to tell the fucking truth and are trying and anybody who tries a job look what they did to Andrew Tate, look what they did the Russell Brand. I mean, there's people out there that are speaking the truth and they try to make you look like you're fucking insane. And the fact that matter is these people are just trying to wake you up. Do your own research. And I think collectively there's power and people just go numb. Not going to do anymore. You know, I'm with you. I like I like, I wouldn't bet on football, but I don't mind if I could watch it. I like to, you know, I like watching golf. But I mean, you know, a lot of us. I look my own man swears that football is fixed. He swears it's fixed. I hear that too. And I'm

Chuck Shute:

kind of like skeptical on that one. I like finding the truth. But I don't know that there's enough truth there. I

Jimmy Shubert:

don't know. How old was it? First off NFL is an entertainment company. It's not it's not sports. It's an entertainment company registered

Chuck Shute:

is that right? That's what? Registered

Jimmy Shubert:

Jersey so. So it's like ancient Rome. It's the gladiators. You know the thing of it is, is this year I've watched some football games. The refereeing is so funny officiating in the NFL games is so fucking bad. Stevie Wonder could do a better fucking job. And then they said well, how can we make the NFL officiating? Worse? I got it. Let's get put a couple of women referees in there. I mean, how could you make it fucking worse? I mean, the throwing flags on something that happened three months ago. Women's sensibilities? I mean I'm not saying you don't you can't watch it sure as an entertaining fucking Yes, absolutely. What I bet my fucking money on a game. absolutely fucking not. Even if you told me it was a lock. I would not bet on football. Sports I don't bet on sports. I'm barely betting casinos but I mean it's it's just all fixed. It's all so fucking it's all fucking scam dude. It's all of it's designed to separate you from your hard earned fucking money.

Chuck Shute:

What do you think about Taylor Swift the people are saying this is a psyop that she's the government's in bed with her. They're gonna use her as an asset for information to try to use her as our starting to spokeswoman to combat misinformation is what they're going to use her for, because she has like 360 million followers like that's more than like all the politicians combined. Well,

Jimmy Shubert:

first off, I think she's a tremendously gifted artist. I know George Soros bought her entire fucking song book collection, right. I know that program. And when we talk about your diet, it's not just what you eat. It's what you read. It's what you listen to. I certainly believe that program is as easy on a TV as it is in music. I mean, you listen to the music, and it's put on frequencies and people respond to it. I don't know that she's a psyop. I think she's just a girl just trying to make a living as an artist and she's tremendously successful. But do I buy into SIOP? I don't know about that? I mean, certainly I've never been to a Taylor Swift concert. I really don't listen to Taylor Swift music so I I don't have an opinion on one way or the other. But, I mean, I wouldn't put anything past these fucking people. I mean, if they lied about the moon landing if they lied about medicine, if they lied about tobacco, I mean, how can you fucking make like, you know, it's like, how can you lie about all these things? And then expect me to fucking believe you when it comes to the little things? Well,

Chuck Shute:

then how do you even know what to believe? Because they said before the government said, Oh, aliens. This is all BS. Like, you know, the nowadays

Jimmy Shubert:

now they say it's

Chuck Shute:

real. So the fun is the truth.

Jimmy Shubert:

Well, there you have it. I mean, there you have it. Which one is the fucking truth? I mean, do I think we're alone? Do I think we're the only species on this fucking planet? I've met? I think yes, I think we've been visited by aliens. I think they look at Earth as some little you know, galactic rest area on the in the universe. Wherever you gotta stop and piss and shit. You land on Earth. You shoot out your three alien assholes and they get the fuck out of here. And so I don't I mean, really you? I mean, we're such a fucking arrogant species. We fucking ruin everything. Fucking people are so fucking bored. And like I just got back from the Philippines. It is a tremendously poor country. And people in this like unis back and look around there you go, Holy shit did these people, I mean, we're talking about a box of cinder blocks with a tin roof on it and at your house. And people in this country have so much and they take it all for granted. And so I you know, I mean, fuck you, I mean you, you're lifting rocks and looking for shit to be pissed off about, you're a fucking idiot if you don't want to watch it, change the channel, if you don't want to see it, leave the club, you don't have. It's like, I don't get this idea. Like if you're a vegetarian, everybody else has to be a vegetarian. Like it's Oh, um, you know, well, you don't own a gun. Everybody else can own a gun because I don't I don't get that everybody has to fucking behave the way you behave in a world where people are allowed to be individuals. I mean, look at the look at like people getting fired for tweets. I mean, could you imagine saying that I got fired for a tweet. Sounds like something a cartoon character would say, Well, what's a tweet? I got fired for tweet. Yeah, really? I mean, it's so we're living in the dumbest time in American history. Can people think we're so much smarter than ancient civilizations? And you're not really? They've convinced you? I mean, you know, I'm telling you, I think it's I think they they've they've, you know, dumb this down. They've, you know, they let your brain fucking rot. I'm so glad I was. I'm not I've never been a big TV watcher. And especially now I barely turn on my television maybe to watch the Eagles play. Or watch a PGA golf tournament. That's it. I don't I listen to music all day long. What's that?

Chuck Shute:

What kind of music?

Jimmy Shubert:

All kinds every kind i jazz? Rock older rock older stuff. Not any there's new age fucking stupidity. When you're fucking wet as pussy. Good. You're

Chuck Shute:

just like comical to me, though.

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, it's comical. But people listen to it. And they sing it and they fucking you know, caveman. If you realize how much rockin Have you realized how powerful your words are? And how powerful your thoughts are. You wouldn't just say anything. And you wouldn't just think anything. You know, but, you know, we live in a time that I mean, really, it's, it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Like, some of the smartest people I know. Go along with this. I go How can you fucking not question? How can you not question everything? I mean, go ask the American Indian how much they trust the government? What are you fucking kidding me? I mean, you know, I mean, look at America. We're the ones fucking bombing everybody and dropping bombs on people. We say oh, these people are but we're the ones dropping bombs destroying fucking entire fucking civilizations. I mean, you know, these they look they just created a fucking vaccine that was fucking that was manufactured in a lab in fucking China that they released under the population, the United States? What the fuck does that tell you? I mean, if you would do that, what you do? If you would do that, what what you do? Right? The stuff that we know, in the food that the masses consume what you do. The problem is these people love power. And they love being in power. And they'll do anything to fucking keep it. And they fucking they pay the fucking they pay these fucking news people. They pay these people. You know, to fucking they write new stories that are written in a fourth grade level. So the masses can wrap their minds around it. They have some beautiful person reading off a teleprompter to tell you the fucking news and it's all fear based shit. They want you to fucking scared shitless fuck that. Either. cower in fear, or fucking explode with passion. You know, you're the alchemist. You fucking decide what fucking world you want to live in. I'm gonna try to change the world. I don't give a fuck what you believe. I'm just gonna go about my day and believe. Like, I'm just going to question every fucking single piece of thing. I have a mantra, the less I listened to government health advice, the healthier I become.

Chuck Shute:

That's great advice. Absolutely. I

Jimmy Shubert:

mean, seriously. I mean, you know, I mean to me, it's so obvious. I'm just fascinated by people can't think that that's that. That's such I wouldn't really know you think so? I mean, you have no idea. These people don't give a flying. Do you think these people give a fuck about you boy are you an idiot? Boy, you fucking dumb. I think people don't get that they get they get the most politicians have one soccer player. Up next getting reelected or getting elected, and they'll say anything and do anything to make that come to pass. And then when they get there, they're going to wrap their big lips around the fat throbbing cock of corporate corporate greed and suck on that COC until they have enough money where they didn't go fuck and live their lives, and they'll sell out anybody. They'd screw their own mother's for a nickel. Look at these people. Look at them. Look at them. Look at Joe Biden. If if you think this guy's doing it, you're a fucking retard. You're fucking mental encumbered. If you think this guy's he's fucking 80 years old. My mom's Edie? I'd love her, but I won't want to run the country. Okay. I mean, it's we're just living in in the in the strangest of times. And you know, I mean, you know, people will wake up one day, and you'll realize that you no longer live in a country that resembles what America once stood for, or used to stand for, or used to be like, you know, they have all these fucking shitty fucking narratives that they love to jam down everybody's throat. I mean, the fact that you think a man can give birth, I would never believe anything you ever tell me again? There's 800 million fucking people on the planet, maybe a billion you know, and I and all of them came from woman's vagina. Feel free to fact check that. Men don't fucking you kidding me? I take a big shit. I'm a difficult hospital getting stitches. You know? I don't. I mean, I, it's insanity. Like, here's a statistic guys talk to my friend. He's a world class psychiatrist. And he said 62% to 72% of the human beings that fully transition to fully transition, like men to fully transition to women wind up committing suicide. Because your human body is not meant to process all those synthetic chemicals, the estrogen you're pumping into yourself, all the hormones, you're pumping in yourself, and will make you insane, but feel free.

Chuck Shute:

And also the cost of that over a lifetime is like about a million not $1.2 million over the lifetime of

Jimmy Shubert:

there you have it follow the money for every kid that transitions that will be a million dollars over the course of their lifetime to Big Pharma. To get the fucking synthetic drugs they need to feel like they're a woman or a man. And then the wind up committing suicide but they don't give a fuck. Again, you know, collateral damage? Who cares? We're making money. I mean, at one point, I mean, how much money do you fucking need really? Like? I mean, Bill Gates. But what why don't you go fucking work on that fucking Beatles haircut in those coke bottle glasses. Why do you see a fucking personal stylist? Why don't you like if I had Bill Gates money, I will be going to fucking beach and fucking Valley or fucking Thailand. I'd be fucking enjoying the fuck out of my life. And wouldn't be fucking working and making process fake meat and trying to convince everybody that it was good for you. All that shit is poison. And all that the you know, I don't. I don't know who convinced these people that the cow is a cow eating grass bad for the planet. It's like saying fish are bad for the ocean. That is the planet. What the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck are you talking about? Exactly. I mind

Chuck Shute:

bug but people will argue with it. And people will argue with you and say that you're wrong. Well

Jimmy Shubert:

Feel free. You could say two plus two is seven. I'll go You're right. I walk away. And all this let me know you're a fucking moron. And I won't even Fuck it. I don't even want you in my fucking I don't want you in my atmosphere. is fucking so dumb. You can't find your own asshole with both hands. Fucking for free lunches. That's how fucking dumb you are. But But feel free. I mean, you know, just the fact that you're not allowed to question science by itself. I mean, that's exactly what science is. That's the definition of questioning of every fucking thing. I mean, you know, look at the vaccine, the vaccine. I know people got the vaccine. They got COVID Four fucking times. So obviously, it's not a vaccine then is it? Then what is it? It's not a vaccine. It's fucking gene therapy that's destroys your immune system. And it destroys your immune system. So you'll need more fucking drugs from big pharma. That's what it is. I feel poor. I feel sorry for people taking it. I feel sorry for people believe it. But you'd have to hold a gun to my fucking head to make me put that shit in my body. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

my buddy took it. He got like boosters, and then he just he kept getting sick. He was sick. Like once a month. I was like, Dude, what is going on with you? I think because

Jimmy Shubert:

it destroys your immune system. Your immune system. Could you imagine that they give you stuff that destroys your immune cells. because they don't give up. Do you think they give a fuck about you? Are you insane? I love that people fucking yell. I don't fucking yell. So I can argue better. prove your point better. You're not going to convince me by fucking saying at the top. I mean, I'm sorry. I just I. I mean, the fact is that I don't believe a single fucking word they say. That's where That's where you've gotten me to. I don't if, in fact, I think if you're saying something, like I always love it, like when people give me information. I always say to myself, no, is that information good for me? Or is it good for you? Now, lots of times the information they're giving you is good for them. Sometimes, and you have to follow the right people or listen to the right people that sometimes they'll give me information that's good for you. But most of the time, and that's about 90% of time the information people are giving you is it good for you? Or is it good for them? And most of the time is good for them.

Chuck Shute:

Right? Well, they credit people that are that speak like Jimmy Dore ninja and Joe Rogan. I think it's hilarious that they call them far right? I'm like, what like, if you do listen to those people, like they're more liberal than anything? Well,

Jimmy Shubert:

you know, Jimmy used to be Jimmy. I used to have conversation with with Jimmy Dore about politics about you know, and, and I don't really believe either side. I mean, you know, the fucking Republicans are fucking cowards. And the fucking Democrats are fucking insane. And I don't believe fuck word you people say? You've built nothing. You've done nothing. You destroy everything. I mean, that's what fucking politics takes is you create a problem. You miss diagnose the problem? You throw money at a problem that doesn't fucking solve the problem. It only makes it fucking worse. And then you ask for more money to fix the problem that you fucking created. It's fucking insanity. Good. You haven't built anything? You've been a fucking politician your whole life you suckled on that fucking government take your whole fucking life. You wouldn't know what the fuck hard work weathers if it fucking Yes, all night long. You destroy everything you fucking touch. Look at the cities. Look at the cities. And there's people that are actively cheering for the downfall of America. All you have to do anybody who hates this country, our only people who have never been outside of it. Yes, I've traveled the world extensively. And I'm telling you, are we perfect? Fuck no. Far from it, but it's a lot better than a lot of places. I fucking been. And I've been fucking everywhere. I've been all around this world. I mean, India, fucking Honduras, El Salvador, Cuba, China three times before the pandemic, Singapore, Macau, Philippines, Germany everywhere. I've traveled extensively around this world. And I will tell you, are we perfect? No, but it's fucking better than a lot of fucking places I've been. And I take it every day and twice on Sunday. So people go, you know, but it's not the country. It's not the principles. It's the fucking scumbags. And the elitist who get in power. And they're the people that they sell everybody else out so that they can make money. I mean, you know, these people go to Washington, they got a couple $100,000 in the bank. And when they get done up there, and four years or six years or whatever, or two years they leave millionaires at the sake of everybody fucking else. Yeah, it's kind of scary. You tell me we can spend billions and billions of dollars on war. But we can't have some fucking health care system in this country. You billions and billions and billions of dollars on bombs but we can't help help the homeless situation or, or the drug problem in this country? Billions and billions of dollars on fucking all kinds of fucking shit. But do we? Do we have enough money to take care of the people who live here? Fuck no. So I think it's going to come to a point. Where are people? I think collectively people is going to you know. I mean, a lot of people leave the country because the logo, I mean, talk about the Philippines. I know people that live there. They fucking say it's great. The American dollar goes so far over there. I know people live in Spain, they live other places. And you know, there's affordable health care, you know, Turkey where people have to travel all over from Europe to go to Turkey to get procedures done, because it's cheaper. I mean, you know, I mean, you know, it's, we're just, yeah, it's crazy.

Chuck Shute:

What do you think the solution is then like, how do we fix this? The court I feel like the course that we're headed on is not this reminds me of the end of like Roman times if you study that, like it's very about similarities.

Jimmy Shubert:

Well, we'll talk about I think Camila piglet Pig, pig pig Lea, Camille Paglia. I talked about the end of the end of the fall, when the end tragedy became kind of mainstream, that you'll see that's when the civilization gets close to the end of close to falling. I mean, the funny thing is people think it could never happen here. But unfortunately, that's what they want. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

well in the entertainment because remember what was in the room like the Coliseum the games are like, once a year, and then people just kept demanding, we want it more, we want it more. And that's kind

Jimmy Shubert:

of what? Well, that's what the NFL is. That's what Major League Baseball is. That's what fucking hockey and basketball are. They're the games. They're the games. I mean, you know, people go to these things. I mean, how do you go to a fucking game a question?$20 Fucking, you want to take your kids out to a fucking football game? Or a bad question? 400 fucking dollars, but it's, I mean, pay for parking and food, and sit and watch a fucking game. I mean, it's insane. It's just insane. You know? I mean, it's, uh, I don't know what the solution is? Certainly, um, no, you know, I, you know, I think I think that the, you know, I used to, I used to fucking want to change the world. Now, I just changed my world, and become the best version of myself and become the best version of what I can bring into the world and what my purpose is, I have a fucking thing. If it doesn't bring peace into my life, it doesn't bring prosperity into my life, or it doesn't serve my purpose. And I give it no time, energy or attention. And that's how I live my life. Now, that took me a long time to realize that but certainly, you know, about four years ago, I started on this journey of just researching food and finding out what what you put into your body. I mean, all the all the sickness in this country is caused by things people put into their body. If you're eating bad shit, garbage in, garbage out. You know, you people drink fucking six Diet Cokes a day. That's fucking poison. You drink any money? Somebody's drinking arsenic. It's fucking poison. If you could clean a fucking toilet with Coca Cola. Why would you drink it? I'm sure it tastes good, but it's fucking ice cream. It's all fucking sugar. It's all fucking poison. I mean, you know, you drink fucking 12 pack of beer every fucking night. What do you I mean, you know, it's just I, you know, I mean, I don't want to tell anybody how to fucking live but it's certainly, you know, I mean, there's a lot to be said for intermittent fasting. Fasting is the best medicine you can fucking do. Go on to 72 fucking drive fast in your body and your immune system will reset itself. Have

Chuck Shute:

you tried that? Yeah. I've only done 24 hours and that's hard. Yeah,

Jimmy Shubert:

it's hard. Yeah, it's hard. But every everything we're doing is hard. Nothing's fucking easy. You think it was easy? Everybody be doing it? It's fucking hard. It's difficult. Life's difficult. Everybody wants life to be easy. They want simple answers. There's no simple answers. Not in fucking life. Not in fucking art. There's no simple answers anywhere. Life is complex and complicated. You can live simply and simplify your life. And think of it because look what we look like, look what the thing is. You fucking go to a job you fucking hate. So you can have money. So you buy shit. You don't fucking need to impress people you don't fucking like. I mean, it's, it's the exact it is. It's like fucking mental illness man. He says, you know, I'm trying to fucking get rid of everything. You know, I need better showers and clothes from my back and everything else is just fucking you know, just stuff like George Carlin did but we need a place to keep our stuff. We need a lot of stuff that goes against that we need stuff for what I mean I swear to God, I get this thing like if I haven't touched it or used it or worn it in a year. Then I get rid of it. I donate it to fucking charity i i sell it I get sold on eBay or Amazon does Amazon I just get I get rid of I'm not using it on the regular basis. That is just in my house taking up space. I want to I want to live simply. I wish I had a place I guess. You know, I can't I wish I could go I wish I could grow my own food. I have a friend of mine who does but he always gives me stuff but I wish I could grow my own food. I wish I could just fucking goods, all of it. I want nothing to do with mainstream. If the mainstream is going this way. I'm going fucking that way I'm going the other direction. Because I don't I don't I don't I don't want any part of it. I really don't. I don't want any part of it. As a human being I want to be able to do what I love to do, which is make people laugh. And somehow people have been convinced that that's just not enough. You know, you can't just be a great comedian you you have to be a podcaster too and you have to do this. You have to do that. I'm gonna who fuck who says who says I would go and fucking go go go. Go watch a fucking highly skilled fucking comedian make you laugh for a fucking hour you think that's fucking easy? takes years to get that good? It takes your fucking 20 years to get that good it's a fucking very specified skill set and people that you like I'm not fucking soggy to dunk tank clown you fucking asshole trying to make you laugh I'm trying to make you think I'm trying to educate, you know and make you laugh at the same time but you know it's not enough. You know? I mean, I'm going to point now like, I just go. Yeah, no, no time attention. No, no, no, no, I'm just I don't I don't buy anything I don't even watch the news. I don't give a fuck. None of us are meant to carry the burden of the world on our shoulders. Nobody gives a fuck. You're gonna be dead soon. Go live your fucking life. fill your head with beauty. Fucking free your soul. Make your soul happy. Fucking dance, listen to music be fucking kind of people love the people in your life and try to be a good fucking human all this shit fucking ends, people situations. Everything's fucking temporary. Everything is fucking temporary. You know? So, you know? How do you want to fucking spend your time? Do you want to be fucking arguing people on Facebook? What do you what? What are you a fucking moron. Don't live your life. I literally don't give a fuck what anybody thinks about me. I don't all I care what I think about myself, and how I live my life and what I put into my body. And I care about educating myself. I care about getting smarter. I also go fucking to the beach in the morning, I watch the sun fucking come up. I put my fucking toes in the sand and connect to the earth. I fucking say my rosary. Now if I could start my day, go look and do Raja Yoga, meditate for an hour and a half and go to the gym. I don't care about this fucking silly shit that's going on in the world. I just don't. I don't. I mean, I have to pay attention a little bit because I gotta make fun of it. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

exactly. It's just like, I turn on the news. And it's like comedy now. I mean, it's like also kind of scary.

Jimmy Shubert:

Well, isn't it funny? Because if I want to laugh, I watched the news. And if I want to know the truth, I go watch a comedian. That's how much we flipped. That's how much we flipped spot on how much our society has flipped when I'm getting my information by watching comedians on stage. And there's guys that are just I mean, like, I'm a huge fan of comedy. I love comedians I Love You know, I love guys who can make me laugh and make me think and they're just, you know, I It's for

Chuck Shute:

your favorite comedians now.

Jimmy Shubert:

You know, obviously, Bill Burr, I think is fucking amazing. I love Doug Stanhope. I think David tells one of the funniest guys on the planet. Joe Rogan. You know, you're Shane

Chuck Shute:

Gillis, because like we

Jimmy Shubert:

were talking Yeah, I was gonna I was just gonna say Shane Gillis I love I love his story. He just partnered with Bud Light. And now he's getting ready to host Saturday Night Live after he got fired

Chuck Shute:

for any never even got to be honest. I

Jimmy Shubert:

love which I fucking love. So I'm surprised when you give them the finger though. Sometimes the worst thing that's gonna happen to you, it turns out to be the best thing to fucking happen to you. You know?

Chuck Shute:

Yes. Because if you were

Jimmy Shubert:

going through it, you think that's it? I'm finished on never work again. Now he just partnered with Bud Light. He's hosting Saturday Night Live, you know? And so yeah, fucking more power to. So I'm not one of those guys. I root for everybody, especially comedians, because I know how tough this business is. I root for all my friends to win even I don't know. Because I think when I think of a comedian fucking killing it, and it's good for comedy. It's good for. It's good for the collective mindset. And some people. I think laughter is good for your own psychological well being. I think people need to laugh. I've had people especially after the last three years, have to show that there's got a fucking need to laugh so much. I need to laugh so hard. I just Well, yeah,

Chuck Shute:

and your comedy is like, refreshing because it's like real comedy. It's not like censored. It's like, it's what people think. And you're just saying it.

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, exactly. You've given voice to the 1000s of people that think that when we may not think it out loud, but certainly it's, I mean, it's when you make a roomful of people laugh. It's cathartic for them. It's healing for them. I don't even look at it. Like just some people that you're just up there saying funny things. I think there's so much more to it than that. I think you have the opportunity to fucking touch people make people laugh, and that's a fucking healing thing. That's that's people find that healing. And I think people lately people realize how much laughing is so good for their own mental well being You know, because, you know, I'd rather watch fucking comedians almost more than do anything. Especially guys that do it at a high level like the people we just mentioned. Mark Norman Sam Merill these guys are fucking they're all great comics, man, I love those guys. And now, you know, we've come to a point where this is like, you know, they're like, the modern day philosophers. You know, they're modern day philosophers commenting on on society's ills. I love people who love stand up to, because you have to be really smart to get the joke. I mean, some people are dumb. Once in a while, you'll see a dumb person in your fucking audience, they usually get upset, or they walk out or they make a big fucking deal about it. Because they're, they forget, you're in a comedy club. The fact that you're at a comedy club know that I'm joking. These are just fucking jokes, but you're too dumb to process it. So you probably shouldn't go to a comedy club. That would be highly intelligent to get the joke or the sarcasm, or the point I'm trying to make as lots of times, there's a subtext to the comedy. Well, I'm talking about this, but I'm also talking about this are you doing but inside of it, but you have to be smart enough to figure that the fuck out? You know

Chuck Shute:

what depends on the comedian too, because there's some comedians that are more mainstream that just they're kind of like meant for that kind of dumber audience, right?

Jimmy Shubert:

Well, yeah, but I did I like I like, I like to I like to make people laugh and think at the same time. I mean, George Carlin was my hero. I mean, I love Carlin was one of the best I mean, you look at his body of work, you look at how much and he the way played with language and pulled it apart

Chuck Shute:

and towards Do you ever get to meet him or work with him? Yeah, I've

Jimmy Shubert:

met Carlin several times. I got to talk to him. I got to see him do universal amphitheater. I was with Sam Kinison. So we go backstage. We got to talk with him. I've met him at the Comedy Store and watched him work a couple of times. I love Carlin man, he was such a great love young comedians. He was so great. He was just he's fucking legendary man. I mean, look at his body work was you got like fucking 22 albums, a 1314. HBO special. He's written eight books. I mean, what a content monster. What a guy who's just put out content after content. And just amazing, amazing.

Chuck Shute:

A lot of his stuff. So it makes sense. Today, when you hear it, you're like, it makes

Jimmy Shubert:

more sense today than it ever did. It makes more sense today than it ever did. And so when you watch some of those old budgets, this guy was way ahead of the curve. And if people had only fucking listened, but I guess because he's a comedian, you know, but like I said, you know, a lot of comedians are, you know, I think the closest thing you get the modern day philosophers if you like, and listen, there's good guys to try. And like I said, you know, what do you I mean, what do you what are these? I don't know. I don't even know what the it's confusing at times and more people don't. You know, I mean, if you get your information for fucking, you know, comedians, I mean, you get the you getting the truth. I mean, look at look at Jon Stewart. I mean, look at that. Look at that, dude, look what he's done for the guys from 911. Look at the things he talks about now. I mean, you know, Jon Stewart is also right up there. I you know, I mean, we could disagree politically, but I think he makes a lot of really great points. You know, I don't even I don't even know that there's, I mean, getting this guy. I mean, we're supposed to be living in we, you know, we're supposed to have evolved technologically advanced, but I mean, it seems like we're going backwards. That's what it seems like. It seems like we're going backwards. And it seems like we're going backwards on purpose.

Chuck Shute:

That is scary to think about. But yeah, it does seem like you're right. Like it just seems like a lot of people we're getting dumber, and we're, we're, yeah, we're not evolving. We're getting because

Jimmy Shubert:

your brain is a supercomputer. Your brain is a supercomputer, you are the program and you are the programmer. You have to fill your fucking head with fucking information that you can apply to us to your life on a daily basis if you're dumb today. And I know the Kardashians make it look easy, but you're really going to work to be fucking dumb today. You really, I mean, you could sit on iTunes and watch iTunes University and watch lectures on finance, geopolitical situations around the world. YouTube is filled with fucking information that you can apply to your life and figure it the fuck out. I mean, I mean if you're fucking but all people do is stare at their phones and try to get fucking likes and try to like you know, like I do. I got very lucky do I actually hire somebody to do my social media because I don't want to fuck up but I think it's fucking that's

Chuck Shute:

my dream someday to get big enough that I can hire someone to do social media. I hate social media. Now. It's just and especially the comments you don't ever respond to comments or looking at

Jimmy Shubert:

Oh, that's my rule. Never read the comments. You know, never read the comments. That's the rule. I don't care. I mean, who's who commented Can I see your life? Let me show you love you the guy who lives in your parents basement that plays the plays video games from working 12 hours a day and eat Doritos Red Bull and and watch his porn home and jerks off for the other four hours to your dicks orange. Is that the guy commenting on

Chuck Shute:

my life and they want to give you advice on how to make your life better. I

Jimmy Shubert:

got I got the newspaper I got more class and fucking integrity and my little fucking pinky finger you have an entire fucking body. You haven't been cut the umbilical cord you still live in your parents fucking baby. We're gonna comment on my fucking life who I know I don't read the comments like your vote doesn't count my election. I don't give a fuck what you say most people are just projecting anyway their project because they're so fucking miserable. They have to project all their miserable this on to everybody else, you know so I don't you know that that's what most people do anyway most people are just angry or they're fucking or they're fucking sad and they're just projecting the shit on your leg. And I have a fucking block. It doesn't affect me say what the fuck you want? Alright, good to have a good day. So I you know you Okay, people? Are you okay? I don't I don't care. I mean, I wouldn't

Chuck Shute:

come up to your shows and stuff. So yeah, who gives a shit if some people don't like you? Yeah,

Jimmy Shubert:

well, people come out to my shows. I think there's more of us than there are of them. I think more people want to know more people appreciate it. I mean, it's like an art form takes a long time to get good at. I think people appreciate the fact that I you know, I don't do crowd work. I mean, everybody's doing fucking crowd work online now. Because they don't have a lot of material and they don't want to burn them. And I just couldn't keep writing and keep putting out content. Keep putting out pushing out stuff. I don't, you know, I don't. I'd rather write stuff to do crowd work. I mean, I could do crowd work, but I'm not. I'm not it's not my thing.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, cuz I think you'd be good at that kind of work.

Jimmy Shubert:

Well, you know, I just don't I don't know if people are doing crowd work. I think that's what makes me different is that I don't do it. And it makes me unique in a way that where you're just going up every day and attacking and being a pop culture iconoclast and just, you know, just running through people's bubble garden with a pin and shattering all their illusions. That's that's what I do. I'm Moran Turner Raver, you know, I like to one.

Chuck Shute:

So, but that's the rants these are great. Great stuff.

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, so but I mean, I'm just talking to him in a conversation I but I just I can't I can't do it anymore. Man. I don't want to the more I see the less I want to participate.

Chuck Shute:

You know, the less you have your close friends you have your circle. I noticed as I got older, my circles gotten a little smaller. I like again,

Jimmy Shubert:

it was a good small because because you outgrow people and like I said, like I said before, everything's temporary. You know, I mean, you think it'd be best friends for the rest of your life. And then something happens you think it'd be with the girl for the rest of your life and then something happens. You think you're gonna, you know, you're gonna you go through life and you you know, we nobody's fucking president anymore. But it's think about the past or based thinking about the future. And when you do that you get anxious or you get sad and depressed, but there's nothing you can do about that. You have to be present in your life and think when you're in a situation like you know, if you're lucky enough to solve your parents, when you with your parents be with your parents, you know, to do things, you know, do things deliberately and one thing at a time and like all this you know, the day you stop trying to win the race is the day you win the race. That

Chuck Shute:

really that's that's because I mean, you worked really hard didn't used to like practice in the mirror for like hours as a cow. Yeah,

Jimmy Shubert:

I did. I've been doing this since I'm nine. I started doing magic when I was a kid. I used to practice in the mirror. I wouldn't stand up. You know, you work on stuff. You rehearse things you try to you know craft wording and like I mean, I've worked on a bit for sometimes it takes me two years to finish a bit to get it exactly what I wear it where I want it and so it's performance ready. It's like a great fucking song. Your bits like a great country western song where you just stuck in your head and some emotion. You're making people laugh You're making some points. You're fucking you know, you get it kind of has this little fucking little, little wave to it. And, you know, some guys do fuckin jokes. One job, one job, one joke. Other people do, you know, character pulls his jokes out of a trunk. And none of it's bad. It's all designed to entertain people. So I mean, you know, but for me, what I like is that kind of, you know, crafting of a bit that it's just fucking becomes hilarious. You know, and you get it to a point where it kills 99.9% of the time, depending on the audience sometimes. You know, you don't have a good, good funnel off audience. But yeah, so you know, yeah, that's good.

Chuck Shute:

I love like your airport bit. That's a great one. I mean, you have a lot of good ones. Yeah, yeah, I've

Jimmy Shubert:

done I've done yeah, we've got six albums out six albums. I'm going to work on my next I'm starting to work on my next one now, and just keep creating content. And, you know, it's just I don't know where we got to this place. Where, like, you know, you like if you someone disagrees with your point of view, you have to cancel them. They want to cancel people. I mean, I think it's fucking arrogant. I think you're like a fucking Nazi. If that's how you think you're a fucking Nazi. People are allowed that you look. I mean, that's a sign of extreme intelligence, where I could sit there and listen to someone's point of view that doesn't align with my point of view, and kind of understand it better. they'll have a little empathy about why they feel that way. Because everybody has a different upbringing, people are only capable of understanding a message that their does that to the level. They're designed to hear it. Not everybody lives. Like, you know, everybody has had a great childhood, maybe some people had a fucking horrible childhood, maybe some people were adopted, some people didn't go through life the way you did. And that's okay. So that, so some of that, that's how they formed their opinions. It's okay. As some people, you know, and some people like, you know, people are just sick and tired of getting fucking taken advantage of and, and, and shit like that. So I guess, you know,

Chuck Shute:

you think it's weird when they try to put you in a box and say that? Yeah, because

Jimmy Shubert:

they want to compartmentalize you and put a label on us so they can put you over here or he's this or they're this life. Isn't that fucking simple, man. People, you're a human being capable of fucking complex emotions, different things. And you can be a fucking asshole one minute and be the greatest guy in the world the next minute. I mean, yeah, you know, depending on like, kids. I don't I don't get it. It doesn't make any sense. That's not the way we fucking the world works. And I'm sorry if you think that. I mean, look at I mean, talk about white privilege. Look at that. Greta. Thunberg. Like she's gonna fucking not go to school until everybody fucking makes the weather the way she wants it. I mean, that's fucking ironic inside. It's like a stupid I don't.

Chuck Shute:

Well, those kids, that generation uses more electricity and energy than any generation before, right where the air conditioning have to be all the time and all the devices and things and

Jimmy Shubert:

yeah, yeah, exactly. So, I mean,

Chuck Shute:

there's a lot of hypocrisy going on. And that's what it is. Thank

Jimmy Shubert:

you. Apoc cracy was the word we're looking for. It's your you're you're a hypocrite. And I did this one thing. I fucking test this hypocrites. If you don't if you're not fucking walking the walk. Don't talk to talk. If you're not backing up, I don't look. I don't know when people say I look at people's actions. I look at your actions, your actions will tell me everything I need to know about you. Your energy will tell me everything I need to know about it. Before you even say a fucking word. Like so

Chuck Shute:

when you get on the private jet and you fly around and you tell people warm about climate change, but you're flying on the jet.

Jimmy Shubert:

If you're flying around a private jet, shut your fucking mouth. Shut your fucking mouth. You know, you want me to pick my own trash. Now. If you do the fucking research, most of all that stuff gets fucking burned. They it all goes to recycling. Yeah, and stuff they do recycle takes more energy to recycle. And it's not worth the time or energy that it's about. But tell me I gotta you gotta I gotta pay more tax. If you can make climate can't change going. You can't make you can't fix the homeless problem. You can't take care of world hunger. You can't take care of health care. And you think you're gonna fucking fix global warming, you arrogant fucking prick. You're gonna save the whales. We can't even save each other. Can't even save each other. can even save other fucking human beings. gonna fix the fucking world? How you with your room temperature IQ. You're gonna fix the fucking world. Tell me about please. Yeah, I mean, I don't I don't. I mean. Yeah, try not to get worked up, man.

Chuck Shute:

No, I love it. This is gold. This is great stuff. No, but

Jimmy Shubert:

you know, you know how it is. I mean, just like we live in. We live in this fucking world now. And unfortunately, I mean, you know, when when shit hits the fan, it may hit the fan sooner rather than later, but people will fucking wake up and then they'll fucking realize Holy fuck. I mean, it's like people driving in traffic during a rush. What are you in a rush to say? Go home and stare at your phone for three fucking hours. You had dumb fuck. I mean, just fucking put the phone down, walk away, go outside, get some sunshine, spend some time with people you love and care about talk to people. I mean, you know, it's funny I was reading into in Sweden or Norway, there's a people library where you can go and sit with people that are older, and talk to them about their fucking life experiences in their world. You could have a conversation with somebody, it's like a human library where you can actually talk with people and I think that's really the point is I think that you've gotten, we've gotten they say, I mean, could you think of more of a their social media of love? Could you think of anything more on social than fucking Facebook or Twitter?

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, people don't have that. So I like having conversations in real life. And like you mentioned, like Cuba and stuff. Like I like talking to people who are from Cuba who can tell me about it rather than like some news source that's gonna give me propaganda like the guy who had well, that's

Jimmy Shubert:

why I love traveling so much. It's something that no one can ever take away from you and traveling isn't something you get as a reward for working. Anthony Bourdain said this by the way It says something that's necessary for you to learn about life. And I agree with that. 100% That's why I mean, especially lately, I've been going on trips and fucking getting lost in the world by myself with nobody just going and get lost. You know, and going places and traveling I mean, you know, as a comedian, I'm kind of used to it. It's a very solitary existence. Not that it's lonely but it's solitary. You spend a lot of time by yourself, eat by yourself, you travel by yourself, unless you bring you know, feature x and stuff where you sometimes I travel with people, but most of the time I'm by myself. Well,

Chuck Shute:

yeah, tell me about traveling with Sam Kinison. Now because you toured with him. That must have been crazy. Yeah, that

Jimmy Shubert:

was 30 years ago. Boy, they would have canceled his answer the fucking second today. I think they fucking tried back then. I mean, that was the beginning of it. Right? But I mean, it was lucky. I'm glad I did it. I got to watch. You know his process. I think Sam was a brilliant comedian. I think he was a fucked up dude. But I think he was a brilliant comedian. But everybody's fucked up a little bit. I think as human beings, we're all a little fucked up. You just have to, you have to fix yourself. You know, I mean, you're not responsible for the shit you were taught or, or programmed into you when you were little, but you're certainly responsible for fixing it as an adult. And fucking unlearning I thought the great fucking or the great unlearning of everything you thought you knew to be true. Turns out, it's all fucking lie, the fluoride in the toothpaste, the chemicals in your underarm deodorant, all of it is fucking a lie. And so when you wake up one day, and your fucking brain is fucking laying next to on the fucking rug, and you just go I don't really fucking know anything. And then you said about to kind of re educate yourself and reform fucking opinions based on and get rid of all your old prejudices, and get rid of all the fucking shit that's been programmed to you let it all fucking go and become an empty vessel and start filling it with stuff that you know to be true or that you know, to that you found empirical data to back up those those thoughts or those actions. And I think that you know, human being you're pretty powerful. I think you know, when that God isn't something outside of you, God's inside you, God, you can create your own life, Heaven and Hell with the spoken word. You know, there's a great when Einstein, when Einstein used to travel and give lectures, back in the late 50s, he would talk colleges. And one of the things he got asked one of the most important questions you got to ask was, Do you believe in God? And his answer was that I believe in the God of Spinoza Baroque that Spinoza was one of the great thinkers, rationalist thinkers of the 17th century along with the SCOTUS, but he had asked, Do you believe in God, and he said, I believe in the God of Spinoza. And he goes, Spinoza would say, stop praying. What I want you to do is go out into the world and enjoy your life. I want you to sing, have fun, and enjoy everything I've made for you. Stop going into those dark, cold temples that you built for yourself and saying they are my house. My house is the mountains, in the woods, the rivers, the lakes, the beaches, that is where I live, and that is where I express my love for you. Stop blaming me for your miserable life. I never told you there was anything wrong with you or that you were a sinner or that your sexuality was a bad thing. Sex is a gift that I've given you which you can express your love, your ecstasy, your joy, so don't blame me for everything they've made you believe. Stop reading a legend sacred scriptures that have nothing to do with me. If you can't read me in the sunrise in the landscape and look at your friends. In your son's eyes, you will find me and no book. Stop asking me will you tell me how to do my job and stop being so scared of me. I don't judge you or criticize you nor get angry or bothered. I am pure love. Stop asking for forgiveness. There's nothing to forgive. If I made you I filled you with passions and limitations and pleasures and feelings and needs and inconsistencies. free will? How can I blame you? If you respond to something I put in you? How can I punish you for being the way you are? And if I'm the one who made you? Do you think a great place to burn all my children who behaved badly for the rest of eternity? What kind of God would do that? Look, respect your peers. Don't do what you don't want to do for yourself. And only ask because you pay attention in your life and that alertness be your guide. My beloved this life is not a test than a step on the way not a rehearsal, nor a prelude to a paradise this life is the only thing here and now. And that's all you need. I have set you absolutely free no prizes or punishments, no sins of virtues no one carries a marker. No one keeps a record. You are absolutely free. Great your life, Heaven and Hell. I can't tell you if there's anything after this, but I can give you this tip live as though there is not as if this is the only chance to To enjoy to love to exist. So if there's nothing after then you will have enjoyed the opportunity I gave you and if there is rest assured, they won't ask you if you behaved right or wrong. I'll ask you Did you like it? Did you have fun? What did you enjoy the most? And what did you learn? Stop believing in me believing is assuming guessing imagine I don't want you to believe in me. I want you to believe in you. I want you to feel me in you when you kiss your beloved, when you tuck in your little girl when you caress your dog, when you bathe in the sea. Stop praising me what kind of egomaniac God Do you think I am? I'm born of being praised. I'm tired of being thank feeling grateful, proven by taking care of yourself, your health, your relationships, the world, express your joy. That's the way you praise me. Stop complicating things and repeating like a parakeet what they've taught you about me? What do you need more miracles for so many explanations? The only thing for sure is that you're here. You're alive and the world is full of wonders. Spinoza that's what he would say. Yeah, so when you ask me, I say that's what I tell people. I send it to people all the time. Because that's it. That's it. Go fucking live it man. This all comes with an expiration date. You know, and you get reminders of it every day. I've lost these last three deer these last three years I've lost a lot of friends people I loved and cared about and you know you think you're probably gonna get problems if you're still alive Go live your fucking life go get lost in the world. Go fucking disconnect and unplug. Go fucking sit and watch the fucking sun come up. Go fuck and getting this go get in the sea. Go get lost go fucking paddleboarding going to fucking Lake. Go get lost. And don't worry about it. I mean, you go to concerts today and you see people with their cell phones. Why did you even go? You're watching the fucking concert to your goddamn fucking cell phone screen? What are you a fucking moron? Just go live your life, man get get unplugged from all that. It's all I don't want to be part of any of it. You know, I just, I'm gonna go fun get lost. Um, some days I'll disappear. I won't even I won't return a text message. I won't return an email. I don't fucking care. I don't. It's not the way I operate my life. I live my life. And sometimes when I get an email, I'll take me two or three days to respond. Because I'm not in a rush. I don't want to write what's your fuck and you're in a rush. I'm not in a rush. Let me fucking digest the information. Everybody needs instant gratification. Everybody's fucking feed the dopamine receptors. Everybody runs it's like a porn. You know? You know social media is ruined women because all they do is look for fucking attention. And they don't really substantive. It's nothing substantial. It's not a point of view. You're just in your bikini dancing around like a fucking jackass. Some guys guys got ruined by vaccum pornography. They watch porn and fucking jerk off into a tissue of love. I mean, it's you filling your head with fucking it's all fucking stupidity. unplugged from it. You'll you'll see little by little you stop watching the news. You get happier. Start listening to music, get happier. start hanging out and spending time with people you love and care about you get happier. Start doing things that feed your soul, like photography, or close up magic or whatever the fuck it is. You get happier

Chuck Shute:

being in nature than walking on the beach. Yeah,

Jimmy Shubert:

start reading start educating your mind, you'll be happier, you'll be happier. You'll be much fucking happier.

Chuck Shute:

What do you listen to in terms of like, are people that you follow for news advice like advice about like food and all this stuff? Like is there certain people that you follow?

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, there's there's a couple people I follow but you know, I like I was reading his book The Secret Life of groceries. Which is an interesting book about how they put like when you go to the grocery store, like keep all the stuff at eye level. Like some of the other stuff is higher or lower some of the cheaper prices higher or lower. I mean, that's all psychology. It's all psychological. There's a lot of guy there's a certified health nut on Instagram. talks about a lot of you know, grounding your feet and connecting to the Earth. We're not supposed to wear shoes. We're supposed to fucking walk barefoot and should mud shoes have ruined your feet shoes will ruin your feet. I put shoes on the go outside. I don't wear him any other time today. Oh my house I don't bring my shoes. Connect to the fucking earth. You know, eat fruit man fruit like you know, like soursop soursop is a Latin American fruit. If you ate it will put the chemotherapy and industry out of business that kills cancer cells in the human body. You know, food is you know, they talk about h2o drink a lot of water I do H three O H three O is the is the like you get from eating fruit like celery, and cucumbers and watermelon. Those are the things that I like to put my body because it's all it's all you know, and I just clean them really good. I clean my fruit with vinegar and one batch and then I use baking soda to get all the other stuff off and you'd be surprised and all the dirt comes off your fruit. So I just you know, I mean look it's a process and everybody's got to find out you know, but you know you you know you become what you listen to the books you read the people you associate with yourself so you better hang out with some high caliber motherfuckers you better hang out with people you can find mentors that will fucking help you and teach you and coach you because we live in because that's that's what's important you know, be the best version of yourself you capable of being and don't take no for an answer. Whether it's been in the gym working out with weights, whether it's, you know, taking an hour to journal or fucking read a chapter of a book. Lots of times I'm in a rush I have a speaker I listened to at least two chapters while I'm in the shower, brushing my teeth and shaving get ready for my day. I try I listened to and listen to podcasts Rogen I said I listened to Russell Brand I love any Jimmy Dore anybody's gonna fuckin educate you and make you be the best version of yourself. Stop being a fucking beta astruc being an alpha you know stop drinking soy milk all that shit is fucking horrible for you. It's fucking filled with estrogen. Plant based estrogen but it's fucking It's all designed to Lake you know, it's you know, fucking go be a soy boy. Fuck all that shit. I don't drink milk. I drink nut milk. I drink cashews or warm up milk or the OG milks I drink. And I start my day with fruit and a cup of black coffee. I don't really drink. I don't really do that much dairy. I forgot. I take a supplemental shake which soursop bananas cashew milk bladderwrack, burdock root, and ashwagandha and also some chia seeds. I feel I put healthy stuff into my body and I have this fucking piece. I have a steak. I have a steak for dinner. A ribeye with like a sweet potato. And that's it. And that's all I eat. I have that they have that. And if I am eating stuff that usually cucumbers or fruit in first thing in the morning, and then you know with a little Celtic Cecil on my tongue, and I wash it down with wilted water that's been filtered on five different fucking levels. And that's it. I don't I don't eat junk food. I don't go to fast food. I don't do any. I

Chuck Shute:

don't I don't have a cheat meal or anything.

Jimmy Shubert:

I have a cheat meal. I mean usually it's like I get I like sweets, so maybe I'll have dark covered chocolate almonds. Or you know, but I wouldn't I don't do fucking anything cooked and seed oils. I don't do seed oils. I cooked in coconut tallow. I couldn't get cooking butter. I don't pumping you seed oils for anything. It's fucking fucking poison. It's even

Chuck Shute:

have these lifestyle changes and hasn't made a difference. Like if you go to that

Jimmy Shubert:

last four years I lost 50 pounds. I lost 50 pounds. I've been doing hot yoga for like an hour and a half and hard. Yeah, but I do saunas. I do saunas. I do a sauna. Like instead of doing it over the course of three days I do I'll take a Monday and we'll do 330 minute sessions. It drives up your stem cells that drives up your human growth hormones and twice pass I do ice baths on our on the regular and plushies fluid through your lymph system and cleans it out. It raises your dopamine like 300% I mean people swear by it if you do these things, but also more than that it creates a mental toughness a real grit. And so when you get into ice cold water your instinct is to jump My instinct is right when your brain Yeah, my instinct is to sink further into it and just fucking breathe through it. But I mean it's like everybody's got to find out what it is. I mean what uh you know, whatever it is like you know it when you start doing all this work I'm not working against myself I'm not going to fuck and then go fucking hit a McDonald's drive thru. If I'm putting all this work into not that I'm going to be careful I you know, I mean I travel a little bit so it's tough to eat like that on the road. Sometimes it's so but I don't I really don't put I won't eat fast food. I won't go fucking near anything that has been deep fried. You

Chuck Shute:

do that on the road? You just find like a mom and pop like

Jimmy Shubert:

yeah quite a Mom Pop place you try to find or just try to drink your drink tons of water. I most of the time I do fasting on the road. Ah, I that's when I do my fasting is because because I'm not going to eat shit. And I'd rather not eat than eat shit. And all of it I've not eating shit is better for you than eating shit.

Chuck Shute:

Right? Was that like a lot of the carnivore diet they say it's because you're not eating all the process shit that that's why these conditions will go away and stuff. It's not Yeah,

Jimmy Shubert:

listen, I've talked to several people have done it. They've one guy went from like he was like to 80 He's down the 187 Now all he does is eat one fucking all his psoriasis and all his autoimmune disorders cleared up. I mean, you know when it's a lot of things are all processed to go walk around us. supermarkets just walk around and look at all that fucking processed food. That ketchup bottle half of the sugar, half of the sugar. It's all fucking straight out you can make I make my own mayonnaise with avocado oil and an egg with vinegar and as a pinch of salt and, and some lemon juice. And it's the best shit I've ever had. It's fucking it's so good. It'll stay for like, I can keep it in my like month and a half, two months. I make all like, you know, I'd rather go do that I'd rather do that you make your own ketchup, make your own sauces. You know, like I like food to taste good. I mean, believe me, it's you know, but I'm telling you the other thing is when you eat steak, you don't crave anything.

Chuck Shute:

Steak is amazing. Well, it feels you want it? How do you how do you cook it, you grill it

Jimmy Shubert:

or reverse sear it? I put it in the oven at let's see what have I put it to what I put in at 170 for 35 minutes. And then I bring it out. And because it cooks the meat evenly. I've got a sear it on both sides. I reverse sear it. That's amazing. No, it's 270. It's I put it on 270 for like 35 minutes, which gently cooks the meat and then I bring it out then I sear it. And I do I get the frying pan smoke and fucking hot. And for three minutes aside, and then you take it out of the pan and you let it rest for five to seven minutes. Gotta let it rest. Don't cut right into it even though you want. But yeah, that's when I eat that I am not hungry for the rest of the day. I don't know if I get it. I don't have any cravings or nothing. Yeah, I went from 260 down to 10.

Chuck Shute:

And then do you have your cholesterol checked?

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, well, first off, why would you do that? Why would you first off that 250 number that they came up with his book? Yeah, there's that one scientific fucking study that fucking backs it right in. Your fucking liver produces 80% of the cholesterol in your body. Number one. Number two is all the new cell regeneration in your body comes from an environment of cholesterol. Your brain is 60% cholesterol. So when you take these statins, these cholesterol lowering medications, they lower your cholesterol in your brain which causes dementia and Alzheimer's. It's a physician created disease where they put all these people in these fucking cholesterol lowering statins in the fucking late 70s There was an explosion of dementia and Alzheimer's 2,000% In the early 80s Do the fucking research. Fuck these people. Fuck that people look cholesterol is not bad for your fucking body created. I'm gonna go get my cholesterol check for what? I eat avocados. I eat good. I eat clean. My cholesterol is fucking normal. I don't I work out I fucking you know, I'm an I don't have high cholesterol. I don't you know, the last thing I'm going to do is take anything fucking big pharma prescribed or anything a doctor prescribes. If your doctor is not telling you. Go walk for two miles. Drink more water, get more sunshine, go do some physical activity.

Chuck Shute:

Those are the most powerful things you can do over

Jimmy Shubert:

there, and they're all free. Yes, great.

Chuck Shute:

There's no money to be made that

Jimmy Shubert:

your doctor is not telling you to do any of those things first, before he puts you on some medication. Then you're then you want to get in and get a new doctor. Get a new doctor. I mean dude, you can fucking dicking grind up word of mouth watermelon rinds with fucking beet juice to stuff the fucking that the healthier libido, the stuff that like you've got to you got high blood pressure, you know you do celery juice, celery juice. I take a salary and I put a mash an avocado with some wasabi paste and I put a little bit of everything bagel seasoning on them. I put in my refrigerator for snacks. Celery is great for so many celery, celery juice to lower your blood blood pressure faster than anything. Right. And you need good cholesterol. I eat avocados whole right out of the shell. I get I at least two or three week I just fucking scoop them right out. Have a have like four days a week. I have a half an avocado right out of the shell first thing in the morning.

Chuck Shute:

Damn that but it sounds like you're doing all the right things. Well,

Jimmy Shubert:

yeah, and even then, and even then sometimes it's not enough because then you

Chuck Shute:

gotta deal with genetics. That's true. Yeah, that's that's one

Jimmy Shubert:

you know, but but again look into some days. Some days you get lazy you don't do all that stuff and you know maybe we'll have a you know, have a piece of cheesecake or whatever but but then it doesn't. It's not every day. Yeah. Fucking thing. You can handle a little bit Have everything in moderation, including moderation.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, I mean, you still you occasionally have a beard or you turn that off alcohol to

Jimmy Shubert:

No, no, I'll have a I'll have a drink or two. I don't mind. But I drink like vodka soda, or I'll do tequila to kill this probably my preference, because it's a guava base. And it's actually not all the sugar. You know, maybe I'll have a glass of wine with dinner. But again, it's not all the time. It's every once in a while, so it's not. I mean, at least that way, you're vegan in that regard. You're you're probably better off. But I mean, every day you get up you have six Diet Cokes. Six Coca Cola is fast food. You don't cook, you put your you put your food in the fucking microwave. I mean, if all you did was not eat seed oils, not drink fucking sugar. Not eat ice cream. I mean, just make fucking five adjustments. You'd be amazed. You'd be fucking amazed. You know? Just make and then and then you start to feel so much better. And you go Oh, make five more adjustments? Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

I think because then you people get overwhelmed with all these lifestyle changes. But just take

Jimmy Shubert:

the baby steps Baby steps, baby steps. It's it's, it's you're talking about lifestyle change. Like if there's no fad diets. There's no fad shit. Look, baby steps and lifestyles are real lifestyle changes. Stop doing this. Stop doing this. You know, I mean, this way. Like if I go out a night and have a couple drinks. It's not a big deal because I don't drink the other six nights. I have a couple drinks. Let's say now, you know, I don't mind. I like knocking back a few I hang on a comedy club. So. Yeah, but, but you just go to Costco. Look at Costco. You walk around Costco. You could buy fucking giant bags of shit. There's people walking around obese people walk around with giant carts, or fucking land trucks in their fucking scooters because they can't walk. They're just digging their mouth with their fucking graves. They're fucking just

Chuck Shute:

none of them now they could take ozempic And now everything will be healed.

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, you keep believing that you're fucking lying guilty.

Chuck Shute:

It's gonna come out in a few years that ozempic has some bad side effects that they didn't tell people to look

Jimmy Shubert:

at the things they talk about cell phones look at the other fucking EMF radiation and all that other shit. Look at the stuff that talking about that and look at the shitter spraying in the skies. Look at look at all of it. Let's go down the list. Look at the TV and programming and put on television. Look at all of it. All of it. It's not just that it's fucking you know, everybody's counting calories. Nobody's counting chemicals. I want fucking I want natural organic shit. I want to I don't want fucking my food sprayed with chemicals. You know? I'm sorry. I don't. I don't want I'll fuck it. When I go to the grocery store. I come back. It takes me three hours to clean off all my food. Yeah, yeah. Because it's all it's all. It's all shit. You know? I don't

Chuck Shute:

it's like you said it'd be nice if you could grow your own food. But I would that would be the

Jimmy Shubert:

trap. Well, that well, you know, it's funny my friend does and he gives me like, you know, sweet potatoes and bananas silly. And so his food tastes so much better. Then I get it the fucking grocery store.

Chuck Shute:

He goes,

Jimmy Shubert:

I make a salad. It's so much better than the fucking shit that you get at the grocery store. So I mean, that's that's just where I'm at. I mean, I'm not lecturing anybody. Don't do it. Don't do it. I don't give a fuck at your life. But that's just, you know, I mean, I've lost 50 pounds. I feel great. I've never felt better in my life. I got fucking ABS again. You know go to the gym. Just do 30 minutes in the fucking gym. Hey, you know I'll tell you what, start with by doing 25 Push Ups a day. I remember I couldn't do one I could barely do one pushup now I fucking bang up 100 100 Push Ups 24 sets of 25 Wow, it is great to hear Yeah, so you know little things baby steps baby steps baby steps you not gonna make all these changes overnight, but do one thing and then do two things and then do three things and to do four things and to do five little by little baby steps maybe and

Chuck Shute:

it's all connected right like I mean the mental it

Jimmy Shubert:

is your mental your physical and your spiritual well being it's all connected otherwise it's like a three ring circus if you're out of sorts spiritually derailed shorts mentally and physically if you're if you're out of mental whacked and fucking good luck what are the other two? And if your physical body is a fucking giant fucking look like a beanbag chair then your fucking mental health is going to be right your spiritual there's going to be right you know

Chuck Shute:

that's that's also sometimes create some of the best comedian some of the funniest people were like overweight comedians, which is like sad in a way to well,

Jimmy Shubert:

you know? Yeah, but I think I'm You know, I was I was to 61 time I'm still pretty funny. I you know, I mean, you're damn funny. Look at look at John. Look at John. What's his name? Louis? Yeah, well, John Belushi Chris Farley. Let's go for John Pinette. John Pinette. John Candy. I mean, they may be funny guys, but you know that you know that it's just not a it's just not a that's not a healthy lifestyle. Um, yeah. What is the connection? I don't think it makes you funnier because you're fat.

Chuck Shute:

No, but I mean, there's like a darkness that that comedians have that it's like they're laughing. You're laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside. Right. That's,

Jimmy Shubert:

you know what? I don't believe that. I think that's a fallacy. I think if you have a desire to make people laugh, I don't think you need to grow up in a fucking whore house and your mom be a prostitute. Nor do you have to be really funny. Sure does a creative twisted sense of warped sense of humor. I would absolutely. But does it make you funnier? No. You know? Look, I mean, Rodney Dangerfield had a horrible fucking childhood. You know, but it? Certainly it gives you a perspective. You know, I mean, art. Art isn't your you isn't the paints. It's not the paint brushes. It's not the canvas. Art is in the way you see the world. And so, you know, if your desire to make people laugh, like it, my desire was just to be the funniest comedian that was capable of being and I put the work in for 20 fucking years. And then the end result is that I don't need I had a great fucking childhood. I have fucking six brothers. I mean, when we perfect no middle class. But, you know, your blue collar sensibility fucking served me very well. And I look at things in a very pragmatic way. And I think most people do. I think I think you know, you got this crazy faction on the right. 10% you get the crazy faction left and was up I think most people that does 75 80% is kind of centrist and in the middle is like, why can't we? You know, and I think that those sensibilities serve me well, because I don't, you know, I don't think being too far one way or the other. I like to go right down the fucking middle, you know? Yeah. And I think people, you know, people respond to it, you know? So, absolutely.

Chuck Shute:

But there is there's like a, like a parallel between there's a lot of comedians that have struggled with those kinds of issues, which is

Jimmy Shubert:

drugs and alcohol, for sure. But they're drawn to

Chuck Shute:

the comedy because of that. And the not all the time. I'm saying but there's there's definitely more than average.

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, probably, probably. Because well, because, you know, everybody's dealing with their own fucking trauma. Everybody's trying to heal that fucking drama and maybe stand up as a way to do that by dressing your trauma and making people laugh. You're kind of healing them and healing you. And so yeah, that that's probably a good analogy. I know a lot of people that aren't fucked up, that do comedy that are fucking really good at it. You know, and then there's people that are really fucked up. But the problem with that is, is that they're not around long. Because you don't you can't live like that. It's impossible to live like that. You know? I mean, it's, it's why the average NFL career is only three years you can't like every Sunday is like being a 52 fucking car accident. You know, I mean, your body's not going to take that. You know, you've seen the documentaries on HBO about guys, like, you know, the, you know, the bodies are just fucking take some 45 minutes to get the fuck out of bed. You know, you can't you can't do that. You can't do that all the time. You have to, you know, you have to. When I say Be kind, that includes being kind to yourself and not torturing yourself will put you through all kinds of shit that you don't have to go through that you think it's a fallacy. Like you need to torture yourself and be hard on yourself and beat yourself up in order to be that funny. You don't? Right?

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, it's sad. Some people treat their dogs better than themselves. Like they'll feed their dogs better food and take the things that they would never do to their dog they do themselves.

Jimmy Shubert:

When's the last time a friend of yours dropped?$400 on a fucking soy enema for Yoshi because you had a little blockage? No, but they would do it for their dog for sure. Yeah, you're right. But anyway, man, it's great talk with you. I got some other stuff I gotta do.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for doing this. I appreciate it. I'll get this out soon. And yeah, just

Jimmy Shubert:

Yeah, tag me in the post. And yeah, I'm working on some dates out there. Yeah. But taking the first and we'll figure it out from there. All right. Thanks, Jimmy. Hey, man, thanks for good talk. You too.

Chuck Shute:

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