Chuck Shute Podcast

Jeff Keith (singer of Tesla)

Jeff Keith Season 4 Episode 263

Jeff Keith is a singer, songwriter and the front man for the rock band Tesla. The band has made some of the greatest hard rock music of all time including “Love Song” & their cover “Signs”. They have a new single “Time to Rock!” out in August and shows lined up. We discuss all this plus the “Modern Day Cowboy” music video, the inspiration behind “Song & Emotion”, touring with David Lee Roth and more! 

00:00 - Intro
00:40 - Welcome Jeff
01:26 - Time to Rock! 
05:05 - Future Album & Singles 
07:19 - Just Being Ourselves 
08:25 - Modern Day Cowboy Video Shoot
10:50 - Stadium Tour 
12:15 - Headlining Tour 
13:47 - Set List 
15:48 - Song & Emotion and Steve Clark 
19:42 - David Lee Roth 
20:36 - Bucket List Tour? 
22:01 - Musical Inspiration & Influences 
27:48 - Social Media & New Music 
30:42 - Phil Collen & Shock 
33:17 - Meal Delivery Charity 
34:20 - See Tesla on Tour 
35:12 - Outro 

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Chuck Shute:

Stay right there because Jeff Keith of Tesla is coming right up. And he's here to talk about the new Tesla single time to rock and the eventual eventual upcoming new album, whatever that may be. We don't know. tour dates, live shows that are planned. Plus some old shit like modern day cowboy video shoot, touring with David Lee Roth. What inspired the powerful tunes song and emotion and much much more stay right there

Jeff Keith:

big good Chuck.

Chuck Shute:

Yes, this is him. Hi. How's it going?

Jeff Keith:

Going? Great. How about yourself, buddy?

Chuck Shute:

Great, man. I love the energy. I thought I was gonna have to bring the energy but you're bringing it for me. I love it.

Jeff Keith:

Oh, all right. Well, hey, man, we both can interrupt. Yeah. Sorry. I sorry. I had to push it back an hour, but I just had a family emergency happen.

Chuck Shute:

So Oh, Was everything okay? I mean, we could still do it today.

Jeff Keith:

Everything's fine. It's day, we always got to be at all times be ready to renegotiate and re navigate like, Right?

Chuck Shute:

Absolutely. Absolutely. That's for sure. I'm sure you know all about that. doing concerts and tours and making albums. And, sure. So the new song, time to rock. I love this. I mean, you know, you're not creating a new genre. You're just doing a nice, great old fashioned hard rock song. I love it. So I've heard it. But the song is not gonna be released until August, but you're playing it live. Right?

Jeff Keith:

We are. We've been playing live since June 11 When we played our Home Show, here in Sacramento, and so we played it live and we just had just kept it in the set. You know, because it's like this all justice don't we try to we don't try we like to have that raw my feel. And the story is totally just got that raw live feel. And so we've only played it live and but but I know a video and a seamless command, I think August 6, but love it. It's you know that that kind of song that we just, you know, everything we might have going on when you go to a concert, you want to just kind of let your hair down and the song is exactly about that just like kind of not let things go. But just jot them down and still hold them in your hands type and just let things go and let your hair down for four and a half minutes time to rock.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, no, it's fun. It's such a well crafted, well written song to how did you write the song is? Is it a whole band collaboration? Are you and Frank?

Jeff Keith:

Well, actually Frankie Frank lives up on the other side of Folsom Lake for me I live off of interstate 80 and the Roseville are in Granite Bay. And then on the other side of Folsom Lake, about a 20 minute drive to 25 if there's heavy traffic, and I drive up on highway 50 to Frank's house in Cameron Park. And that's we get together and put ideas together and he'll, you know, have a riff and then we pick the ribs. And then we'll say hey, go here with it. Let's go there. Then I go home. And usually it's on Thursdays and then I go back up next Thursday, we'll kind of take it here. And then once we got were things we felt like things weren't and I take it home for the week and I go okay. Drink it come up with this. How about something like kind of rock and roll? Okay, let me take that idea. And I went home for that week. And put this the words together and go to Frey laid it down as a demo. And me and Frank together and we go to SNA. And he's gonna have this partner here. And let me he says, hey, you know, maybe add this in there. And once you got there and next, you know, we created this demo. And turns out then with, you know, technology with Dropbox is you can send it to each member of the band. They put their parts down. Dave actually lives in Oakland. So he come came up and see brown. It was you lives here right here in Sacramento. It was it's a band collaboration, but it starts out with, you know, in this case, with me and Frank, getting together and just hanging out and then put something together and taking it here, take it there and we take it around the block a few times. And next, you know, we've got what is going to be the single. My vocal was just a one day demo. I plan to rethink it and everything but right says hey, I think it's great just the way it is. And I went hey, I love life because Steve for me. When we write a song I I'm looking at as if we play it live, that's what I'm thinking. That's my favorite thing to do is play music. Live. I love the studio. I love records and write songs. But it's playing it live.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, is there but is there gonna be more? Is it just a single? Or is there gonna be a full album?

Jeff Keith:

Okay, well right now that we have talked about putting maybe another album together within the next year or two, but right now, the way things are with these when they call them smartphones, and


yeah, it's thanks. You see,

Jeff Keith:

I don't go on there yet. So I don't know all the typical names and titles for things. But evidently, you can. You can put selling out as a single so kind of like, goes back to the days where the guys were explaining me, it's like how artists used to come out with a 45 record with a B side. And that's how they used to release as not everything. And then, of course, it gets to maybe the 50s 60s and 70s and start coming into the album. idea, but see, I get it all wrong. So probably getting things wrong. But long story short, is, it's coming back to where now, with the internet, you can download a song as a single. So right now we're just doing, we did coal Blue Steel. Yeah. Now we're doing time to rock and sure we'd love to make a record but right now. We're just, we're just very fortunate to be able to do these singles so far.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, well, I'm loving the singles. Like I said, it's a great song. I feel like pretty much everything you guys have put out has been good. What so keep doing it. Because I know some bands stop making new music because they don't have to. But if you're I think if you're good at it, why wouldn't you continue to do I know it's probably not profitable. But the fans I mean, as a fan, I love it.

Jeff Keith:

Well, thank you checking, you know, what is the band we love it. We're not trying to win a popularity contest. Never we're never will. And we love to write music. Now. Like you said, Some bands can go well, we can just go out and for the rest of time and just play off of our, our catalogue. And we prefer to write songs. We just love to write songs. And we don't try to be anybody but we're not even trying to beat ourselves. We're just being ourselves. And, you know, so we're not trying to go with what's the new blend. What's you know, when grunge came in, was like, oh boy, some people tried to write grunge and it's like it's not your cup of tea, or a cup of tea. We always stick to our roots. Yes. And just wrote what people might consider a VCR man because we came from the 80s we still got our hair and we don't try to be something that we're not Yeah, and you know, like you said, nevermind profits but it's really just always stuck to our roots and our fans. They love us. We feel great ourselves about it because we stick to our roots we're just who we are. That's just who we are.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, well you say 80s hair band but I think one thing that sets you guys apart is I don't remember you guys ever putting on the makeup and the spandex is much more just like jeans and T shirts kind of guys from what I remember.

Jeff Keith:

Right well now now that you watch the first thing we ever release is modern day cowboy. Yeah, now we had somebody putting knock when at and all that stuff and a little non eyeshadow but we call eyeliner a little bit stuff inside. And you do I remember doing that video down a long beach at this whole theater. I remember for this poor girl she took probably 30 minutes you want to make up for the video so your skin don't shine all this stuff and then doing my hair all up and I got off the chair get out of the chair and I look in the mirror and I go oh no, I can't have this. I start patting it. And she goes No What are you doing? So it took her another 15 minutes to spice it back up. So if you watch monitor Nick down boy that's the one where you know where I can honestly say I know there that we let them put hairspray and all that stuff in our hair after that. You know forgetting better and little Suzy and then from then on so just Marnie, cowboy. Yes. We were just young, fresh new at it. They got a little eyeliner on us and the hairspray. But after that we went we don't need that. We'll just be and you know, maybe you play around with handprints on pants and things silly little things like that. Where a favorite shirts and pants and cowboy boot tonight stuff but we never focused on that you know, because a lot back then. Let's face it. It's you know, dude looks like a lady You got motley crew, which is great. My admire very much you got boys and bands like that where it was what they call it glam? grand mal. Yeah, glam metal. So we didn't focus on that we just wanted to write songs from the heart because our management at the time, you're, you know, Q prime, they told us listen, just write from the heart, because you may never sell one record, but, and there may only be three or four people in the audience. But if you write from the heart, you're playing songs from the heart, and that might be all you ever have. So that least you can be on stage, playing songs, sing from the heart. And we stuck with that theory. And we're still sticking to that theory. And it worked out for us.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, I fucking love it. Well, you mentioned Motley and poison. I mean, obviously, they're on tour right now with Def Leppard, the stadium tour. Now, were you guys ever considered to be on as part of that bill? Because you've toured with all three bands, and nothing against Joan Jett? I know you've toured with her too. But I think you guys could have opened the show or maybe even closed it. I mean, that would have been a good fit. Was there ever any consideration?

Jeff Keith:

You know what, now I'm just the guy to hand the microphone to so I don't know if there ever was a consideration. I know we're not on it. But we're fine with that, because they got a nice package. But from then, like I said, I don't know enough. I mean, that when I say I'm just a guy, they handle my phone, too. Or I take a pen and paper and write some words and and sing them out. But we're, we're loving just being back out there. And doing what we love to do most and people are loving it. And to be honest with you, when we do our headlining set, we get to do an hour and a half. So we're just finding happy with doing our own headline sets for an hour and a half. Because when you get on an opening for set like that, sometimes they might give you what, 40 minutes 4550 an hour at the most. Yeah, so not that we wouldn't have loved to do it. I want to make that very clear. Yeah, I know. We weren't asked and hey, we're fine with doing our own intimate, headlining set of an hour and a half.

Chuck Shute:

Okay, well, yeah, so I looked on the website, it looks like you do have some shows lined up in the US. But right now the dates end in September, and I don't see anywhere near me. I'm in Arizona. I don't see like Vegas or Phoenix, or are you going to add more dates?

Jeff Keith:

You know what? I don't I'm not sure about that. Now we have the very best booking agents. Adam cornfields. And I don't know usually things are set up at least three months ahead of time. So your could be more? I can't tell you. Or that could be it, but I am not not quite sure. Check. I can't tell you like I can honestly respond to that because I don't know.

Chuck Shute:

Because I know that Monsters of Rock cruise. You're headlining. Now. That's 2023 So there's a there's a gap in there I guess you could maybe maybe just have a break then I don't know.

Jeff Keith:

Well I know and regs are tough and we haven't year and a half and COVID Yeah. Oh my God. And that was around the whole world. Now when I understand usually we do the Monsters of Rock when we do it. It's usually like in February or March and I overheard that I think this one might be in April or May I'm not sure. But I'm hoping that they're going to book some shows before the Monsters of Rock but once again I'm guest the guy the hand and my

Chuck Shute:

well yeah, so you can tell me about at least the setlist because I love this I heard you guys talking about how you're mixing it up and you're adding in different songs for every show it's not the same 1520 songs for every concert if you go to see you in a different city it could be different setlist

Jeff Keith:

that's right well yes. And we'd like to change it up sometimes what we call this call a rabbit out of the hat play this song that you know that the diehard fans would like to hear but at the same time we have to play the staple songs you know you know Marty cowboy Love Song signs we got to play the staple songs because we try to mix it up and throw things you know like pull a rabbit out of that sort of thing but we have there's certain songs that are like staple on every setlist you've got to have the song because there are people that you're playing for that might say I haven't seen you since the 80s or you know in 91 or you never know so you always making a setlist can be one of the most difficult things because you know, we have quite a few records so to try Then you got to have the staple songs there. And then you Okay, now What song do we play with? So it can be. We used to kind of go around around with it, but now we're getting better with it. Frank's usually pretty good at it. And then Brian, we beat up these. And we're all right. We're going on, we got to have the staple songs in there. Because, you know, when, like, Franco follow the internet, people go, Hey, maybe to play that song? Well, it's like, well, we have to play to the super fans that go to multiple shows. But we also have to play to the people that haven't seen us since the late at Chyna.

Chuck Shute:

Absolutely. No, I love it. I think

Jeff Keith:

one of the things can be tough.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, one of the first songs that I ever heard from you guys, because I started getting the rock around 91 was the song song and emotion. And I heard you do it on MTV live. And I was just blown away. And I don't always love that song. I just read listened to read before the interview, and I'm still getting chills. So and then I didn't know that the song was written about Steve Clark and his death. Did you write that right away after that happened? Or did you like reflect back because it feels so raw, it feels like you sat down and wrote that immediately after getting that news.

Jeff Keith:

Okay, well, here's when we almost put that song in a set that was getting ready to get put in a set here. Very soon. It almost witnessed that last week. But because that's one of those bands really just love and we love to now what we were doing is we were doing with psychotic sucker. We were doing it. We did the the basic patch, I think in Bearsville, where we did our first few records, and we were doing working in the studio in New York City. We all had an apartment there on 55th Street and 6/6 Avenue. At any rate, so every day, I would come in later, like at four o'clock was my time to come in. And taking the taxi ride from 55th Street and Sixth Avenue to the studio. As I was writing in the taxi cab, I would see these people playing like say their socks on or the guitar or whatever instrument they had. And they would have their case open to take in donations. I would see that and I would see some of them on the same route I take every day and I'd see some of these people in the same spot tonight. Oh, I see on them most every day, a lonely man and his guitar. And then the crushing news of Steve Steven Clark, oh my gosh. Because Def Leppard are there to this day are big brothers. They took us out on the hysteria tour. 14 months where just took us under their wing didn't restrain us from anything, just let us go anywhere we want in the round with a stage in the center of the arena. They just showed us how you treat you have been banned as part of the show. Because sometimes they lie you can only go up as loud you can can't go over here, you can't go there. They just let us go anywhere we wanted, made us part of the show. So that way, people walking into the end of the night was a great show. And so then the loss of Steve Clark, and so we're I was already vocally certain to go with the words. And then my gosh, and then it turned into you know that dedication to Steve Clark. And so the song just evolved into oh my gosh, you know, was really inspired by Steve Clark was such a great man and such a gosh, I can't express what Steve Clark meant to us. And so the song went from me seeing people on the corners too. And it turned into all about Steve Clark

Chuck Shute:

is a beautiful like, is it hard to sing that song though? Does it take you back to that moment where you're

Jeff Keith:

it's, it's all hard. It's all heart. And it's you know, that's why I like to sing. It's not think about it, just sing it. And we guys are playing it from the heart. We're seeing it from the heart. And it's an honor to play it. Yes, the card. Yeah. So it becomes more so of an honor.

Chuck Shute:

No, that's really cool. I

Jeff Keith:

love that. So. So yeah,

Chuck Shute:

yeah. So you said Def Leppard. That was one of the bands that took you out on tour. But what about David Lee Roth? So he takes out on tour? Yeah, so Brian told me stories like Dave was kind of putting on a show like you go backstage with the panties on the ground, and I heard you tell some story about how he went jogging in the snow.

Jeff Keith:

was the day I saw On, I can't get Tom jogging in the snow because Brian week he probably was jogging in the snow too because he's just you know, like this bicycle and is jogging. So I remember wearing rubber boots in the snow and being in like Saginaw when he does Mantovani go sign off, but I never saw him jogging in the snow but I wouldn't doubt it. That was our very first tour ever. Growing up in New Haven, Connecticut, yeah.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, that's that's that's got to be a lot you and then the Motley Crue tour. I mean, you've done you guys have done tours. Is there any band that you haven't heard that you want to?

Jeff Keith:

Wow. It's like when people go we're all have you been? I go it's easier to say where we haven't been right. bands have we not played with Led Zeppelin which can happen because John Bonham is not there. And so the Rolling Stones, big inspiration, we've never played with them. My first contract was Dan, the green number three, the Oakland Coliseum in 1978. Van Halen opened the show. The AC DC came out and were like me and my three friends are like, whoa, who is this? Love it? So Bob's got knocking me on my very biggest inspirations. And then pat Travers came out with a great present him and then foreigner came out. And then Aerosmith. That was in 1978. Somewhere in June or July 1978 down the green number three Oakland Coliseum. That was my first concert. I was 19 years old. Wow.

Chuck Shute:

Did you ever tour or you never do shows with Aerosmith or AC DC ever?

Jeff Keith:

Oh, yeah. Literally. Several several shows with them. Yes. Yeah. So yep.

Chuck Shute:

That's amazing. So those bands inspired you what else inspires you in terms of songwriting? Like, is there books or TV shows or movies or anything else that inspires you besides other music?

Jeff Keith:

I don't read books much. There's never a movie theater in the middle of town. There wasn't even a doctor or dentist in Georgetown in Northern California. I grew up in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. No movie theater, so I'm not much for going to movies. read many books, but it's those concerts. Oh my gosh, just when Bon Scott went, Okay, so Van Halen comes out. They got in 78 Running, running with the devil. It was great. It was a great showman. And all this and great artists. But when Bond Scott came out there in jeans and tennis shoes and no shirt, and just the way he worked at microphone and the way Malcolm just played that rhythm guitar and would come up and tape and step back. And then step up done. The I take every night I would say I take Bon Scott and knock me out on stage with me. Every night every stage I step on

Chuck Shute:

Wow. Have you ever written a song about them specifically though?

Jeff Keith:

Their let you know you can be inspired by 10s of people. Well, that song doesn't sound nothing like them. But you go but you're still inspired by we've met bands that are like these really heavy, hardcore bands. Oh my gosh, we're needing to go oh my gosh, you're such a big inspiration. And I go well, their music is much heavier than Tesla's or whatever. But still, they were inspired by it. So, you know, I was inspired. I was born in 58. So old school country Hank Williams honest. Merle Haggard George Jones all these you know went to Jackson and rock and roll oh my gosh, my first concert 78 in that lineup I just told you about it's like oh boy. So you have all these inspirations and I grew up in the 70s graduated high school in 76. In Oklahoma majoring in FFA want to add three good bro you nothing thought. I just grew up listening to all bands like Bad Company. ZZ Top when I talked about ZZ Top. I'm thinking of Trey's on brace I know most of their bigger hits were later on but she's got legs and you know Sharp Dressed Man and all that but for me you know LaGrange, oh my god. So many things like that. Like I said, Bad Company. I got dance like JoJo gun, blood rock. All these bands that people go Who is that? I go oh, We're all I know is that's who inspired me. So bands like that, that people will go I've never heard of I go, Well, I did hear of at least play there eight track dates. And that's a big inspiration for me a lot of bands like that. But I don't even know when these guys the other guys in the band can stay names, I don't know names of people, we were a check were list eight track tapes, the labels had bubbled up long ago, you don't even know what the cover look like, much less the people that were on it. Or who were playing in it. So, you know, you say like Paul Rogers and all know that. Oh, he's the singer. Because we play with him stuff with bad company, but I don't know, names of members of bands and stuff. And you know, and sometimes I'll played with people in the Oh, you just played with Sony themselves. So so when I go okay, when and what bands that I'm going to go like dodo and was like, oh, okay, Lucas. So, I'm a small town boy, we'll always be small town boy. And I don't know all these names. I don't know what they look like. But I sure know what their music felt like.

Chuck Shute:

Oh, yeah. No, that's, that's that makes sense, though. I mean, you're just you're kind of in it and you're in your own band and that and you're making your own music it you don't have time to I know, because a lot of musicians I talked to don't listen to other like new music or new bands today. Is that are you feeling the same way?

Jeff Keith:

I listened to some new music. I'm you know, I've got kids, so they play me. They play me stuff. And, and sometimes it can even be like, in just some wrapping of what's the thing of today, but I don't know who it is or what, they'll play it for me. But I I've had people that turned me on to a lot of music. And I go, Oh, I love this. Or oh, you know, it's like, she's Led Zeppelin. If you go out on a child's I go, Well, can you play the song for me? Oh, yeah. I love that song. You know? So that Led Zeppelin is a perfect example. I don't know the titles of the songs when people go, Oh, yeah, I'm the child's going to California on Black Dog and all this. And then when I hear it, I go, Oh, I want this song. I listened to it. I grew up on it. But I don't know him by name.

Chuck Shute:

Now, I think especially because there's so much music now. It's hard to remember the name of every title. And now do you still you don't listen to like digital music? Are you more still into records and CDs?

Jeff Keith:

Well, I just need to digital digital music. I mean, a lot of things are done digitally. We, when we did reel to reel that was to go back to the two inch tape. But I listen to digital stuff. We're in the digital world. So. But if you give me a digital name of a song, or I'll go idle. Yeah. Well, what about just the guy? They hand the microphone? Yeah. Well, you don't

Chuck Shute:

even have social media, from what I could tell. And so is that, did you ever have it and you got rid of it? Or you just never had a desire to have it?

Jeff Keith:

No. and years and years ago, I went on our Tesla, the ban. And I said thanks to maybe some people say in Chicago, Illinois, and somebody couple people in Iowa or something, I'm just using these I'm not saying this is exact, but they went well, that hurts my feelings. You didn't mention us. I'm like, Oh my gosh, that's the one time I went on a test of the band. And so then when MySpace came along, that's when people could get the domain names who some guy got Jeff T MySpace. I didn't know but I was told about it. Somebody was helping us run that kind of stuff at the time says, Hey, this guy's got your name. And fans are undergoing this doesn't sound like JK. So we had to go after the guy. Maybe threatened to sue him. I don't know the exact story that got we got the domain name of mine. Jeff keyed MySpace. Then that turned into Jeff T. Facebook is it called? And the fans all know I don't go on there. I don't even look at it. And they all are okay with that. They know that. I don't go on the internet but I know I'm on there.

Chuck Shute:

Gotcha. Okay, so somebody else runs the because obviously Tesla the band has social media. So someone else runs out you just the other guys

Jeff Keith:

do social media. Yeah, I just don't write okay. They fill me in on what I need to be filled in on. And you know, I'm the kind of guy if I'm not playing music, I'm ride my dirt bike or playing baseball. My son just picked them up from football practice. He's 11 youngest daughter, Courtney. She's 24. She'd graduated from Chico State she when I give her rides to school every morning. She would play music for me. And so I get turned on to this new step that gives you a student now my 11 year old son doing that job up by it. So I listen to new digital stuff and I have people that you know, and then, like when I'm with friends and we're playing stuff like saved from the 70s not Oh, I love this song. And all I never knew this song was, you know Creedence Clearwater Revival or I didn't know it was, you know, Robin Trower. And I love Robin Trower. So once again, I have people that are turning me on to all this music. But once again, I don't know any facts about it. I just know for a fact that it very much inspired me and I love the music. And I love the songs.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, for sure. Well, I know you got to get out of here. Just have one or two more questions. That's okay. The album shock that was the last full album that you guys did, and it was produced by Def Leppard Farrakhan. But now he helped co write some of the songs and he shared some of the ideas that he had learned from legendary producer Mutt Lange, what are those ideas that he taught you guys?

Jeff Keith:

Oh, he taught us a lot. And it was really fun to do. And we just followed his lead. And he co wrote, I think on every single song. The only one I wrote lyrics to was forever loving you. And then that I did my own, because I start with humming a melody. And then I fill in the blanks with words. So that was the only you know what was fun with Phil, because usually, with Tessa, we'll go in, we'll work on a song, get the basic track live, and then build on it from there. We've done all of our records usually like that. But with Phil, it was fun, because we're following his lead. And we would come in and say, sometimes I'd come in and I'd sing the verse on this song. And then, in the same day, jump over to the course on the song. Oh, that thing, the bridge on this song. And, you know, and so we would, we learned how to go from go from one song to another to another song all in one day. And usually test like I said, we would just go to one song, work on that too. We got it, what we felt in the in the bag, and then would go to the next song. So when Bill it was fun to come in, and you know, seeing the course of the song. Okay, now let's jump over and let's sing the verse on this song. Oh, let's work on this bridge on this song all in one day. So it was a great experience. Wonderful, Phil. Nice. Yeah, he's our big brother. And he really taught us a lot. We really enjoyed that.

Chuck Shute:

Well, that's really cool. Well, yeah, I hope there, I hope there's another full album because I'm loving all the new stuff that you've put out. So and I definitely look forward to hopefully seeing you guys live. If I got to take a road trip. I guess I'll have to do that

Jeff Keith:

day and let us know check in we'll roll out the red carpet for you. And you know what we vary our album oriented, so you will get another album out of out of it's just when we just talked about probably four or five months ago. And drink. I remember him saying that. Oh, maybe in the next year or two, we'll put out a record but right now, we can just kind of do this download single thing, you


know, cool. All right. Awesome. nonnamous Check and hopefully you'll love it.

Chuck Shute:

I will for sure. I always end each episode with a charity is there? Is there something a cause that's near and dear to your heart that you want to promote here besides obviously, Tesla and your music?

Jeff Keith:

Sure. I would I would love if you have anything in your areas where where they're helping people young and old. Like they sometimes they may have a shelter or something where people can go to get food, but there's some people that can't they have no way of getting there. So maybe I've heard of something where they sort of not Meals on Wheels, but where they can go into the woodwork to the people that have no way to get to where they're offering help. And then I don't know what charity that would be

Chuck Shute:

okay, that's not Meals on Wheels, get

Jeff Keith:

some some some charity where people can't get to where they're helping people. They have no means of transportation or way to get there. And they go to the people and bring them food.

Chuck Shute:

Okay, I'll look into that. And I'll put that in the notes along with Tesla's website and people can check for tour dates and listen to the world. The new song is not out yet, but it's coming soon, August. Time to rock Yes, time to rock. It's a great song. And all the rest of the catalog is available now. They can listen to it.

Jeff Keith:

That's great.

Chuck Shute:

Yes. All right. Well, thank you so much, Jeff. This has been a blast. You bet.

Jeff Keith:

Thank you check. I appreciate it. I look forward to seeing you then. Sorry if you have to travel somewhere but if you're going to travel come see us. Let us know

Chuck Shute:

okay, well do I just let Joe know or how do I can't get a hold of you and on social media

Jeff Keith:

God Oh, get a hold of Dean Robertson. Okay. Our tour manager in rehabs manager Ban also with Brian wait. So if you get a hold of God, God knows who to get a hold up. Are you to get, you know, into a couple of tickets and passes definitely so we can say hello, cool.

Chuck Shute:

Hey, I'd love it. That'd be great. Thanks so much. All


right. All right. You bet check. Thank you. Bye bye. All right,

Chuck Shute:

thank you again to Jeff for taking the time to do that. And, and also to his PR person, Jody for helping set that up. I know he doesn't do a lot of interviews. So I'm incredibly grateful. Make sure to support Tesla, download the new song Time to rock, you can stream it, buy some Tesla merch, go see the band on tour, follow them on social media, share their stuff, et cetera. If you enjoyed this interview, check out some of my other ones. I had Brian wheat of Teflon earlier. And I was really listening to that one earlier today. And it was it's actually a really good interview. So if you'd like Tesla, you might enjoy that one. tons of other great rock music episodes like a the band I'm wearing the shirt of Tortora great band, great rock band, blues rock if you'd like Tesla, you'll love them. Lots of other good stuff. Check it out. If you'd like to show subscribe to the show. Follow me on social media, share it with a friend or spam it to an enemy, whatever you want to do. Thank you for your support. Have a great rest of your day and shoot for the moon.

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