Chuck Shute Podcast

Jack Russell (Jack Russell's Great White, Russell-Guns)

February 14, 2024 Jack Russell Season 5 Episode 414
Jack Russell (Jack Russell's Great White, Russell-Guns)
Chuck Shute Podcast
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Chuck Shute Podcast
Jack Russell (Jack Russell's Great White, Russell-Guns)
Feb 14, 2024 Season 5 Episode 414
Jack Russell

Jack Russell is an American singer-songwriter and founding member of the hard rock band Great White. He now fronts his own version of the band called Jack Russell’s Great White. He also has a new album (Medusa) out now with L.A. Guns guitarist Tracii Guns under the moniker Russell-Guns. We discuss the new album, his Guns ‘n Roses connection, being offered to join Dokken, sobriety, Robbin Crosby trying to join Great White and more!

00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Sickness & Covid
01:45 - Tracii Guns & Axl Connection
04:25 - Last Contact with GnR Guys
06:30 - Partying Too Much & Health
07:45 - New Russell Guns Record
09:48 - Relationship Advice
10:55 - Naysayers to Jack's Success
13:10 - Media Placement & Recording Process
15:55 - Offer to Join Dokken
19:35 - Two Great Whites
20:35 - Robbin Crosby Joining Great White?
21:50 - Can't Get There From Here Album
24:00 - Sobriety, Steven Tyler, Emotions & Songwriting
27:50 - Biography Coming out Summer 2024
28:35 - Story of a Fan
32:50 - Future Plans for Jack Russell's Great White
33:50 - Outro

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Show Notes Transcript

Jack Russell is an American singer-songwriter and founding member of the hard rock band Great White. He now fronts his own version of the band called Jack Russell’s Great White. He also has a new album (Medusa) out now with L.A. Guns guitarist Tracii Guns under the moniker Russell-Guns. We discuss the new album, his Guns ‘n Roses connection, being offered to join Dokken, sobriety, Robbin Crosby trying to join Great White and more!

00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Sickness & Covid
01:45 - Tracii Guns & Axl Connection
04:25 - Last Contact with GnR Guys
06:30 - Partying Too Much & Health
07:45 - New Russell Guns Record
09:48 - Relationship Advice
10:55 - Naysayers to Jack's Success
13:10 - Media Placement & Recording Process
15:55 - Offer to Join Dokken
19:35 - Two Great Whites
20:35 - Robbin Crosby Joining Great White?
21:50 - Can't Get There From Here Album
24:00 - Sobriety, Steven Tyler, Emotions & Songwriting
27:50 - Biography Coming out Summer 2024
28:35 - Story of a Fan
32:50 - Future Plans for Jack Russell's Great White
33:50 - Outro

Jack Russell’s Great White website:

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Chuck Shute:

Hey Jack Hi. You made it how you feeling? All right, how are you? Good, good. So you just have some you were sick last couple weeks ago we had a scheduled or some sort of things okay now.

Jack Russell:

Yeah, I have a cold no big deal.

Chuck Shute:

I guess yeah forgot about cold regular cold you just you know you hear something

Jack Russell:

I'm gonna be the only is COVID That's like a COVID that COVID Four times four times. Four times. Yeah, but it's never been a big deal. Wow.

Chuck Shute:

Well. I mean, you're getting up there like the older you get the more risk there is right?

Jack Russell:

Yeah. And I remember I didn't feel that bad like, well, on tour Yeah, I felt really bad on tour one time I got it. And he canceled the show. That was the only time that I felt like really knocked down by it. You know, I've added three other times at home. And it wasn't that bad. You know, it was like mild.

Chuck Shute:

Did you go to Rogen treatment that celebrities get though or did you just find it natural?

Jack Russell:

I just got the regular old joke treatment. I mean, again, you're here to ask friends call me in the morning. Okay.

Chuck Shute:

Well, hey, I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. Six. We got a new record out Russell guns. Is it is it officially out yet? Or? Yeah, it is right. At this point? Yeah. Cuz I think before it wasn't so. But this was interesting. So if we go back in history, I don't know if you can remember this, but Axl Rose gave you a demo tape. And you told him the band sands duct and what his vocals were good. But Now wasn't that Tracy guns that was playing guitar on that demo?

Jack Russell:

I don't know. I could be Oh,

Chuck Shute:

so maybe Tracy has gotten better since then. Well, yeah, she's

Jack Russell:

great. I love his guitar playing. Yeah, just might not maybe he just didn't like the music. I can't remember what it was. I didn't like about a long time ago man Alec background and Dante Fox. You know, that was a long time ago, as first heard about eBay knowing my story. Yeah, no, I didn't I didn't know until one Christmas MEAC. So we're having breakfast together. Guns and Roses and great white use always have Christmas breakfast together. Because my manager helped both of us. So that was like our little thing. And then yeah, I wanted to ask, so one morning I said, Dude, why is it that it seems like he got like, you got a hard on from here, so I'm gonna get pissed off at me. Do you remember me? Do you? I go? No. Do we know each other from before? Something because what I'll tell you is one night she we were actually going to see you guys all the time Dante, Fox. And he goes, I went and saw you guys and you were down there. I gave you a demo tape to listen to. I said, Hey, man, what'd you think of this? And he talked to me you say? Yeah, man. I think he's saying it's great. But the van sucks. He goes, I hate you for that for all these years. And I go whoa, I'm so sorry, dude. He goes yeah, you're right. Oh, man a warning. He goes I appreciate the call on my voice. Because I've been mad at you all this time for all of us for that reason. I go wow, man. I'm sorry. You know, I had I know I'm differently I would uh, Nah, man, you know, he told us I go thank you appreciate it. Man. Don't don't have a mafia hit me.

Chuck Shute:

Well, I wonder if that was part of the reason that he then changed musicians because I think he scrapped a lot of those. The players that were in the band when he gave you that demo. If I if I'm looking at the dates, right, I could be off a little bit, but I think I'm pretty sure it's Tracy guns. And then he changed the slash. Maybe that was a reason.

Jack Russell:

Navy. I don't know. It'd be nice to think in my opinion. Was that read? I read it. Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah. Well, and you're you're friends with good friends with Steven Adler, too. And slash Oh, yeah.

Jack Russell:

Yeah, Adam is good friend. And yeah. Because

Chuck Shute:

then they suggest slash and Duff suggested that you guys cover the wasted Rock Ranger song. You still play it for special occasions?

Jack Russell:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's funny. Yeah. You've done your homework. Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

When was the last time that you've seen any of those guys?

Jack Russell:

Oh god Guns and Roses guys. To see I saw slash yet that metal show when I went down to do that with Eddie trunk it was a televised version. Yeah. I'm a CSI Duff the last time I saw him was at Sony Records. I was down there me with John Kalodner you down there floating around doing something that's the last time I saw him. He's a great now was. This was Jesus was like back in 99 Wow, what a long time ago, man. Yeah. Because I've seen the Duster.

Chuck Shute:

What about Steven Adler? Because like, I would think that maybe you guys might play the same shows?

Jack Russell:

Yeah, I saw him. We played a couple of shows together. Since since the old days. Yeah, he's great. What a great kid and play. He came out okay, from that I was pretty devastated man. You know, the stroke and whatnot. It was it was pretty. You might not have came out on that at all, you know? Yeah. Devastating. But he saw play. Is

Chuck Shute:

that hard now because you guys are getting a little older. It's like you got to try to stick to the sobriety thing is that hard though? When you see like a Steven Adler, it's probably you're like, Oh, I kind of want to have a beer with Steven Adler. Like, you know, it's like what you did back in the day? Yeah,

Jack Russell:

but then you look at him now. And you go do I really want to end up like that? You know, I mean, no offense to Stephen. But I mean, it's a good lesson learned there. You know, you never know what's gonna happen if you party too much. You know, I party my ass off for years. And you know, I had to get to a point where I was like, Okay, now it's time to shut the engine off. You know, me, I can coach the rest of the way.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, it's like, you get to the point where it's not even fun anymore, right? Because it's

Jack Russell:

because me union get high anymore. It's just like, I can drink. And I'm just chasing the dragon because I never feel like I used to feel. So what's the point? Yeah. Give us a minute to get me forward, Rick, as long as it's not fine. Are you right? Because it doesn't have the same effect as he used to. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

it's almost like a lot of like, even myself, in my 40s. I noticed. I'm like, okay, like, I started getting into more like supplements and things like trying like mushroom things and things that are like, the things that make you feel good. It's totally different. It still tastes terrible. Just like drinking a shot of vodka. Shot a wheat. tastes terrible, but it makes you feel better. Yeah,

Jack Russell:

exactly. Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

It's good stuff. But I was gonna ask you. So this new record. It's really cool. I've been listening to it. Like, I love the guitar work. Now. You guys didn't write any of the songs, right? You're just they gave you the material and then you put your stamp

Jack Russell:

on it? That's correct. Yeah, we just, he gave us the material. We just played it. Yeah. Yeah. So a few changes along the way. I mean, to fit our own, you know, thing, but I mean, the music was music and the melodies with melodies. You know, so I try to keep true as true as form as they wrote it mean, in respect for them, you know? And I think it came up really cool. I was really surprised. I mean, as long as we're there with the RNN, you know, it's a different style of music than I would normally do. But uh, it's still rock and it's still Poppy. You know? I'm happy with it. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

cuz I think like next in line. That's such a bluesy riff that could almost be like a Great White song. I mean, I think a piano on it. And I love the guitar work on that one especially.

Jack Russell:

Yeah, me too. Yeah, that one's

Chuck Shute:

and then but one of your favorites, you said was living a lie, which is more of a somber tone. Now, how do you draw on the emotion to sing a song like that? Because is it similar to like an actor? Like you're getting getting in character? Or are you just singing the notes and you're kind of detached from the song?

Jack Russell:

No, I try to get into, into character, so to speak. And as much as I can, I mean, basically, we've all suffered the same emotional ups and downs as being humans, you know, and we all know about heartbreak and about love and about, you know, all the goods and the bads of relationships. And that's mostly what the songs this record is about, you know, and so I just tried to take it from there, you know, with the lyrics or I just tried to live them, you know, as much as you can. Do you have any WhatsApp without the view your lyrics now? You try to live with as much as you can? Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

Do you have any advice for that? Life advice for relationships? I mean, it is Valentine's Day. I don't know like Jack Russell. You said relationships like like you've had some good ones and bad ones. What advice would you give to younger people in relationships?

Jack Russell:

Well, don't get married too early. And don't tie yourself down. You're too young. I mean, you think you're 2425 you're ready to get married. You're not. You're not leasehold off to your 30s. And then you might have no idea what you're doing. You think

Chuck Shute:

that's the same for men or and women? Or do you think that?

Jack Russell:

All? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I think so. I think people get married way to you. And so there's so many divorces. Yeah. And people people don't realize those much easier here. Yeah. So when things get hard is like, Okay, you later say, Well, I just gave you the ring yesterday. And I had the ring back at least. Yeah.

Chuck Shute:

That's That's good advice. My dad told me the same thing. That was like one of his biggest things like the biggest mistakes people make are getting married too young or dropping out of school too early. But now you dropped out of school. I mean, you you kind of knew from age, what was it like six that you were going to be a rock? Did you have a lot of people like saying telling you that you couldn't do that? Do you have any memorable stories of teacher or family member or friends and you can't move?

Jack Russell:

Absolutely, man, there was a bunch of people who told me I never make it. I remember one guy. She called me up, I still live with my parents. And we're getting ready to play play a form in Los Angeles. And it's like a bigger and it's like the biggest are and LA. Except for like the Staples Center and things like that. But this is the this was at one time. The biggest arena you could play out in LA. The form like 20 1000s here, you know, and we were playing there. I remember this guy had talked to in years. And he was one of those naysayers. And you should always evaluate never make a man use drugs. I mean, what is it you have? Delusions of grandeur? I'm like, Okay, I remember that. I remember you called me up like, the day before the show at my parents house. Hey, man. How you doing this tea? Hey, what's up he doing? I'm trying to talk to you, man. What's going on to say most of man just hanging out? Having talked to you years, ya know, man, what do you been up to? He's doing the rock and roll thing you know? Oh, yeah, I heard I heard you play in the plasma. Ron, are you again? I go. Yeah, I guess you heard you're playing tomorrow night at the forum. Really? Oh, wow. Guy. You did pull up and congratulations. Oh, you didn't? No. No, it's the first I heard of it. I go wow. Or shirt man. Well, I hope you can make it man. I gotta go. See you later.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, wow, that's gotta be vindicating them in. Yeah,

Jack Russell:

it was he was fishing for the free ticket.

Chuck Shute:

I was saying I was waiting for him. He didn't actually ask, but it sounds like he was definitely.

Jack Russell:

I just didn't give him the opportunity. Yeah. Wow. That's funny.

Chuck Shute:

So what do you have any plans for this latest record? Or I don't even know. It's probably not your department. But I'm assuming that maybe the management would try to get these songs placed in film, TV Video Games commercial, something like that. I

Jack Russell:

wish I would reason so am and they would do that. But you know, you never know. I mean, I've learned not to have x space expectation on people because generally they let you down. You know? We'll see what happens. I mean, you know, it's not a big deal to me. I mean, either way, man. I hope I hope the record turns out great. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

and you're already signed up for another one with him. But Trey Yeah. Would that be the same process where they provide the songs or do you think you'd actually be down and write a song with Tracy because I'd be curious to see what you to come up with songwriting wise.

Jack Russell:

Yeah, I like to actually that's a good point. I may bring it up with the label. Amalia Come with me. Tracy. Right.

Chuck Shute:

Because you've never actually sat in the same room. This was all

Jack Russell:

moving in. I haven't talked to Tricia years. Six, seven years and I've spoken to Tracy Yeah, now one while one record is now a while now you can do a record together. Nice to see each other. Yes be now pulls me away, man. I was like, I'm gonna do what I'm going to say where he's going to be where the record is going to be mixed. And Rick were like, Okay, you're singing in Denver. That's going to go to the studio in Los Angeles. While you're saying it's being recorded there. And Tracy is going to be wherever Tracy is going to be ICM La. Sing into a studio in Italy and they're going Take that and combine it all and put it together. And there you go. You got Russell Gonzo, it's a heck of a lot the hell. You know, I never if somebody would have told me 20 years ago, and this was gonna happen Li 20 years, 10 years. Our soul may go shoot, you're sure it's anything right?

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, that's crazy. And he's he does so many of these kinds of projects. I mean, the only it seems like the only way that you guys would ever do a live shows if you're if you had like your jack Russells, great white and he had la guns on the same bill, then maybe you guys just got together and use one of the backing bands and did a couple songs. Right?

Jack Russell:

Yeah. And probably the best way to go that

Chuck Shute:

that'd be fun. Do you think there would or do you think there'd be other projects that I mean, what other things can we dream up? Like, can we do like Jack Russell George Lynch, Jack's Jack Russell Warren Demartini. Jack rustling

Jack Russell:

in this painting. You know, it's funny back in the early darkened days, early, I'm talking like 1983 1984. This was actually 1980 82 or 83. I was living with Don. And in Redondo Beach. And we were managed by an Alan Niven. And we just started the band called great way, you know, we took the name, change it from Dante, Fox to Greek life. And always live with the eyes. I said, and I got a phone call and pick up the line who was George Lynch. And Mick Brown was on the other other line. And I he was up he was a guy. My way he wants to go, no, no, we want to talk to you. I'm like, Well, what? You will I will listen up or you say no. We want to get you to save for docking. On my what? I'm already in a band for one and number two Don's dock and his his band. We switched it, what do you say I understand. When we want to get rid of John and want you saying imagine with your voice and our Music Man, we could just ruin the world. I really appreciate the you know, the, the, the compliment, but I mean, I don't see how that's gonna happen. I mean, I'm in a band I love you know, and I believe in I started, you know, while ago with Mr. Candle. I mean, I would take more than you know, a compliment. And then you know, don't don't don't take me wrong. I mean, I think that would be a great combination. You guys are certainly fantastic players. And George, you are, you're amazing. And I imagine we found some great songs together. But I mean, you guys are already established. You're a great fan. And I could never do that my job my friend, Don. And I go, you know, I'm gonna have to tell him about this phone call. Vietnamese friend, you know, mean? Uncle, I'm living with the guy. You know that too. Right? And you go, yeah, I go well, okay. Hang on a second. Let me let me just get things off straight here. I say, you know, you I can't obviously can't do this. You know, I appreciate the compliment. But there's no way I could do it maybe another time. And so, you know, it was a, it was a weird thing. And I said, No, we all hung up. And we were still friends and everything was good. But I went to a doctor and he was like, why? Well, he's had let you know, grow. You know, I'm living here in your house. And you're asking me to call me asked me to sing for him. I thought you might want to know that one. That's


cool. I never knew

Jack Russell:

that. Yeah. That's crazy.

Chuck Shute:

So was he, I mean, he was obviously upset. But he also gotten over it because they stayed together. Oh,

Jack Russell:

yeah. He was.

Chuck Shute:

They must have. I mean, they would have had to change the name too, because the band was called Dawkins. So I mean, it

Jack Russell:

would have been weird to keep the same name. I mean, they could have because they own the name before.

Chuck Shute:

Right. I think there was a whole thing he was telling me about that when I had him on the show. They

Jack Russell:

own the name. Yeah. And he you had to give back from him. Yeah. Got it back.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, that's good. That's so crazy with the name things like because now there's two great there's your jack Russells great white and then there's the great white with Mark Kendall. Do you guys ever have like mix ups? Like do you ever get their mail or phone call? That was like for the other great white or like how does that work?

Jack Russell:

No. ASG is back there. No, we're not house.

Chuck Shute:

But they don't ever screw up like that. Oh, we thought we were booking the other great way. We Didn't mean to book you

Jack Russell:

know, that hasn't happened. I mean, fortunately, I mean, fans it has I mean, fans have come up and told me I want you to show it. You were there. I know on that's not in that band. I'm in Jack Russells Great White. Fair enough, you know, but that was a long time ago. You know, I mean, it doesn't really happen much anymore. You know, it still does, which is not that often. Yeah. So yeah, it's it is what it is, you know?

Chuck Shute:

Is that Is this a true story to that? Speaking of like the the lineup stuff like you guys were going to have you on or you offered Robin Crosby from rat to join Great White as a rhythm guitarist, but then like, he was too tall for the band.

Jack Russell:

He asked me and Mark to join the band. Back when we were Dante, Fox wasn't even great guy. Okay, this is Dante Fox. He goes, Hey, man, can I be in your band? I just love your band. I want to be your band. And which are you think about later ons or tickets? Because, you know, they did it better. They agree. Why did you know? I mean, record sales wise and vein wise. So you know, he wouldn't, he wouldn't have done it. Well, has he been in great way? You know, you never know what happened. You just don't know the size we would have came up with but you know, since it was basically me and Mark Right. And the songs you know, it would have probably been round and round the same type.

Chuck Shute:

isn't that big of a difference from rat to great. Why they didn't sell them anymore today?

Jack Russell:

Yeah, probably a couple million more. Okay,

Chuck Shute:

a couple million. Okay. Oh, you guys did pretty well, though. I think what's I think one of the most amazing things that you did was in the 90s you push through those kind of like a you know, I've heard you were called recall that it was a little bit of a dark depressing time. But the can't get there from here album. I saw underrated. I love that. And I was living in Seattle. Yeah. I was living in Seattle at the time. And in Seattle. They played Rolling Stone on the radio like several times. I thought that was pretty, pretty amazing feat for a bluesy, 80s rock band, you know, to come out and do that. How did you do that?

Jack Russell:

It wrote a song and people liked it. Pretty easy. Yeah. Yeah. Well. Yeah. Yeah. We I got us to deal with John. That was hard. I courted him for like, you know, two months. You know, we went out and had so many lunches together. He's, and you know, I kept bringing him song after song after song after batch of songs. And you know, finally, as Shaq Blaze Have you produce it? And I told John that and he goes, Wow, that's great. Let's do the deal. I go, Alright, so we went out and started recording you know, we a lot of writing done. And that song was just happened to be the single you know, it was a great song. Bruce, I wrote it about people I was in high school with, you know, where they were and where they're at now. And it just went over well, matter of fact, it was it was number six at rock radio. Which for that time, you know, a thing a rock radio is not a rock you know, I call Asia rock but that style of music

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, it was all a grunge then it was it was not if you play happy, fun rockin song like that. It was like it was rare.

Jack Russell:

Yeah, it was. Those weren't and vogue at the time, you know?

Chuck Shute:

Yeah. When so tired this. Explain this story to me like an August 2011. You'd have some sort of surgery or something and you when you woke up from surgery. That's when you found out the genie Lane had died. And Steven Tyler called you and He gave you some advice on getting sober. What was the advice that he gave you?

Jack Russell:

No, no, no, no, no, I got sober back in first I got sober Stephen Ellis in 1992. Oh, now before the right before the psycho CD album. And we were just getting very rarely recorded. And, you know, I was just got married again a number of months earlier and my ex had a three year old son. And I thought you know, I needed to get sober. I can't be you know, being a role model and you know, being a pseudo dad, and you know, be a total mess. You know, so I got sober and Steve Yeah, he was involved in that a lot. He is my like, you know, mentor, you know? I mean, for all intents and purposes, I mean, the guy is like, one of the most amazing talents there is, in my opinion. And, you know, he just helped me out a lot, you know, who call me or whatever, I call him a problem, and we just talk it out. And, you know, he was us. Great, great way to call us. And as far as the other thing now, there was no surgery here and didn't have a huge change in your lane.

Chuck Shute:

Maybe I just misheard that and yeah, I don't know. That's, that's Yeah, but that was that did affect you. The Janie Lane death or I mean, that was like, that was kind of a wake up call to you. Yeah.

Jack Russell:

Oh, gee, Lane. Hell, yeah. That was a big one, too. I mean, Jane was, you know, my dear friend, you know, when I have any, and that was like, Oh, my God, you know, that was horrible. It's horrible.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, I mean, he's so talented. I mean, do you think that that's part of why he was so talented, because of the way he felt emotions? And maybe that's why he fell into the drug thing so hard.

Jack Russell:

I can almost answer a question myself. I mean, I would say yes. Because we do it. musicians do feel, I think, because of that's just a part of our makeup. You know, you're writing songs, telling stories. You know, on here, if you're a real musician, real artists, you know, you're gonna, you're gonna write a song, and it's going to be truthful. And it's going to be coming from your heart and soul, you know, and the stuff you write about is going to be, you know what's the word I'm looking for here? We written about yourself, it's going to be written about yourself. autobiographical, write about graphical that was a word I was looking for. Thank you. And, you know, if you need this not, you're not really gonna get emotions in there, you're not really going to make people believe what you're selling. You know? And if they can't believe it, then what's the point? You know, why bother writing lyrics? Let somebody else do it? You know, you know, so I like when I write I write about my life, you know, or things that were I've been things I've done, people I've known, you know, things have been killing us need to know for your life. It was a strange if you look here, through your through your through your my lyrics. You see the change over the years, you know, what's going on in my head? It's a trip were taken.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, well, and then a lot of these stories. I mean, then talking about the IO Autobot biography, you're actually writing an official book, too. That's an autobiography. I think at one point, it was called between the devil and the deep blue sea, but maybe now it's going to be a different title. But that's coming out this summer. 2024. Yeah,

Jack Russell:

that's the target date. We were almost done. And it's not autobiographical. Just by biography. I'm working with a ghostwriter. Chips enough's wife. Yeah, Caitlin. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Chuck Shute:

Can you give us the teasers? Like a story that's never been told that's gonna be in that book?

Jack Russell:

Uh, you know. Yeah. Joanna, thank you. No. All right. I just I just heard this today as well. I'm gonna give it away because I didn't even have the story in the book. Until I heard the story today. And I remember it now. I'm going to go back and put it in the book. We were doing a show and 19 What was it 9090 9092 91 Was a World Series of rock. And it was with Whitesnake, Skid Row, us. Jianwei and Neil, Sean Bozak, bad English, and bunch of other bands, a bunch of other bands that forget, but anthrax and you know, yadda yadda yadda. And it was his big package, you know, and we play in places like Alpine Valley 40,000 And, you know, just huge, huge faces. And we were doing this one show in a place called normal Illinois, this huge, jumbo dome, the ginormous dome, and we were played there and they had the PA flown on Shane's coming down from the top of the dome. And somehow this chicken climbed up the catwalk on the side of the dome, and she was sitting on the shimmy down the motor change that held the PA up. And she was sitting on top of the cabinets. And all of a sudden I'm getting here with cigarettes. I'm looking around, it's throwing it on me, man. And I look up, and I see this chick up there swinging from the motor chains. I'm like, oh my god, what are you doing? So I told the correct go start watching her down man should stop to show you know. So we stopped the show. And we started lowering her down. And I was in the crosshairs going, John, John. John. I'm like, no, no job. No bad idea. Don't do that. Do not done. No, no, no jump. And sure enough, she's about 20 feet off the deck. And she just jumped and landed on one of our road crew broke his shoulder, broke her neck, and are here back it not the protective barrier and the stage paralyzer from the neck down. And she did this all because her parents wouldn't let her spend the night at her friend's house after the show. Wow. Costing. Weight trying to get even with your parents, you know, in a really ridiculous way. You know? I mean, that's like, you really mess yourself up. That's it. Your life is just you know, over. Really?

Chuck Shute:

Yeah. So you got to think of a better way to deal with your issues. Jeez, that's just terrible. What a terrible ending to that story.

Jack Russell:

That was not the end. That's not the end. There's more. Yeah, after that. I'm at the show's over. And this is where the story came from. Not that part of the story, but this part. I get. I'm doing an interview with this guy. And I walked backstage shirtless. And I have one of my nipple rings. You know, he's on and he has his microphone and he goes, where do I pin this? You're shirtless? I got out here. I pinned it on my nipple ring. And he started laughing. He thought that was a funny thing is there was nothing was too funny at that point, though. You know, I was like, God, did you just see that? I go. Are you kidding me? I almost got to hear but yeah, that was crazy. Crazy. Only and rock and roll man.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, well, God, you've had some crazy highs and crazy lows. What's that? Actually?

Jack Russell:

I'll tell you.

Chuck Shute:

Yeah. Well, I'm looking forward to the book. The trail. The Russell guns album is out now. And then I think I've also heard that there's a new jack Russells Great White record that's been worked on that's halfway through should be out in a few months. Maybe, man

Jack Russell:

even more than that, because we got a lot of other stuff we're doing but it'll be out. Okay. We're, I just want to make sure I'm making sure it's gonna be good. If the last one I think was just a brilliant record. It's just my opinion, or?

Chuck Shute:

Yeah, well, that's great. And you'll have some shows people can check the website. I'll put that in the show notes for tour dates. Yeah, yeah. After check. Come check out a show. I saw you. Not with Jack Russells but the regular great way back in Phoenix like 10 years ago or 15 years ago or something like that. So

Jack Russell:

you've been we've been playing together for that long, at least. Yeah,

Chuck Shute:

I must have been right at the end, then. Yeah, but it was good. Well, hopefully it Phoenix and thanks for doing this jack. I appreciate it. Great. So welcome.

Jack Russell:

Anytime. My pleasure. All right. Kick it again. That's after the record job.

Chuck Shute:

Sounds good. All right. Thanks so much. All right, David. Thank you for taking the time to listen to the full podcast episode. Please help support our guests by following them on social media and purchasing their products whether it be a book, album, film, or other thing, and if you have a few extra dollars, please consider donating it to their favorite charity. If you want to support the show, you can like share and comment on this episode on social media and YouTube. And if you want to go the extra mile you can give us a rating and review on Spotify, Apple podcasts or Google podcasts. Finally, make sure you're subscribed to the Show on YouTube for the video versions and other exclusive content. We appreciate your support. Have a great rest of your day. Shoot for the moon.