Chuck Shute Podcast

Tommy Henriksen (Alice Cooper, Hollywood Vampries, Crossbone Skully)

Tommy Henriksen Season 4 Episode 395

Tommy Henriksen is an American musician, songwriter and producer. He is best known for his work as a guitarist with Alice Cooper and supergroup Hollywood Vampires. His latest project Crossbone Skully recently released a new single produced by Mutt Lange (Def Leppard, AC/DC).  We discuss that project plus working with Poison’s CC DeVille, auditioning for Ozzy, Dio & David Lee Roth, his thoughts on Nikki Sixx’s bass playing and Johnny Depp’s character and more!

00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Relationship with Stefan Adika
01:25 - Perceptions of L.A.  Vs. New York
03:03 - Band with C.C. DeVille
09:20 - Auditioning for Joan Jett
11:20 - Regrets, Low Point & Haircut
13:47 - Auditioning for Ozzy Osbourne
15:20 - Auditioning for David Lee Roth
17:31 - Auditioning for Ronnie James Dio
18:50 - Playing the Songs Right
19:43 - Crossbone Skully Coming Together
22:40 - Working with Mutt Lange & Phil Collen
26:25 - Nikki Sixx Bass Playing & Guest Spots
29:05 - Assembling Crossbone Skully
34:40 - Other Elements of New Record
39:50 - Touring for New Record
40:57 - Working as a Producer & Lady GaGa
42:30 - Tommy Lee & Songwriting Co-Writes
44:25 - Living the Dream
45:43 - Learning from Alice Cooper
48:30 - Johnny Depp
51:15 - MusiCares
52:30 - Future of Crossbone Skully
54:50 - Outro

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Tommy Henriksen:

stuff when I do show up. I just haven't gotten around to do it yet, because the record company has been doing certain things. Ah, right.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, he's like, my friend hit you up and is waiting for you to do his podcast. Would you treat death for Nikki six? Like

Tommy Henriksen:

it's just, it just, you know, I have to do you know, they chop shoot came up. So I was like, okay,

Chuck Shute:

yeah, that's good. It'll be different because he has all the inside information. I don't I don't have all that fun stuff. So you guys will probably have off to watch that one. That'll be good when you guys do it.

Tommy Henriksen:

No, that's cool. You don't need the answer. I'll tell you everything good.

Chuck Shute:

No, but he knows like, he knows stuff that I don't know to ask about. Right? Like, because you guys have like, hung out, right?

Tommy Henriksen:

I've known stuff. And for years. I can't tell you since the 90s. So it's got to be I don't know. I'm old. So I got it. I've done since I've like, I've known probably 30 years. Stephen dam.

Chuck Shute:

And but you guys didn't know each other in New York, because you both moved to LA, right?

Tommy Henriksen:

Yeah. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't know him in New York. I knew him when he was in LA. Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

So it was funny because I grew up in Seattle. And I remember thinking LA, I was watching like, I mean, you might be a little bit older than me. So you can watch like Nana Trudeau and say by the bell, but I thought it was all like palm trees and convertibles. Did you have a perception of that of La before you move there? Like what it was gonna be like, Oh, because

Tommy Henriksen:

I didn't I didn't I didn't have I didn't really watch TV. So when I got there. I just think you know, when you come from New York, you think everybody's like you have way sounds like you almost want to get to Lm like the hell is this? What are they will talk funny.

Chuck Shute:

That is so funny. Yeah. Because whenever rarely I would, I would meet a New Yorker in Seattle. And they'd have that New York accent. I was like, wow, this is like a TV show. Because that's the only time ever here in New Yorkers was on TV. So when I saw her life, it was kind of surreal. I was like, well, he's like, talking on New York and stuff. So you felt that way about LA people? Like you had the surfer talk and stuff? Of

Tommy Henriksen:

course. You know, the valley talk really? Yeah, yeah. It's just kind of funny, though, man. When I just thought about when I moved out, I was like, just I fell in love with La man. I fell in love with the weather, and food. And the healthy lifestyle. That's one thing I learned. When I moved to LA. I was like, wow, everyone's in good shape. Everyone's got good teeth. It's like what the hell, man? You know, you get out to LA like going, Oh, it's Hollywood man. You know, it really is. But there's not a

Chuck Shute:

lot of partying and stuff going on too. Because especially in the rock scene, I would think that would be the crazy time where everyone was going, like, tell me about CC DeVille. Because you were in a band with him. Did you ever go to that party house that there's

Tommy Henriksen:

how do you think I got into the band? You know, you would go up to that house. And it was on top of Lookout Mountain and it was the big dome. And I got invited up there one that I was at the rainbow. And was one of those that's like, yeah, we're all going to CC's house. I was like, alright, I'll go up there. But I don't send out a party guy. You know, I wasn't going to like, drink in and said like I always said, I never really drank that much, whatever. But I just wanted to go up there and she was up there and everyone was up to everyone was hanging out. He had guitars laying all over the like, I'm talking about guitars, priceless guitars, where I don't even I could imagine how many people probably stole a guitar from you know, I mean, because he had shit spray painted all over the walls. You're talking about a house that was probably worth I don't know how many millions of dollars, everything he had cars. Like it was amazing. You go up there and he didn't care. The place was like, like a bomb hit it. And people would just treat the place like crap pool table, drink cigarette butts everywhere. You know, and just looking at it going, man, I can't believe people would disrespect this place like this, you know? And, and then he chant. Three in the morning he'd have a chant. Like, he'd have like, playing and everyone who was there. Like, guys, Motorhead like Steve Lucas, whoever was was that would be just jamming hanging out, you know what I mean? And it was like, it would like this all day and all night long, you know? And, and then one night I jam to him. And then he's like, once you come back tomorrow night, and I came back and then I jam with him and James Kotek. And we would just jam on like, just songs. Then one night, he's like, I want I want to like do my own songs, and then we work on stuff. And then Kelly Hansen. That was another thing. He joined a band and was fighting and kill He was an abandoned Kellian party that so me and Kelly were like, rude and non parties and at that time, James, CCD David, like, partying a lot, you know, and me and Kelly were like, you know, getting this thing together. But I had a great time though, Dude, I gotta tell you, Cece, you know, thank God, he came out on the other side, and he's alive. And he's doing great. You know what I mean? And it's amazing how that whole thing was back in the day. You know, none

Chuck Shute:

of those songs ever got released. Or did you? Were you on the cover of that they did for son in law, the Hey, good looking or whatever?

Tommy Henriksen:

Yeah, I was. I was in that video. Let's make sure. We're all the hair and shit. No shirt on. And the Pauly Shore. That was one of the shoes. What happened was, we were working in studio. I think it was a&m or Henson. I am it was, and this guy was producing the record. He wanted to get a new singer. And I remember going why are we going to say Kelly Hansen's fucking great. Yeah. And I don't know who it was. Because I don't like like calling saying shit. Because it's like, so so long ago. It doesn't matter. Because Kelly Hanson one

Chuck Shute:

day, right? Corner. Yeah, that's pretty good gig.

Tommy Henriksen:

Boy did he win. But it was somebody said something stupid. I remember Steve, I guess he's a star. And I was like, Oh, are you crazy? I was like, we haven't even done a gig. I go, This guy's a star, trust me. And they wanted to get spike from the choir boys, you know? And they made that move. And then we're in the studio. Doing Hey, good look, and I just want to sit there going, just gone. Why? You know, and it wasn't my band. It was CC's band, the, you know, back in the day, you know, I would say something. And, you know, I'm not gonna CC's bank, you know, so you gotta respect him. It's his thing. And he's the leader. And, you know, I tried to tried my best to keep Kelly in. But, you know, I was out voted. You know what I mean? And at the end of the day, it was the best thing for him. Because, you know, like I said, he won.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah. Was there any music recorded that that still got released yet?

Tommy Henriksen:

We did a lot of songs we probably did. I'd say like 20 songs were recorded. And, and some of those songs was so punk rock and great that

Chuck Shute:

I don't know if you ever heard that song that CeCe did on the poison. And it was where he sang. And it was called, I hate every bone in your body, but mine. And that was a greatest title. And it was a great song. And I was like, I wanna hear more of that. I'm assuming that's kind of what needle Park was like.

Tommy Henriksen:

It was he had a lot of great titles, man. I remember sitting and going, Man, that's a good one. I don't even have any recordings of that stuff, unfortunately. But also remember, we did a lot of recordings, we were at Henson, we recorded a lot of stuff. We would just bang and stuff out, because we were getting ready to put the record out on Hollywood Records. That was that was the idea. He just got signed by Peter Paterno. It was a huge deal. And it was great, because it was like this buzz on it. And then it just fell apart.

Chuck Shute:

Was it from the drugs or because of grunge or like all those things all the

Tommy Henriksen:

time and grunge to at the point at the time? Yeah, probably a little, I think a little bit of everything. You know, and I remember when I got fired. I remember I got caught it was how he hugged me and he called me it was like, Tommy, you're fired. And I was like, Okay, that's all I remember saying, okay. That was it. Because I knew I knew, because I just knew it wasn't going to last. You know what I mean? It was one of those things. Like, oh, man, this is on fire right now. And you know, you hope for the best but you plan for the worst. And I was always like, this can end any day. It you know.

Chuck Shute:

So is that when you became a roadie for Alice Cooper, which of course you're later. Now you later join his van but you are roadie for him for a little bit too, right. I was

Tommy Henriksen:

I was a roadie. I was I was driving the van with Ryan, Roxy, Red Beach, Paul Taylor. I was driving a van getting that luggage tuning guitars. And I did that for a couple of weeks till I was fine. I was fine, too.

Chuck Shute:

So and then when did you audition for Joan Jett? What was that in this rally? That was?

Tommy Henriksen:

Yeah, that's what she was doing that movie light of day. And this guy, Paul O'Neill, who passed away who was such a wonderful guy, too. I love Paul. He worked for Libra and Krebs, who was part of that management team. And he called me up and he said, Tommy, I want you to go down to a district for Joan Jett. And I remember going down and I remember playing with and then I remember a manager Kenny, and he invited me back to the house. And then Kenny said, We want you but you got to cut all your hair off and like an idiot. Oh my god. Hey, cut my hair. So The next day I remember Paul O'Neill calling me up going, Tommy, why would you say that? I say, because I don't want to cut my hair. I mean, at the time, it was like going, you know, you just think about these things, Chuck. And it's like, you know, I didn't have any guidance. I didn't have nobody to teach me to stop it. I have no one to talk to you. No. And I remember Paul just going. Don't ever do that again. If you don't ever say no to nothing. And I really, really, I learned something from that one when he said that don't say no to anything. You know, because he said, he's like, maybe if you didn't say no one spot, maybe you could work that out of something. But he's like cutting your hair. He goes to set a fucking shaved your head on a spot for him. And I was like, Yeah, you're right. And

Chuck Shute:

isn't that like integrity, too? Because I mean, there is that thing, like, you want to chase your dream and you want to follow you know, what your dream is and get that big gig but at the same time, it's like, how much do you want? I mean, cutting your hair seems like a minor thing to me. But maybe at the time, that was a big thing for you.

Tommy Henriksen:

It was it was a big thing, man. It was like I felt like I felt like, No, I don't want to do that. You know?

Chuck Shute:

Because like, what if like Barry Manilow called and he's like, hey, I want you to join my band. It's like, well, Barry Manilow that's a big name, but it's like, that's not really what you're about.

Tommy Henriksen:

Yeah, you know, I mean, do you do that stuff? You know? Do I look back and I always say that everyone always says Do you have any regrets? Like people's I got no regrets. I got fucking a list of them. You kidding me? And be like, Yeah, I crossed that off the list. Uh, yeah, I cut my hair. You know? What, like I said, Man, you don't know this stuff. Because no one's teaching this. Nobody's telling you how to work with people. You know, you coming from? I'm coming from nothing. I'm coming from like, you know, the armpit of Long Island. You know what I mean? So I don't know that. I don't know how the business works. I don't know any of these things. I don't know how to play the stuff. I don't know how to react to these things. You know, I mean, it's all new to me, you know, didn't

Chuck Shute:

explain this part then? Because was this right after the CC Deville thing? And Alice Cooper roadie thing. Your low point when you ran into Jeff pilson are where it was like right before that, when you met Jeff and Jeff kind of took you under his wing right? After

Tommy Henriksen:

CeCe was doing a bunch of stuff. And that's when I was like, I never forget, I was like, I was sitting at the corner of Hollywood and sunset on high school and I was watching all the kids get out of high school. And I was like, Oh, wow, no one's got long hair anymore. And then never forget this. I remember driving to a barber shop and fucking put my hair in a ponytail. I said just cut it off with scissors. I want to save that. Cut it off. Gave me a fucking malt Mohawk. You know what I mean?

Chuck Shute:

Do you still have the ponytail?

Tommy Henriksen:

No. You know what? My dog ate it.


It looked like a rat tail.

Tommy Henriksen:

So, um, and at the time, I'll never forget it. I was like, You know what I was I just wanted to be like, punk rock music. I just want to go back. And I was pissed. And I was angry. And I was like, you know, I was like, fuck you. And I was like, Can I just Just let me put it in words and music and stuff like that? I didn't think I'd ever get a record deal. You know what I mean? And I did.

Chuck Shute:

But so what how did you run into Jeff at that point? Because you said like that was

Tommy Henriksen:

before a for CC. What was it after seat? No. Okay. So before CC I was in a band with Pilsen like I came out to LA in like 89. I went out there checked it out. And I went out there to audition for Ozzy Osborne and David Lee Roth, both on a Thursday and Saturday, the same week. So, first guy I went down to a district for was Ozzy was it was I forgot where it was Joe's Garage or something like that. I think it was called. And from being a warlock. I knew Zack. And we toured, what was it? We did some shows. So I went down and I knew the arrangements to because I'm a huge Bob Daisley freak, you know, and I'd always be like, if I'm going to play Bob Daisley I want to play Bob Daisley note for note, and not one guy that I can actually tell you that I've ever seen an Ozzy Osbourne who's ever played Bob Daisley note for note, none of none of those people have ever played Bob dazes stuff. The way Bob Daisy plays it, you know, and I went in and I played Bob Daisley the way Bob Daisy should be played. And I remember forget that coming up and going, Tom Oh, man. You killed it. And Randy Castillo was the drummer at the time. And I leave Zacks like it took you got the gig. And I was like, we got another guy we got to check out. So that guy had to be Mike Enos. And when I found out, you know, he liked his hair better than mine. And when I looked at Mike Inez, I looked at him I said, I like his head better than mine too. I understand why you got to watch. You know,

Chuck Shute:

that was a big thing that I found the hair and the look was a huge holy man.

Tommy Henriksen:

He had that whole shaky lead thing. He had that thing. You know what I mean that he didn't look like he was from Long Island. I look I got fucking just rolled out of fucking, you know, Babylon. You know what I mean? Like poor Jeff. But um, so what else happened was then and Ray Gillen, my buddy at the time. Miller got passed away. He was Badlands, he was driving me to do auditions. So then I get a call to go down and audition for David Lee Roth. So I tried to Pasadena Ray drives me to Pasadena I go to Rhodes house, and this is gonna be good. So I'm sitting there and I go down and I learned Yankee rose gigolo, a talk about love, Panama. I learned like five or six songs, plus I knew all songs from the club days, you know, so I get the songs. And I go down at Bissonnette playing drums, toggles playing keyboards, and Jason Becker's playing guitar. This is before he got sick. And was I remember, I walked down in his basement, bro, it's not nowhere to be found. But there's a camera mic on. So Bissonnette like, let's play a you know, Yankee rose. So I go, I can do that stuff, but I'm not really I can, I can get through it. But if you really want me to, I can learn it, but I got some of it. But I'm no big machine. You know, the machines fucking on another level. So we do that. Then we do gigolo we do another one. We do Panama and then broth comes up behind this room. And he's like, is there a what's going on? Man? He's doing the diamond Dave shit, Michael. What's up, Dave? He's like, Where you from brother. And I said, I'm from LA. Long as I Tommy from Long Island. What else? You know, my man. He's doing a whole thing. I can't really do Roth, but it was really really bring

Chuck Shute:

the strippers that I hear. He brings girls with him a lot of the time. No, it was just him. Okay,

Tommy Henriksen:

he just came out of the room. And he goes, I really dig in. He goes, Can you play a what he wanted me to play? I think it was like, I think it was like a talk about love or something like that. And can you sing? I was like, yeah, so I started singing. And I said, Dave, I've done all the stuff in the clubs. I've been a huge fan my whole life, you know? And he's like, this is great. You do great. He's like, Well, what we'll definitely call you. I really liked you. I leave. I think it was like, couple of days later Bissonnette call me up. He's like, they've liked I think it was Todd Jensen got the gig. He's like, he liked Todd, but I was like, Oh, cool. So it was cool. I had a good time, though. You know,

Chuck Shute:

that's amazing, though. Just to be considered for those two gigs, two of the biggest rock bases gigs, probably ever and you came down to the final two or three or whatever.

Tommy Henriksen:

I also played with Ronnie Do you don't even know that? No, no, I didn't know that. I played with Ronnie too. I went down, auditioned for Ronnie and I played with Ronnie I was on that lockup, the wolves record. We're working on that. And it just didn't work out. It was one of those things I loved Ronnie because same thing, wall lock, we're on tour with deal. I went down in addition, and Ronnie's like, great. And it just didn't work out. But it was cool. I got to hang out Ronnie too, and play with him with Vinnie. And it was great atmosphere on the drums. Amazing. I'm

Chuck Shute:

sure that's discouraging. But at the same time, does that make you feel like, okay, I'm close to something if I can get you know, these auditions, I'm good enough to be considered I can get some sort of gig in music or do something big.

Tommy Henriksen:

You know, I was looking at it this way. If you believe in yourself, and you work hard, you practice. You don't do drugs, you're not an asshole. You know what I mean? Sooner or later? You know, I would imagine someone's gonna look for a bass player. And I'd always be like, You know what, I want to be available. I want to know the songs I want to play in like, the right way. You know what I mean? I just don't want to go in and phone stuff in. You know, because I see a lot of bass players I sit back and go, you know, it's like, don't you want to learn this stuff? You know, it's you want to play it the way it was meant when it was recorded? That's what I always try and do. I always try and do my best. And if I can't do my best, I'll call someone up. I'll be like, Hey, man, what are they playing there? Because I don't think I'm playing it right. Like when I joined Alice Cooper, I called up this guy Brent. And I was like, he was in an Alice Cooper covered band. And I was like, Hey, how you guys playing this? I hired this guy to teach me how to play the songs, right? Because I didn't want to play the songs wrong. You know, it's different

Chuck Shute:

when it's your kind of more of a hired gun versus like your own solo stuff or like pray to losers or what your current project Crossbone school and that's totally different because then you get to grade it and do whatever you want.

Tommy Henriksen:

See what Scully, you know, it's like, I've been sitting you know, because rock and roll has always been in my DNA Chuck, you know, and it's like, I've done so many different types of music genres like punk rock. You like New Wave? Disco, I rap I've done it all, dude. And it's just like an accent to myself when we were putting this thing together when I'd be playing at soundcheck with Glenn. And when a lighting guy said to me, You should do this for real, and I was like, You know what? Maybe he's writing me try it me check. So I went home, I wrote a couple songs. And boom with the booms first song I wrote, and I put it down, I want, you know what, I'm going to make a record like this. So I just started working on songs like that, because I was like, Oh, my gut was telling me do this. Just this seems right right now. And this is in like, 2018 918 I think and, and I was on a road, and then didn't have time to put guitars on songs. So I called this guy Tommy up, Tommy demand. And I said, Hey, man, you want to play guitar? So I'm gonna stuff and then he started playing guitar on it. And he was like, who's singing this? And I was like, oh, it's me. It's like, really, he's like, I'd like to throw some riffs. And I was like, yeah, do whatever you want, man. So then we started working together. And then five songs turned into like, 1818 turned into 30. And then I was mixing the stuff out in LA. And Ross Hoffman really liked it, which I was shocked. And he hooked me up with Pete way. And that was cool. Pete played on a couple tracks. And then I took it back to Switzerland and that's when I was like going if Ross think there's something here I was like, Ross is a hard guy to please he brought a record company dude down to as Tommy knows my let me next time you feel send it to Mike. And I called Tommy I say, Hey, you want to send us to might be dead. And then Mike called out of the blue and said, Hey, I got this music here. And I think there's something here. And that's when I was like, what? Really? You actually think that something is like, yeah, like the full route. And then I tell everyone I do the podcast all the time. I cried like a fucking baby man, because I was like, going, Oh my God. I finally have reached the mecca of this thing that I've been trying to achieve, like musically, you know what I mean? Like writing songs production, trying to stuff right like, Lang trying everything sing like Mark Lang. Try and sound like, make my stuff sound like Def Leppard. AC DC, you know all these things. Motley Crue, you know what I mean? But all the mud stuff, and, and then all of a sudden, I just like, oh, wow, man, this is amazing. And then we just started working with mud. And it was just like one of these things where he wanted to keep going, you know?

Chuck Shute:

So what kind of input I know he, you didn't actually get to watch him work in the studio, because you were communicating via FaceTime. But I'd love to hear like, what is the difference between the demos and what might add it like what kind of input did he have? What kind of production did he add to it?

Tommy Henriksen:

It's unbelievable, Chuck. Well, I'll send him song, right. And he doesn't take the song. And like, rewrite or change, he takes it and all of a sudden he goes and he's putting what I'm thinking, this is a pre chorus after chorus part. This is all of a sudden, like, he always tells me he's like, don't listen to the demos anymore. And when and one thing I learned from him, the biggest thing is we never go backwards. We're always moving forward. We never go, Hey, man, it was better version 42 No, we're on version 72 And we're still moving forward. And what does he do? The things he does is it's like, I can't I can't it's like, all of a sudden it goes when you go. That's the sound. You know, it's like, there it is. There's that sound. There's the Leopardstown does the fucking AC DC sound. There's the Shanaya Twain sound. There's a sound over here to desperately ocean as Bryan Adams, like, Dude, it's like all those things. Ellison I suck. Oh my god, there it is. That's it over there. And it's like a puzzle. And when he sings, that that was the one thing when I got to him my background vocals which I'm sitting I was gonna walk through His Word, you know what I mean? I'm doing all those things like, unbreakable. And I'm trying to do my outline dude. So when I send them this stuff, he gets a kick out of it. What his vocals mixin I'm like, Oh, my God. That's the sound. You know

Chuck Shute:

those gang vocals? I love that's what it sounds like. It's a love it.

Tommy Henriksen:

It's It's amazing that I get to actually hear my voice in with that iconic sound waggle. That's what I and I saw up to stuff and I listen to it and I'm like, Oh my God. That's how he's doing it. Okay, it's the way he enunciate stuff. It's, it's just in the sound of his voice, his voice, like sticks out. Like you no matter how many voices you put on there, and you could try I embarrassed put my voice so you can hear His voice. It just has that sound that tone to it, man. It's that magical thing where I sit back and go, Oh my God. That's the sound, you know. And that's why when people say unbreakable sounds like Def Leppard, no shit. I mean, dude, this is not Trump's bounce. Yeah, I mean, I was sitting there going, when we were doing this, I was like, I want to Trump sound. That sounds like, pour some sugar on me, dude. You know what I mean? I want that sound. Like nobody wants that sound. Yeah, I'm like going, I want that sound. I want that vocal sound, you know, and I'm trying to do it. And when I send it to him, I already have it set up like that, you know, I mean, I'm sitting there trying to figure out the sounds and all that stuff. And he just takes it and then he makes it. Well, obviously you go. There it is. Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

And you had Phil Collen from Def Leppard play guitar on the boom when the boom,

Tommy Henriksen:

yeah, Phil, there was another thing, you know, like Phil came in. And I played with Phil at this rock. When we did distinct for Jeff Beck in Japan. It was like the classic rock awards. Japan, we were doing this award for Jeff, because he's the greatest guitar players I've lived. And me, Phil became friends and we jam to punch. And when the label said they wanted to do these features. At first, I was like, features. I was like, let me call up six. So I called Nikki. And I go, Nikki, what's up man with this feature stuff, man, he does. And Nick is always a great resource for me, because he's fucking smart. When it comes to the business and everything like that, like I didn't have that when I was a kid. Now, I can call it like, if I got questions. I call these guys up. Because I'll be like, What do you think Nikki? And Nikki like? Well, Tommy, listen, he's like doing the features. He goes, it's like having a ballad and ease. It's a good way to have people in an audience, like, widen your audience through social media, Spotify, with algorithms and all this other stuff. And I was like, okay, he's like, You should get people, you know, who have a lot big fan base. Like, I don't want to do that. As like, I want to get people who fucking I respect and admire. I was like guys who, like are my heroes? Like, you? I go, why don't you play bass on a track? And he started laughing. He goes, You want me to? I said, Yeah, I was like, why don't you play bass on one of my songs? I was like, You're the perfect guy to play based on your shit. I go. And you know what? People need to know how great of a bass player you are to go because I'm reading this shit online. And it's a bunch of bullshit that they say, like, Nick, you don't play but I don't know. Fuck him. I was like, I've watched the guy played bass. I've written songs six, and I'm sitting on that's a lie. You know what I mean? I signed on stage certain states, Washington for a whole tour. For a couple years. Washington played bass. So as I do play bass, so he did, and he fucking killed it. So then I was like, huh, alright, so we got Nicky to play bass. Great. He's playing bass on his so called high on you, which is common, which he did an amazing job. And I hear and I go, it sounds like, you know, something he did on like, looks to kill. I mean, it was just great. The tone everything. Like it's like rad. It looks to kill Dr. Feelgood. And then I said, guitar place I go. I want to feel calm. So one of my favorite top was called fill a cup filled sent in the track. I didn't say anything about mutt. He got it. He's like, I love it. I have for you Thursday. Done. I get it to fill. I sent it to me. It's like, this is great. We played I said, Phil, you said Phil, I was like Phil calm. He's like, did you tell him I'm working on it? I was like, Nope, didn't say anything. And because he doesn't like to, I don't like to talk about things, you know, because much very private. And I want to respect that always. And I said, he's like, Well, you can tell him. So I called Phil and I was like, Hey, by the way, that's my and then those guys connected, which was great. You know what I mean? So that's a man is amazed then all of a sudden, I'm on tour. And Joe Elliott, you know, he's playing my song on his radio show. I'm talking to Joe and this connect. It's amazing, dude, it's it's great.

Chuck Shute:

Well then talk about the band that you've assembled. Sam bam, I know him from faster pussycat, and he's in butter side. And Dorothy he's been on the show. great guitar player. And then you also got this other female guitar player Anna care who's only like 20. But you said it's like a 50 year old man, which is a compliment.

Tommy Henriksen:

Yeah, I'm sure putting this whole band together. I wanted to do the Ozzy Osbourne, Alice Cooper approach. I want to find unknown people. I want to find people who are out on Instagram or whatever. Because I'm always on Instagram, looking at like, musicians, whether it be females, guys, whatever. Fuck, you know, I'm always looking for great people. And I always said the most important one in the band is going to be the girl guitar player, the female guitar player who I want to use, you know what I mean? Or whatever she wants to call us up, but I was like, I need to find a chick. Fucking rocks. And I want to find someone who's got vibrato and class and not, you know, not about the sizzle. You know, it's about the steak, you know, and I kept on watching this kid, and it was a boy, it was like five girls that I found. And I kept on watching this one girl Anna. And I kept on going. When I was kids, really just kids got something man. And she was just, you could just see it a face like arise. You'd be like, Man, she seems like a great kid. And the way she would play, and she bended she wasn't like overdoing stuff, where she'd pose doing the stuff. She wasn't like, this kid's all about the music man. She's not trying to be famous, this kid. That's what I liked about her. And I was like, that's what draw me to so I sent her a message. And I was watching for about probably like, six months or so I sent her a message on Instagram. I said, Hey, man, I said, uh, I really liked the way you play. I'd really like to talk to you about a project that I've been working on. I was like, it's still early, but I want to see if you'd be interested in and then I FaceTimed her and I talked to her and parents. And I talked to the parents. I said, Listen, you kids fucking great. I was like, I got to talk to you, dad. Because you're not playing like a 90 year old kid, man. You play like, a guy like my age. I can't even play that good. You know what I mean? I was like, how old you she was like, a time. And I talked to a dad, Steve. And that's when I was like, he said, I point them in the right direction. And the parents are just wonderful people. And then I said, I was like, listen, just be show ready. I'm going to send you to record, learn all the songs note for note. Let me tell you something, Chuck, this kid knew every pot note for note. And that's what I want. As I want you in this band, man, I want you in this band. I was like an, and you're going to I want to cut you loose. You know what I mean? My band is not going to my band is going to be a band where everyone like Alice Cooper showcases everyone. You know what I mean? Yeah, camera time, everyone's gonna have their moments, you know what I mean? And this is gonna be a band. Even though I did all the stuff with other people. I can never I would say I never take the credit. It's a team effort all around, but my driving and fucking you know, it's like, the hours I spent doing this. Like, I can't even tell you the hours and years. But anyway, I want everyone to be part of this thing. So I knew that would be the most important important piece. And then I was like, okay, then I found this other kid known. Who know the guy, amazing guitar player from Detroit. Call him up. I hate him. So I said to him, I'm gonna call you guys might be like, a minutes notice where I need you to come out and do some Oh, we got a gig or whatever. So you need to know all this stuff. So I called them up as I go do a video. Like, like it was like, when we started do the video isn't one of those other things. When Anita was doing her video, she was doing a song called victorious, which I wrote. And she was doing it with Dorothy and she invited me down video shoot avataq Misko percent day for like two years, because I want to work with him. And he was doing the video. So that sparked the video idea for being with me. And also the next day. I was like, oh, man, we should do a video right now. I got like three days before I go back on tour, and I said to my manager, Scott, he goes crazy idea, but let's do it. So we set up the video. I called the kids up, flew them all out there Tuesday who I've known for years, who I've played with also before, and and I've met it to Glen trauma. And then Sam bam. You know, I needed a bass player. I called it wise but he was busy. And Sam's like I played bass. I was like, Sure. So he came down play bass. So I didn't know he was playing bass on okay. He's playing bass in the video for the boom with the bone. So and so I was like, okay, cool. So I didn't think anything of that. So then when next time came around and doing this, Noah was busy doing his project with design. I think I called up Sam. I was like, Dude, you got to play guitar on this. And he's like, I love to. So I sent him all the songs and I quote wise I go, Are you ready to play bass in this thing? A lot, man. So Chris is like, Man, I'm counting. So and that was it. And then it worked out. Well. Everyone showed up and we did three videos. And it's that right now. That's the lineup, man. It's great. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

well on Sam does the banjo and I'm Brett. I'm unbreakable as well whose idea was that?

Tommy Henriksen:

I was actually my idea was dude, when you hit the rest of the record, I got fiddles banjos like Lutz. It's crazy. Like this record. Since the thing I can't wait for people to hear Chuck. It's not like people, right? It sounds like hdc sounds like Def Leppard. Of course it does. You know, but also with me here and also sounds like Pink Floyd. It sounds like slayed it sound all these other elements are coming. That's why Can people hear because it's not It's not like we're doing an ACD dude, it's like, I take so many terms. Like I got stuff that sounds like the BG set up like, Are you kidding me? No, dude, I got a song. It's just like just for piano and a vocal that because putting this together like that's the cool thing about it was because it's like I want to record that is not fucking just going down. It's not It's like It's like everything that I love in music, you know

Chuck Shute:

like so you have one other guests you have besides Nikki six and Phil Cullen is there gonna be more special guests too?

Tommy Henriksen:

Yeah, there was right now I'm working on that. For like, I got this song. It's very slavish. I didn't know sound like SliTaz in studio with the keyboard player, Jamie Mahoba rec was another legend. And he's sitting there. This guy's a genius. And he knows every fucking song written. He's one of those guys like TechTown I'm like, Ah, shit. So we're in the studio, and he's playing. He's like, you know, the song sounds like slate and I was like, I had no idea. I was I didn't think you know, even I love Slade too. But like, obviously he's like, Yeah, you know, it's got the Slade vibe. And he plays angle. Oh, yeah. That's cool, man. And I was like, Yeah, it sounds like runaway. Great. Cool. So um, and so anyone with the banjo, I have this guy Jason roller that I know in Nashville who played guitar on the record to like bits and pieces here and there. Great musician. Like plays in I forgot what band he plays in. But incredible musician, play anything. So I said to him, I said, because when I did, I'm unbreakable. I remember writing it. And I'm fooling around with it. And I remember I was like, Well, I want to do something D minor. Yeah, I was thinking about, like, trying to do something like, and then the distance rock. I was thinking something like that, you know what I mean? Like savety. And they're all say, sorry, you know? And I was like, I can't do that. And all sudden it started turning into like Bon Jovi. So when people I love when people pick stuff out, you know what I mean? Because it's like, I'll be the first one to say, yeah, all of a sudden, it was like gone. Oh, yeah. Cool. It's got a little Bon Jovi thing going on. And then all of a sudden, I had the title. And I was like, sitting there going, you know, and I never forget, I was sitting there. And I was like, go


with it. No, no, no, I'm not saying no. Yay. I'm gonna tell you what I want. I'm not. Oh, and I was like, Oh, that's cool.

Tommy Henriksen:

You got to say tough on the worry. Yeah. I don't want. I'm unbreakable. Because it's all the shit we all been through, you know, that songs about power, self empowerment. That's what that song is about. Just like when I did victorious. I wrote that song. And I wrote that song about my mother's lyrics, you know. And so it's about empowering oneself. And then I called up mutt, and I said, I got this idea. I think it's good, but I ain't really got a course. You know, somebody's got the title. I got the lyrics. I was like, What do you think? And he says, send it off. Send it to him. I think it was like a couple days later. Get it back. Check it out. Do whatever you think. And I'm like, Oh, my Oh my God, and all sudden I hear I'm unstoppable. unshockable, irreplaceable, unforgettable sensational. Everything Is Everything, everything is possible and I heard that and went


oh my god.

Tommy Henriksen:

I knew that song. Like that song. That's a big song. Dude. I don't care right now. what anyone says this song is a self empowerment. It's a football song. It's a stadium song. Dude, this song should be played at the Superbowl. This song should be played at the New York Jets right now. I love it.

Chuck Shute:

I love this energy. This is great. I'm in I'm in I'll, I will definitely crank that in my car. When I'm trying to get pumped up for stuff. It's a great song.

Tommy Henriksen:

You know, it's it's empowerment. It's a power. The lyrics are so good. It's positive. And when I when I listen to that, and it picks me up man every time because it's like, you know, it's like no, man. We're all warriors. You know what I mean? We are all warriors in this game of life. You know?

Chuck Shute:

Yeah. And then so do you think you want it to you want to tour with a big band to get this out there like AC DC or guns and roses or the crew or somebody?

Tommy Henriksen:

That's exactly it, man. That's exactly the plan. You know, I'd be so lucky. have that, you know, because I want to go on tour with this and I want to go in front of the big audience. You know, that's the thing with this. I want to I want to play in front of the big boys. I really hope we get the opportunity. Like if Guns and Roses, AC DC Def Leppard, Motley Crue. You know what? I mean? If one of them say, Yeah, let's bring out Scully, you know, that you have a

Chuck Shute:

connection to guns, right? Because then you kind of work with duff and Matt on Hollywood Vampires. And forest

Tommy Henriksen:

forest is like one of my best friends do forest is really. And, you know, Duff played it on his radio show. You know, Duff really digs the record for this is the guy who hooked me up with my manager, like, when I was working for to sign his hellings record. I played stuff afford us and he looked at me went, you got to manage. I was like, no, he's like, I gotta God for you. Thanks to Richard Scott has been my manager for like, three years now. You know, because

Chuck Shute:

then you fire the other one, because he said you weren't interested enough in money. years

Tommy Henriksen:

ago. That's when that's like, early 2000s. I was a big manager when I was a producer, when I was working as production and producing stuff like that. He was managed, produces. And he told me, I need to learn how to love more. I need to learn how to love money. And I was like, fuck off. Well, yeah. So

Chuck Shute:

tell me about that time in your career, when you were producing. I couldn't find the songs. You did songs with Lady Gaga like that those that

Tommy Henriksen:

happened with that came out, I still have, I still have here. You know what I mean, that aren't released and stuff like that,

Chuck Shute:

because I wasn't really a fan of her when she did the pop stuff. But when I saw that movie, is that a star is born or whatever. And I was like, I didn't realize how talented she was, when it was everything was stripped all the production, the, you know, the the techno beats was taken off. And it was just her like a piano. I was like, wow, she's really talented.

Tommy Henriksen:

She's the real deal, man. She's the real deal. And, you know, I mean, it's one of those things. It's like, you know, I'm worth more than she was before she was anybody. You know, it was just like one of those things, write some songs together for another artists. Let's do these other things. And, you know, it was just one of those things like sometimes, you know, you click with people, sometimes you don't you know what I mean? One of those times. I mean, I clicked when I thought

Chuck Shute:

when you said she walked in and she was all dressed up. Did you kind of think you're gonna be a star like you knew

Tommy Henriksen:

right away? I was like, oh, fuck is this. You know, she had that thing. thing where you go? Yep, she's got it. You know?

Chuck Shute:

What about this one before you tour with Motley Crue and Alice Cooper. But you did production with Tommy Lee and methods of mayhem and you curl up in the car with a song drunk Uncle Pete, which is a really catchy song. What was it like working with Tommy Lee in that capacity where he's, you know, he's not just playing drums. He's like, it's his his project.

Tommy Henriksen:

Couldn't tell you. I couldn't tell you because I wasn't even in the studio. I just sent the track. I was working with his sister Athena, and James. And then he liked the track, sent it to him that he wanted me to write tracks for him. Then I sent him a bunch of tracks. And so I never actually physically hung out to talk to Tommy.

Chuck Shute:

Okay, but that song made the record. I was a good 10 Yep. Hmm. You work with Did you work with meatloaf, too?

Tommy Henriksen:

I worked with him wrote songs with him on his record with Rob Carvalho. And that was really sweet working with me. He was cool, man.

Chuck Shute:

Okay, because I just had Desmond Child on and he was he wrote in his book about how meatloaf was such a nightmare to work with. And it was just this big mess but maybe it's different circumstances.

Tommy Henriksen:

This was on record, I think was called like, hang on, teddy bear. Hang call Teddy. Something like that. Rob cavalo dude, he was amazing. He's the funniest guy. We're still laughing our balls off like writing songs. It was myself disguise sack Malloy. Justin Hawkins was in that session. I was in a session when he was in but I was with Zack Malloy this guy Dave. I forgot Dave's last thing big songwriter day for like he did all the Shinedown stuff. Dave Bassett, that was the name All right, Brian. Yeah, I did. I was. I've written some some great people, man, you know, been fortunate.

Chuck Shute:

So of all the people that you've worked with, or written with who is the most driven where you're like, wow, this guy is not stopping or girl. Me. Great answer. I love it. That's awesome to hear. Well, I had a question from a fan. Not a fan of me. I don't have any fan of you. Jackie wanted to know what is it like to finally have your dream come true. I'm kind of curious to that myself. Like I've never gotten there. So when you reach that level, and you've gotten your dream come true. You join Alice Cooper's band you've written with Mutt Lange, or you're, he's helping with the production and stuff, working with him and he likes your stuff. What does that feel like?

Tommy Henriksen:

That, to me is the ultimate that's the ultimate high for me right now. You know what I mean to get to that to get to that pinnacle peak, where you've been striving your whole life. I have to work with a guy like that. And it's, you know, it's never been about the money with me. And it's always been about the work about the music, about the message. And that's the dream for me. I'm living the dream right now getting to work with him. You know, it's unbelievable. I've taken this long, you know, and, and putting out music that I love. This is the dream for me. You know what I mean? Like, play what else Cooper? That's, that's, that's amazing for me play with the Hollywood. It's incredible. You know, but when you can do your own thing. That's, that's the thing. All of a sudden you go Yeah, man, you know. It's cool. Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

And tell me what you've learned from Alice Cooper like some something that maybe people don't obviously you learn you can watch him and learn how to be a frontman. But are there other things that might surprise people that kind of industry secrets from Alice Cooper that you learn that how to when you start your own project, how to make it take off.

Tommy Henriksen:

I learned for Alice, his lyric writing is incredible. Same thing with Johnny Depp, their lyrics, their lyric writing is like, the very quick. And I'm not quick when I it takes me a long time to write stuff. Because those guys are really quick and smart. And, but with Alice, I've learned, like, I learned how to let a lot of things go. Don't take things so seriously. Because Cooper's funny, he works hard. When he's in Show mode, Alice. He's in Alice, like this guy puts on the same show every night. I've never seen him ever go. I'm going to take it easy tonight. That guy is on 120 Every night, when we're playing, and we're playing 5656 nights a week, dude, we're not playing like, one two shows a week. This guy's an animal, you know, and this guy has to stop all day long. He's doing stuff, he doesn't stop to do nothing. He's always constantly moving. And that is the definitely that's the secret to Alice Cooper. He is always moving. You know.

Chuck Shute:

So when you have those nights where you're like, oh, friggin tired, or I'm not feeling it. Or you got some bad news. And you're just you're not in that mode. How do you flip the switch and turn it on and go, Okay, I gotta go into rock mode and play even though I don't feel like it. You

Tommy Henriksen:

do it. It's just it's just automatic. You know what I mean? Just get up there. And as soon as I see coop, I'm like, oh, no, we got to you know, and then you see the fans, man. You know, you don't want to let them down. You want to you want to walk away going? Wow, man. What a great time. I got fucking I had a good time watching, you know, the whole band. Because when you see an Alice Cooper show, it's just like, you don't know what to watch? Because there's so much stuff going. Yeah, it's like, Oh my God. It's like, it's like everyone is everyone is their own star in itself. You know, it's unbelievable. How many moving parts are on stage? You know?

Chuck Shute:

Right now it's an all star band for sure. It's great.

Tommy Henriksen:

It's fun to you know, yeah, but a lot of shit from coop man. Performance. Like, show he never canceled any shows. He's always on top of things. He never disappoints fans. He's always gracious to everyone. You know, he talks to everyone. You see him out in a mall. He's very approachable. Same thing with Johnny Depp. You see, Matt is very approachable. If you ever do see him out, you know, and very gracious, man. Very generous. very gracious. Never weird.

Chuck Shute:

He seems I'm so fascinated. You have obviously a different insight industry track friendship with him. But like all the people that saw that trial and stuff and all the craziness that went on, I mean, you must have a different perspective. Because you know him, like you. I mean, you I don't know if you can even talk about that. But you have an opinion on that. And like how the media portray that whole thing. Because you know him better than anybody.

Tommy Henriksen:

That guy's nothing like that. That guy's fucking curious guy in the world. That's all I gotta say. You know, it was one of those moments. I was like, oh, you know what? He's a smart guy ID. And you know, and he is a fucking he's still the most lovable and generous guy ever. So all that stuff was like on App people can find out for themselves. And they did. You know, they did. And he's, I got to say, he's like, one of my best friends. That guy and I would do anything for that guy just like you do something. Like, I call him up the other day. I said, Yo, J what's happening, man, you know, he's like, Hey, Brother, what's going down? And I was like, so he's telling me about the movie all the stuff. And I said, Hey, do me salad man. He's like, why anything? I was like, can you go and crossbones scaly man, like, maybe post video on like your story. You got like 30 million people. No problem. Where's it out today, Johnny Depp story follow also lets you know, and I don't call him up to ask him to do stuff like that. But he loves his record. You know, he said to me said, Brother, this is your Brando moment. And I was like, Wow. That's pretty cool because like Brando moment when he got to work with his idol, Marlon Brando, I got to work with mine. Like, he met. He's like, this is your Brando moment. And he and he's helped me out with this record. He's helped me out with lyrics. He's helped me out with like, ideas where he'd be like, I should do that. Like, just on the left that pie tour. I wrote like three songs Crossbone scaly songs with him on the plane. Alice Cooper, same thing I wrote like to coop is

Chuck Shute:

Johnny gonna be on a song and crossbones, goalie to then play on next

Tommy Henriksen:

probably the next record, you know, I mean, because he's just too busy right now. But, I mean, like, that's why I wrote these two songs. But actually three songs I do with him too. I do have a coop. So I plan on getting Joe to, you know, I mean, hopefully Joe's up for doing it, too. I

Chuck Shute:

want Joe on it, too. You know, Perry from Aerosmith and Hollywood Vampires. Yeah, yeah.

Tommy Henriksen:

I want to get you on until I got to see how he's doing. So he feels we're not going to do it on this record. I don't know. I'd love to.

Chuck Shute:

That's amazing. Well, and on the song is out, I'm on breakables out now. And what I love about this, too, is that proceeds from the limited edition seven inch vinyl are going to be donated to the charity MusiCares, which I've promoted several times on the show. They offer preventative emergency and recovery programs for musicians and music industry workers in times of need, which is amazing.

Tommy Henriksen:

Yes, and I've seen them in action, you know what I mean? Take care of musicians, friends of mines. And in the way they did it. So when we were doing a solo put this whole thing together. It was like, you know, let's, let's donate the proceeds. Let's do it. Give it to music cares, man, you know, and I thought that was a great, you know, thing to do. Because I want people know that you listen, I'm not out here trying to hustle people trying to bring people together. You know what I mean? I want people who enjoy this and be like, Wow, man, this guy's doing the right thing. You know, he's trying to, he's trying to do the right thing. And that's, that's what I'm trying to do. So it's like to give and donate. That's, that's winning to me, you know?

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, I fucking love it. Well, awesome. Anything else you want to promote? When does this full album come out for Crossbones going,

Tommy Henriksen:

it's gonna come out next year, some point next year, we still have three more singles to put out that we're putting out right now that are all coming out. Like in the new year where they're all like six weeks, six weeks, six weeks where they got this whole plan. Then we dropped a whole record. I gotta tell you know, there's some songs on this record. Do chuck that when you hear the song The senator. That's like, I love the fact that you know, I was talking to the other truck on Livewire. And he was like, he said to me, he's like, dude, to open up your record, with like, a seven minute long song and an intro. He goes, You had me. I was like, you know, because I want to do like a cool intro to a record, you know, because I don't listen to records like that whole idea. You know, when I listened to David Bowie, Diamond Dogs, and Future Legend. I was like, Oh, my God, and in the dust the cops leave riding on sitting Hill. And, you know, and and demonize them. I was like, Oh, my God. And then when I heard Motley Crue in the beginning, I was like going, that's where Nikki probably got it from. And I was like, let me try and put both of them together. And I wanted to do that. And that's how I came up with that intro, but there's so many cool turns on this record where Scully started his senior year. He's in the middle of the record where he talks and then at the end, is song called misfits of the universe with Scully actually is the singer on


which, in my

Tommy Henriksen:

humble opinion, is mutt Lange's greatest vocal arrangement performance? On a record?

Chuck Shute:

Wow. Well, I can't wait. You'll have to come back on the show. When the fourth album comes out. We can promote that even more than Yeah.

Tommy Henriksen:

So I'm done. I gotta do a DECA show next Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

a DECA is gotta do a deal. He got a lot more subscribers than me. So it's a better audience for sure.


It's like,

Tommy Henriksen:

you know, I'll get to Stefan No. Stefan for years. You know what I mean? Yeah, show I'm gonna do it. Just like I just haven't. You know, the right company has been winning when you name it was like, oh, yeah, I noticed that guy's name. I know that guy is.

Chuck Shute:

Cool. Well, thanks so much, Tommy. And yeah, come back soon. Thanks, Chuck. You cool brother. All right. See the Tommy? No, it's it lived prosper. Long, live long and prosper. Yep, exactly. The

Tommy Henriksen:

tickets are gone.

Chuck Shute:

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